Next interview? United Kingdom Mztik - Ex decimated star, former team uQ/141 player, and ofcourse currently part of Europe Impact gaming, here he is!

United Kingdom hentai: Okay, so first off mztik, why don't you start off by introducing yourself?

England Mztik: Well i'm Mztik (lol real mystic? as crozz would probably say but he's going to be in the army for 3 years so hah!) 17 years old coming up to 18 in march 2nd, gonna be great to do everything i've already done but legally, most noteably i'm probably remembered, if remembered at all for playing in the original uQ/141 squad around summer 2005 where we took first place in the all UK finals. Apart from that i'd say i'm quite a technical guy, mice, mousemats, settings = your friends but not to the extent where I believe there's such a thing, which works and lastly i'd like to think i'm laid back also.

United Kingdom hentai: So how long have you been playing FPS games, and ET?

England Mztik: Enemy territory has definitely been the first game i've played even remotely competitively, unless you consider timesplitters 2 or goldeneye against friends competeitive, which it is but I was first introduced to ET by a friend who played counter strike being a free game and having a lot of free time meant I thought i'd give it a try. Getting on the MG42 on battery and being lost constantly were my first feelings about the game but I wasn't all that interested at first, later on when i'd pretty much stopped console gaming I began playing ET a lot more around summer 2004 i'd give you a detailed clan history but that'd probably bore everyone to death so i'll leave it at that. The rest is pretty much history but I did play some doom2, quake3 and console shooters for fun.

United Kingdom hentai: So from whereabouts did you step up from being lost on battery to competing in eurocup? Were there any people in particular who helped you up to the top?

England Mztik: When I decided I really wanted to get better at enemy territory it was just a case of google is your friend, I first found the unofficial enemy territory guide and aiming by raziel, which had some interesting tips and information. I found myself really interested in trick jumping especially something, which I also really enjoyed practicing. When I decided to leave my first clan SNL! (congratulations to richard and nicolle engaged now!), I was playing mostly 3on3s with a small group of players as it was always easier to get to 3 players who wanted to improve and work together then 6. A lot of time spent playing, digging up some money to buy a decent mouse (MX510! to get me started) and around the time raziel had the solution to 500Hz on windows, which involved a fiddly hex editor.
Playing a lot in medium skilled teams such as ilogik with United Kingdom nevari, United Kingdom meez and Netherlands aza, more time spent playing 3on3 with hein and friends sadly RazZ really didn't like me much back then and a short spell in an attempted decent 6on6 clan wings, which failed left me pretty much nowhere.
One of the biggest events as the release of the new etpro at the time, which finally had somewhat accurate hitboxes playing on a 3.1.9 public servers and the older etpro on clan servers made consistency impossible. But with etpro 3.2 I believe it was so sweet to actually nail those headshots impossible before. So I joined uQ after playing them in a 3on3 even though previously United Kingdom RazZ told me I had no hope in hell to get in but I was given a chance and if people are really determined i'm sure they can make it somewhere near the top. A lot of playing later and a crazy amount of line up changes (see my profile) we got to what i'd like to think was 'EC skill'.

United Kingdom hentai: So, after all that, you got to the point where one4one sadly broke apart, after defeating what were to be the eventual winners of that Eurocup. Why was it that you left the game at this point, only to come back months later with impact gaming?

England Mztik: It was never an easy time with 141. We had some very gifted players but we also had a lot of personality conflicts. People had different expectations and one of the biggest mistakes was me not having a computer for a month, which meant that when I did come back the team was a mess. Players had been recruited, who shouldn't have been and it was all pretty much down hill from that point. We had more than our fair share of arguments and we decided that we'd finally call it quits after eurocup ended to get on with our own lives, Israel crozz supposedly having army; me, United Kingdom syk, United Kingdom sqzz wanting to get on with other things and not having to do things around our practice schedules so we knew it was over for us.
What's brought me back to impact gaming is firstly having players which i've had a lot of respect for, I've known Finland tiigeri since I've played in SNL!, we even had rival clans (hello to any BAT members still alive) and Finland Xpaz someone i'd gotten to know a bit in my time. When I heard the 'R' man was involved it seemed there was a lot of potential so I couldn't resist the offer, Netherlands tekoa another player i'd definitely spoken to quite a bit also joined, with Belgium xionn suggested from tiigeri with his time in demiurge with him and it was a good choice. One of the best things definitely was how everything fitted perfectly around what I was doing at the time with A level exams in late january we didn't play for 2 weeks so it wasn't like I was spreading myself too thin to keep playing.

United Kingdom hentai: So now the question i've been waiting for - Impact gaming vs idle. What do you think people are expecting?

England Mztik: I'm sure people are a little bored with Idle's pretty much domination of 6on6 for so long, whether we're the ones to give them that challenge is a tough question. It's not mystery that right now we're obviously not much competetion at all for a clan who's got the players, got the teamplay and knows exactly what to do. Hopefully as we get more into the routine and our tactics become concrete we can begin improving and i'd like to think that we can actually give them a tough time. However it's still very much early days and I don't want to give too much away but the start of this clan just like most has been quite rough but we've hit the ground running and we've got some talented players so it will most likely be a one to watch game in the future!

United Kingdom hentai: However, i can see your argument for saying that - 'as we get into routine, we can practice to it', but no other team in ET has done this to idle yet, so surely there's something you believe will set you apart? Now, i personally feel that the reason that idle are what they are is Estonia Night. We've seen idle lose to teams like parodia in the past, because of their in game partnership, with combined efforts from all of the team. With parodia having taken over idle before, do you not feel that it will be the responsibility of your in game leader, who i believe is Finland Xpaz, to take you to where they once were with parodia? Or do you feel that you will be attempting to combine your leadership skills like parodia once did?

England Mztik: I believe an in game leader plays an important role in a clan definitely but like everything practice makes perfect there comes to a stage where people don't so much need instructions but rather know what to do by instinct. What's great about xpaz is how much he analyses the game he's almost like a machine, he always watches his demos and suggests improvements to tactics.
I think we're going to most likely go down the route of having everyone put in a little input, everyone can definitely speak english the problem is sometimes getting the right sort of words out on the fly can be difficult if you're not a native speaker, which is always going to be difficult. Luckily this is something idle will also struggle with i'm sure but not so much at their stage. What else is important is experience. We've got some very experienced players, and most of us have played idle more than our fair share of times, Netherlands tekoa was in idle! I don't think there's any team who will know them better inside and out then we will in a few months time.

United Kingdom hentai: Finally, i'd like to cut off the interview with a few short questions.

United Kingdom hentai: Firstly, who do you think the best team you've ever played against is?
England Mztik: Difficult but playing roistot in a mid skill clan and loosing 5v6 can be very frustrating.
United Kingdom hentai: Best individual smg player you've ever played against?
England Mztik: These are tough! probably Netherlands overboost when he's not standing still and truly wants to play.
United Kingdom hentai: Best rifler you've ever played against?
England Mztik: Finland Raveneye without a question. *shakes fist*
United Kingdom hentai: Most difficult encounter in real life?
England Mztik: The interview and rejection at st georges for medicine.
United Kingdom hentai: The funniest thing you've ever seen?
England Mztik: BASEketball from the makers of southpark, trey parker + matt stone

United Kingdom hentai: Thanks a lot for the interview mztik.
England Mztik: no problem, wasn't as bad a I thought!