image: kamzhiib1Today we talk to India Kamz, who for most people is like marmite - you either love him or you hate him. India Kamz is in Europe Overdose Gaming although is currently "inactive" with Portugal sexyhot taking his place and is in his second year of university studying what can only be seen as the most boring subject ever taken, Maths.

United Kingdom Splodge: Hi Kamz for those that don’t know you, why not give a brief introduction about yourself.

India Kamz: Hi, first of all for those who don't know me, have u been hiding in the cave for the last 4 years? Well anyway I’m “KAMZ” aka “HYPE”. I currently play for overdose-gaming. I am turning 20 on the 4th of January; I study at university and am currently in my 2nd year of my mathematics degree.

United Kingdom Splodge: How long have you been gaming, and have there been any particular games that have influenced your gaming career?

India Kamz: Hmm actively I’ve been playing ET for about 2 years, but I did play RTCW before that for quite a while, something like 3 years (some of u may know me as b2k the famous hacker), apart from that and the occasional football manager, i don't really play any other games. I don’t really see gaming as a career, i just play it for fun mainly and enjoy playing ET as a hobby.

United Kingdom Splodge: Many people still do see you as a hacker, or a person that tries to take over IRC Channels. What have you done to try and prove them wrong and give yourself a positive image?

India Kamz: Well, I think my status speaks for itself. I'm leading and playing in a well established clan with some of the best players in the scene at the moment so obviously I’ve been doing something right. But if you mean what have I planned to get to this position, nothing really, stuck to just playing the game and keeping my mouth shut i suppose and surprisingly it works! (take notes evan )

United Kingdom Splodge: Who do you think you have learnt the most from whilst playing ET, for example - what players or people involved with the game have influenced you and how?

India Kamz: Well, although I’ve been playing Enemy Territory quite a long time, I feel that my team mates at sublime/overdose have been the most beneficial people on how I play. It’s the only real time I’ve competed at a high level and I have them to thank for it.

United Kingdom Splodge: You say sublime/overdose has been an important time in your playing career, what do you hope to achieve with your current clan? Do you see it as being a long term or short term clan?

India Kamz: Well, we've already exceeded everyone’s expectations as everybody thought we would just be another 2 week clan, but we've been going strong despite losing some players and I don't see any reason why that would change. As for achievements, I think we have the quality here to at least make the EC next year and i think we've proven that by beating some of the current years Euro cup teams. Plus the addition of uf0l and wiesiek to the clan is very beneficial.

United Kingdom Splodge: Do you see yourself, or overdose, moving to other games such as ET:QW upon their release or will you stay with Enemy Territory?

India Kamz: I don't know about the other guys, but ET:QW does not really appeal to me at all, but you never know what road you will take. As for rtcw2, that's a different story

United Kingdom Splodge: Thanks for your time Kamz, are there any shoutouts you would like to make?

India Kamz: Shoutout to everyone at overdose, all my fans and haters (99% of the scene) and a big shoutout to my true friend TosspoT, who has stuck by me through the rough times and helped me bounce back, this shall be made clearer in my fragmovie, the trailer out next week !

If you've achieved things whilst playing or being involved with Enemy Territory and want an interview, see my contact details in my profile. My past interviews are also detailed near the bottom.