[img|left]http://www.v0ltage.net/upload/focuson_relo4d.png[/img]This morning I caught up with the newest addition to the idle.ee line-up: the Estonian gunslinger RELOAd. He was willing to take part in this interview albeit he hadn't slept for 28 hours. Since we both had time the interview was conducted and this is the result thereof:

Hi Reload, could you please introduce yourself?
Hello, my name is Hendrik and I'm 15. I'm currently playing for idle.ee.

What do you do apart from gaming?
I do my best to study maths and pass my exams soon.

Okay. What is your gaming history and how did you end up playing Enemy Territory?
Before ET I played Americas Army, DoD:S and CS. I ended up with Enemy Territory thanks to a classmate who said I should try this "really cool" game.

On what kind of servers did you play in the very beginning of your Enemy Territory 'career'? Shrubmod, ETmain, ETpro, ETpub or some other kind of servers?
As usually I started with ETmain publics playing some covert ops and then moving up to random Finnish ETPro servers. Real kind of "playing" started when i changed my name to RELOAd and played some Estonian gather games.

Oh. Which nickname did you use before 'RELOAd'?
Random fakenicks if I remember correctly... "Ping", "Aimbot.exe" (ego).

Hehe, what gear did you use at this point?
I started with a Logitech Optical Mouse without a mousepad, but after a week or two I got some tips at some forums and bought a decent mouse.

Have you renewed/changed a lot of your gear since then?
I bought a MX310, Sennheiser HD202 + stole a icemat 1st edition from smutzig.

Right. Moving on to the clan-aspects of your career: Which clan was your first clan?

What motivated you to join a clan in the first place?
The fun aspect of Enemy Territory (Teamplay etc.)

What other clans have you been playing in since then?
Other clans include KiH, Kujuneb and sFx.LAN.

Which clan did you enjoy playing for the most?
Hard one... I'd say I enjoyed every team I ever played with.

You have competed both with and against idle.ee. How have you experienced this? Did it make you nervous to compete against a team which you knew very well?
Well if I'd play against them, I definitely knew where to throw nades so it didn't make me nervous at all. Actually it's quite easy to play them because they don't warp (only Night sometimes).

How did it make you feel when you were asked to fill in for teKoa in the idle.ee line-up?
I felt that I had butterflies in my stomach of course. j/k, but still I was quite happy that I could play with the most skilled players in ET once again.

Okay. Did you feel that your debut match against the Netrunners went well?
Nothing special, just another offical to me.

What do you think about the competition among the top clans?
EuroCup teams are quite even in skill, so upcoming matches will be interesting to watch. Hopefully we will come out on top.

What are your achievements?
Gold #5 3on3 FunCup with Poland krein & Austria sick
Gold #3 3on3 FunCup with Germany urtier & Netherlands joop
Gold ESL IPS 2006 with Estonia idle.ee
Gold NationsCup VIII with Team Estonia
Gold Friday Frag Festival July winner of PYP3 BareBone PC and a Special M8D QPAD.
Gold Friday Frag Festival November winner of 1 month free gameserver hosting + M8D QPAD.
Silver Europe sFxGaming at CrossFire PrizeFight LAN 2006
Bronze Europe KiH at QuakeCon 2006
Bronze NationsCup IX with Team Estonia

What have been the highlights of your ET career?
My achievements are my highlights to be honest.

What is your strongest attribute when it comes to gaming?
I would say my aim and my revives!

What is your weakest attribute?
Sorry, this information is top secret.

Hehe. How do you prefer to play: defensive or offensive?
It depends on the situation.

Right. Now I will bid you write the first thing that comes to mind when I write the following:

Harry Potter




Hard one... RELOAd? :D

QuakeCON?????!?! :D


That's all I had to ask you. I want to thank you for letting me conduct this interview. Shoutouts?
Shoutout to idle.ee, KiH, sFx.lan etc. whoever knows me :D

Inspiration: Dead's interview with trainee from Dignitas.
Thanks to Belgium taLa for helping me out with the layout.