Most people where surprised with dtekt being the notable absentee from ClanBase’s pre-sHg preview. So I decided to catch up with clan leader Norway snuble on his opinion for this weekends tournament.

Hoi snuble, could you introduce yourself.

My real life name is Mats Teigen. I’m 24 years old, from Oslo , Norway. I’m living together with my girlfriend (been together for more then 5 years..oO). I study Marketing at university, and I am the leader of 25 sellers at my job next to school. I also play soccer and golf:D

Lets get this issue outa the way, do you, or any of your players, hack or have ever hacked?

Of course we hack.. if not we cant win:<<< and its easy to hack at lan, so I’m not afraid of playing bad there Seriously, well... what can I say. I can tell u that I have never hacked, I will never hack either. I actually hate players who hack in ET. But as u understand, I cant say if Lakaii , unix, wizzel , nils or kiitos hack or not - cause I haven’t ever seen them play in real life.

I can say what I believe, and that is that I don’t believe they hack. I was 100% sure that wizzel and unix hacked BEFORE I started playing with them. Now that I am playing with them, I see they do as much stupid mistakes as everyone else, and get pwnd by nubs in matches, so nope… I don’t’ think they do hack. Other then that... we will see @ LAN imo.. it will be a nice opportunity for these guys to show their real skill!!

Given your dislike for cheaters, where you not anxious starting a clan with players such as uniX, wizzel and Nils given their reputation?

I would lie if I said no to that. Since I really thought they actually did hack before I started playing with them, but my mate Lakaii, told me how they were... how they played, and that he didn’t believe they hacked. therefore I wanted to give it a try, witch I don’t regret.

If the 'suspected' members play like they do online at sHg, do you think the community should offer them an apology?

I think that if there is someone who feel they should give them an apology, there is nothing wrong with that. But I don’t think that’s what the dtekt guys want. I think all they want is that the community accept that they are good players and treat them that way. At least if they do good on SHG open, they do deserve it.

In his article on ClanBase Cash doesn't think you guys will finish top 5, how do you rate your prospects for this competition?

Well.. My first though was.. wtf? They don’t even believe we are top 5. But then again, after looking at the teams, I can understand that Cash doesn’t believe we are top 5. Even though I strongly believe a team like KIH isn’t even near the standard we have in dtekt. We have had many good pracs, but that’s anyway online only, and officials at lan will be totally different.

I have now decided that our main goal is to prove we are better then 6th place. So if we get 5th. We will party and celebrate like hell!

How have you been preparing for your first LAN experience?

tbh, we haven’t prepared for anything at all. All we have done is pay for our tickets, renting a car I’m gonna pick up tomorrow - and agreed on when and where I will pick up the lads on my way to Copenhagen. We have 7 seats waiting for us, but I don’t know how much space there is, I dunno how the tables and chairs are, which can be a huge disadvantage for me personally. since I have a weird position at home. When it comes to the other lads, they probably have the same preparation as me… none, so we are hoping we will get in position during our 5-6 hours before the tournament starts

You're traveling down on Friday?

We are driving from Oslo on Thursday 21.00 CET, I’m going to pick up lakaii at the train station, Kris will join us right before we pass the border to Sweden, kiitos and nils live in the south-east of Sweden, so a 7-8 hour drive from kris to them during the night. wizzel and unix will go directly. So we will all be in Copenhagen around 13.00 CET Friday. But my problem is I’m driving all night. So I’m probably gonna have the worse warmup to the tournament ever... by being too tired,

Driving must be a cheaper option with it being BYOC - where do dtekt need to finish to break even?

The reason for driving is as you say.. BYOC makes it cheaper. If we want to "break even", we need to get 3rd place. Even then we haven’t counted in food & drinks and petrol for the car. But if we want to go with some cash left, we need to get to the finals to take 2nd spot.

What's your motivation for this tournament, are you guys going hell bent on winning & practicing 24/7 - or just to have fun?

