On today's interview list we have the swiss superstar Switzerland gifty. We all know the name from none other than Europe zeroPoint, his captaincy of team Switzerland switzerland, and ofcourse his play for Europe Western europe. So here we go!

United Kingdom hentai: Okay, firstly, i'd like to start off this interview with you introducing yourself to the readers, mr. gifty, so would you like to tell us a little about yourself?

Switzerland gifty: aight. my name is florian 'gifty' gunzenhauser, im a little student from basel / switzerland.

United Kingdom hentai: Many people know you as a talented rifle nader, and one of switzerlands best, except maybe anubis ofcourse. How would you say you have come to such a a standard of ET gameplay?

Switzerland gifty: Hmmmm, well i've played the game for 2-3 years now, and you always learn new stuff every time you play :>

United Kingdom hentai: Would you say there's anyone in particular that has influenced you throughout your ET career, maybe someone you could even consider an 'ET idol'?

Switzerland gifty: Hmm, thats a good one. I always got bored of watching ETTV, so i've never really seen the oldschoolers play, but as for having _one_ idol, i never really did. However, i just always got excited when some oldschooler came to a vent i was in or something :D. That's perhaps 1 1/2 years ago, we always got nervous to see such guys being in the _same_ ventrilo as us! :D A good example: When i was still playing with my old team sanctuary 1 1/2 years ago, and TEH crajsor came to our irc channel, we took a pic! =DDDDDDDDDDD

United Kingdom hentai: As many may know, you currently play for zeropoint, a relatively new ET squad, with some of the best players in ET. How does it feel playing with people like butchji, potter, Hatred on a day to day basis, and would you say you feel at home there?

Switzerland gifty: Hehe, we are one team. Everybody respects the others, that's really important. Of course sometimes we fight, but we always solve it, so i think we are more than just a team, we're a little family, i love those guys <3

United Kingdom hentai: How do you feel that zeropoint will compete in the eurocup play off stages? Can you see yourselves taking idle from the throne of ET?

Switzerland gifty: To be honest, no. Of couse I should say yes now, but idle are just too strong. I'm fascinated by their gamestyle... but afterall i think we can get the second place for sure.

United Kingdom hentai: Would you not consider teams such as cdap pi or helix a threat to you for second place?

Switzerland gifty: True, actually helix and pi will be very hard fight :>

United Kingdom hentai: Finally, tonight we will see the bout of the european allstars. How do you feel you compete, and who do you hope to be competing with?

Switzerland gifty: I'm very happy i've been chosen! and my favourite lineup would be:


Balanced and good!

United Kingdom hentai: Gl to you tonight, and throughout EC, thanks very much for interview. Any shoutouts?
Switzerland gifty: No problemo amigo. Oh, hi to all lovers and haters, without you it would have never been possible!