Because of several reasons I’ve decided to try to do some interviews , this is the first one of hopefully a series of interviews. I decided to interview England Sheep first because I knew him from some years ago.

image: indexclan_01

I : Hi Mike, everyone in the et-scene knows who you are , but most of us don’t know who the man behind “Sheep” is, people can set up a smoke curtain over the internet if they want to. Enlighten us about “Michael Gibbs”.

S : Well, I am Mike "Sheep" Gibbs, a 17 year old student currently living in Hull, which is in North East England. I am currently studying Psychology, English Language, ICT and General Studies. I did start the first year of my college course with Biology, but soon dropped that due to the sheer boredom that surrounded that subject. For the last year I have basically been maintaining a lifestyle of gaming and studying - what more could I ask for?

I : A girlfriend perhaps? Anyway, because you have been interviewed quite a lot lately I’ve chosen to ask you somewhat more challenging questions. About the current Eurocup, I’m not interested in who do you think will win, because it’s always the same answer. But, I want to know what you think about the 8 teams. Which of those teams left at the moment are the worst ( preferably : lesser skilled ones ). Who will get crushed in the play-offs? And about the group stage, what clan do you think shouldn’t have been in this eurocup?

S : No time for girlfriends I'm afraid, waste of time! Well I think this eurocup has had a few surprises already, who knows what is going to happen in the knock-out stage, hopefully someone will de-throne Estonia Idle. I think the weaker teams in this phase are probably Germany Rewind, and Finland SFX Murso. Murso has a lot of potential but they aren’t reaching that yet due to their new forming. Germany Rewind on the other hand has had some line up changes so my fear is they will lose some value there. Both these teams have done well with getting this far though. But I think they’re both going home in the next round.
I had strong feelings about the selection of the teams for the group stage this time, for example I was disgraced over the fact Estonia o2 (now suXus) were not selected - and a team such as Europe Morrigu were. The Estonians had put so much effort into at least challenging for a probability that they were going to be selected, and in my eyes they should have gotten an invite.

I : About that, Germany one4one didn’t make it to those play-offs purely because of bad luck. There’ve been some people who have suggested that the next eurocup should have bigger groups to avoid these tiny differences. Do you think that is a good idea? And, do you hold some kind of grudge towards Europe Cdap or Europe Amenti for just having more luck then you guys had?

S : The eurocup is a special event and only a few selected teams should play it, the best of the best - so to speak. Inviting too many will result in more work for admins and a wider gap in skill levels between teams. Keeping the same number of teams, but just making 2 or 3 groups doesn't really bother me if that is actually an option - it just means more qualifying games for each of the teams - keeping them active.

Yeah, was a shame that we didn't qualify, 3 teams had the same wins / losses, however just like football, goals scored and goals against count in the end. Of course we were disappointed not to progress further, but fact is, like you said - lady luck was against us this time round. No grudges are or will be held against any of the teams that qualified over us and we aren't downhearted in the slightest to have not progressed further. We will just concentrate on the remainder of the ESL and WL season now and then wait for next season to begin.

I : About Germany one4one, will your squad go on towards the next season? Or are you guys planning to split up like most of the current eurocup-teams are expected to do. And if you go on, will it be with the same line-up?

S : Our squad are hopefully going to carry on. Like I said previously, we were not disheartened in the slightest by the outcome of our eurocup run, instead probably more determined to get even further next season. The line-up I should hope will remain the same. This will be beneficial to the team as a whole if it remains the same - as we are still a fairly "new" team - I think many people forget that.

I : Enemy territory is filled with cheaters, half your team is getting accused by this paranoia. What do you think about this subject? And, would you be willing enough to pay let's say 10 € for an ET-key which lets you play Enemy Territory, this is probably the only way we can stop the busted cheaters from returning, but this is also a state we will never reach

S : I think people and fellow players are entitled to their own opinion regarding our team and our players - accusations are only natural - given the current state of ET and cheaters. I have full faith in my players and will continue to do so - in turn if one of my members were to be found to be an illegitimate player - he or she would feel the full force of my verbal abuse!

I would be prepared to pay for an ET-Key - after all, wolf:et is actually a free game, and I think for a game of its' calibre - 10€ is a minimal fee to ask for.

I : In some days the all-stars event is showing up again. Do you think there is a possibility that you will be representing your part of Europe? And, what line-up would you like to see for team-west

S : Well, in my own eyes I don't even think I am good enough for my national team - never mind the "section-of-Europe" team. However being selected would be absolutely fantastic... a privilege.

The lineup I hope to be announced for my section of Europe would consist of:

Germany urtier
Germany butchji
Belgium dav1d
Belgium Kevin
Netherlands perfo
Switzerland gifty

Some fast picks :
I : Winning the biggest gaming competition of the world or Winning the lottery
S : Winning the Lottery.
I : Aimbot or wallhack
S : Aimbot [humanized of course!]
I : Return to castle wolfenstein or Enemy territory
S : ET, for sure.
I : Multikill or 5 revives
S : 5 Revives - any day.
I : United Kingdom Mashed or United Kingdom Tosspot
S : United Kingdom TosspoT - he is _teh_ daddy.

I : Thanks for the interview, merry Christmas and bye-bye
S : Merry xmas, cya