I believe it will be really hard to win or get top 3 in this tournament. And since our main goal is getting 5th as I said, we are happy to come and watch the big guys play. Black magic, dignitas and all the other top teams will be an joy to watch. Just to have the chance to maybe run my fingers trough R3vers hair makes me feel dizzy. Our prax lately has been of the "have fun" standard, and we are more interesting in winning the party then the war.

What do you give to the team, what's your role?

My role in the team. Wizzel is the ingame-leader, and he is a good one. Just like perfo, he tells us where everyone is coming. (smiley) I am the guy who started working on getting dtekt to SHG open. I have searched sponsors, I planned the trip, rented the car and have kinda been the one who wanted this the most. But other than that, I don’t have any special role in the team other then being the registered captain, talking to admin – and laming as field ops.

Ah the sponsor, you mentioned in a recent journal - has this come to fruition?

The first sponsor we tried to get was true dtekt. Vizz asked around, without getting anywhere. Then I contacted a few companies in Norway, and one of them almost got us a 800euro sponsor agreement. But it all stopped because they found out the time was too short to make what they wanted to make out of the deal. Therefore they have said that if we do good at SHG open, they might be interested in getting us to CPC2 (if we qualify).

But for 1 week ago, vizz told me he had found a sponsor for SHG open. OGC which is promoting a software where clans can fight each other for money. More info about OGC will come later for the crossfire readers, as it will be something which might have the chance to change the "money-issue" in ET. So I’m meeting the boss for OGC on Friday in Copenhagen. It will be interesting

Just to clarify, are OGC sponsoring you for this sHg tournament?

OGC are sponsoring us in SHG and after the LAN. How much money is not defined. As I said, I’m going to have a meeting with OGC in Denmark. But I am 100% our cost for the LAN is only paid for by the members of dtekt, and not by OGC!

On the sHg website you've seven players registered, will all seven play or do you have a starting six?

Kris wanted to go to the LAN and he was talking about playing for the team where is playing now. But came as you all no, which made not needed anymore. Since kris anyway wanted to go the LAN with Lakaii and me, we decided to take him in as our backup. Kris, if all our players turn up and there’s no heart-attacks, will not play in this tournament. He is backup for the team and that’s it. Though kris would probably do a really good job if he was suppose to play.

If my head starts turning around cause of lack of sleep, its nice to have him there.

What do you make of Cathedral, is it suitable for competition?

I’m going to be careful about what i say now. Because I don’t want to upset anyone. But why in the name of the holy jebus did they add cathedral to this LAN tournament? I don’t mind new maps being taken into cups, or old maps being reborn. But Cathedral at shg open is for me a mystery. I think the map is amazing, but only to view:D its pretty:D but I don’t like playing it.

So teams wanting to beat dtekt should pick Cathedral?

Teams wanting to beat dtekt should pick the map they play the best at, if that’s Cathedral so be it. Just remember that even if I don’t like Cathedral, it doesn’t mean the team is shit at it:D (time will tell)

But you're happy with the map list as a whole?

I’m happy that Supply is there, since I love the map. I do miss Adlernest. People say Adlernest is a lotto map. Why is it so? It’s absolutely a map where u can set up a nice defence, or do a skillful and good attack. I believe Adlernest is one of the smaller, quick played maps that is good for this scene. sw_goldrush is a map I’ve never enjoyed playing.

The maplist is ok, though I would prefer Adlernest instead of Cathedral

At PGA zeroPoint where unimpressive without their rifle gifty, this time they've gifty but no butchji - arguably their best player this season, do you still consider them a threat? If not, who is your greatest threat? (dignitas aside)

Gifty is a good rifle yeah, and zP will count themselves lucky he is there for them this time. But butchij is a huge loss imo. I still believe zP will be up for the challenge, and a final between zP and Dignitas is absolutely something to look out for. Our greatest threat will be, kapow!, clan gib and KIH, since we need to beat them to get 5th spot:D

And finally, what'll be the top 3 at sHg?

1. dignitas, dtekt, zP

You're aiming for 5th but think you'll finish 2nd?:)

Hi Cash.