Today i spoke with a player who many have not seen around for a while, United Kingdom syk. Widely known as being one of the best aimers the uk has ever had, and well known for his time through Europe uQ/one4one, alongside players such as razz, overboost, mztik, sqzz and crozz. A european allstar, and a decimated star, i felt it was time i had words with the man himself, so here we are:

England hentai: So first of all, for those people who don't know you, feel free to introduce yourself.

United Kingdom syk: Ok, my real name is Luke Rowe, im 17 but turning 18 a week today. Im doing my A levels in college and ive been playing rtcw/et for nearly 5 years.

England hentai: Happy birthday in advance! :P

United Kingdom syk: Cheers =)

England hentai: How did you get into rtcw then?

United Kingdom syk: Ive always played FPS since i was very young, getting into the original doom, quake and quake 2 so it was actualy my dad who shown me rtcw and i was addicted from the first time i layed hands on it.

England hentai: What kind of clans have you seen yourself in throughout the past 5 years?

United Kingdom syk: After i had some practice, i got picked up by a clan named [NBK] (Natural Born Killers) who werent perticularly skilled but were a great bunch of guys, we then decided to move onto ET where i then left to join a slightly more skilled clan named EE. (Elite Executioners) where i met the british NC leader rG who currently runs Reason-Gaming. He introduced me to the old Ultimate Quest team, who later moved on to one4one, and the rest is history so to speak =)

England hentai: As many people know, you're infamous for you're step from EE to uQ. What do you think influenced that kind of step?

United Kingdom syk: I think my expectations of myself changed and i wanted to push myself to see how far this kind of game can go. I then found myself with that chance (mainly because of rG) and went straight for it. who wouldnt? :D

England hentai: Is there anyone in particular who influenced your style of play in ET?

United Kingdom syk: My entire clan that i played with in one4one. United Kingdom Mztik, Israel Crozz, United Kingdom Sqzz, United Kingdom Razz, Netherlands ovrboost just to name a few of these most amazing players. Mztik in particular helped me step up in terms of settings but playing with these guys brings out the best in your performance.

England hentai: What was it that took you away from a team you seem to have such a connection with, and is it the same thing that took you away from the game itself?

United Kingdom syk: Well, after we beat Paraodia who at the time were uQ we all were very confident in taking the cup, but after inactivity problems and alot of unlucky situations we all felt that it wasnt worth the effort and took a break, i think my break is coming to an end though.

England hentai: Ah, so is this a hint that we could be seeing the come back of Mr. Luke Rowe?

United Kingdom syk: lol im definitely considering it. What would be ideal is playing with my previous team again :)

England hentai: Well, we would all be more than happy to take you back, especially coming for a member of the uk community. Do you think it will be possible to see the return of the same uQ squad? razz being banned from clanbase, crozz having a clan, sqzz (i believe) having many real life commitments, do you not think it would be too much?

United Kingdom syk: Well i know for a fact that each player of that team misses the fun times alot and hasnt really had the same kind of fun since with any other clans... so watch this space :)

England hentai: Well, i think it's fair to say, every player has always had a team that they've liked that little bit more than the others, so i can see where you're coming from.

United Kingdom syk: exactly

England hentai: Is there any other players, who have come around during your break who you'd be particularly interested in playing with?

United Kingdom syk: Well i've merced for Amenti, which was impressive - players like aCoZz and david. Im also pleased to see the return of some of the greats such as Redcross in sFx 6tet, and potter and darky in zP.

England hentai: I'm surprised you never mentioned butchji and hatred personally.

United Kingdom syk: I have nothing against them, i just have other players that stick out a bit more =)

England hentai: What would you say is your greatest experience through ET?

United Kingdom syk: probably when we played against SoF (now cdap oddjob) in the summercup final and it came down to a decider (dubrovnik) and we just managed to snatch it - you should of heard comms :P

England hentai: A skillful achievement, winning the summer cup, i must admit i watched that match myself, and it was an awesome game.

England hentai: This is what some people would call a 'million dollar question', but i'll go for it. What would you say had pushed uQ from being of a similar skill level to SoF, say OC premier/lower EC team, to being on the level of idle and uQ?

United Kingdom syk: hmm i'd say the level of commitment we managed to get when we drafted the best team we possibly could with the players out there. I beleive players in that team were always on that skill level but didnt have ample oportunity to prove it.

England hentai: Having competed in eurocup, and possibly been the best team in it, do you think there will be much to come back to ET for, having little left to achieve? We've even seen you compete in european allstars, where unfortunately we saw no uk players compete this season.

United Kingdom syk: That is true but there was never really any real acheivment worth the effort we gave (very few get the chance to go to QuakeCon), so i dont belive it will be that different, just plain fun again :)

England hentai: Well, we'll all be happy to see your return syk, and we wish you the best in your come back. I'd just like to finish off with a few short questions.

England hentai: mystic or ferus?
United Kingdom syk: both (if i can)
England hentai: no :D
United Kingdom syk: lol ok... ferus
England hentai: u96d or parodia?
United Kingdom syk: u96d
England hentai: rtcw or ET?
United Kingdom syk: rtcw!
England hentai: curry or kebab?
United Kingdom syk: kebab all the way!!
England hentai: wine or beer?
United Kingdom syk: beer!

England hentai: Okay, thanks a lot for the interview, but that'll be all. Happy new year and goodbye :)
United Kingdom syk: Thanks, happy new year to you too =)