My second victim in this round of bad interviews, is a guy who has admin rights on BiO!!!111 Alright calm down... it is the Irishman who has been around for quite a while; ladies and gentlemen a big round of applause for the black magic player
Ireland sol.

Hello sol and welcome to this interview, some new players might not know you that much. So could you tell us a little bit about your ET career and a little bit about yourself?
My real name is Seán Ward, I'm 22 years old, and I'm from Ireland. I've been playing ET since it came out, and also RtCW since it came out, most of my RtCW time was on dialup though, which hindered any competitive play. In ET, my ex-clans include Pheromones, By Invitation Only, dtekt/rAtatosk, and more recently, Black Magic, which I supose is more of a mixteam than a clan.

Have you ever been to a LAN of this size before and what do you think of the event so far?
I've been to quite a lot of LANs before, nothing this big though. Most of the LANs I attended were either private LANs between friends, or some smallish Irish ones with some hardware prizes, since the gaming community isn't too big there, and the ET community itself is miniscule. Regarding this event, I really like it, and would like to attend other similar ones in the future, but the prospect of ET being a tournament game at any such LANs seems quite unlikely. The BYOC thing makes it awkward, we've had quite a lot of hardware problems. Almost every game kot has played has been on a different computer, which is quite frustrating. It would have been better if there were computers provided (enough computers, that is) for everyone. I suppose beggars can't be choosers though, and that may not be feasible either.

Some people at crossfire might see you as a laming, spamming and anoying person. Is this the real sol, or has some alien life-form taken over your body?
It is the real 'sol', I suppose I have a rather outspoken internet persona, but those people that do know me more (such as clanmates, ex-clanmates, and internet 'friends' ) could confirm that I'm often just taken too seriously, on xfire for example, which can cause people to misjudge me. I can't blame people for thinking I'm an asshole, but I also don't care, since it's of little consequence to me. It's just too easy to wind people up, especially those who don't have a good command of the English language. I just think that people take me too seriously, but it makes me laugh, and I'm sure others find it amusing too, so...meh!

Being an old school player, there must be some moments through out time that stands out, which one is by far the biggest one?
I honestly don't have any defining moment in my ET 'career', sure there have been some highs and some lows too, but overall I've really enjoyed my time playing this game. I don't have any of particular moment which stands out in my mind, I suppose one of my favourite feelings when playing ET, is when something you've practiced just works out, and everything falls into place, it's a nice feeling when you're getting visible results and seeing your practice pay off.

So in the group play your team looked very good and placed second by beating the vae KiH team. Has any of the teams surprised you in any way?
I expected us to win all of our group games except the zeroPoint! one, I didn't expect us to lose against zP!, but I was anxious to see how they would do on LAN and without butchji, so I was quietly confident we could give them a decent challenge, unfortunately for us, the maps totally favoured them. I don't think I've been surprised by any team. Much like everyone else, I was curious to see how dtekt would do at the LAN, but my suspicions were confirmed that they weren't playing like they do online.

Your first match in the play-offs was against dtekt, a tag you have former been playing under. How did you feel about that game?
It was like any other game for me, the fact that they were playing under the dtekt name meant absolutely nothing to me, since I didn't have any sentimental 'attachment' to that name, most likely because I never really respected the MGC, and I didn't even want to be in it in the first place.

Your semi final match in the winnerbracket was against the stars of dignitas. The doom of supply depot was the first map and you guys got full-holded; you did however manage to hold them for 10-11 minutes. Did you guys play really well or did dignitas hold back on the offence?
I think we did quite okay, but they're clearly not comletely on top of their game right now, if they had managed to get some solid practice in before this LAN, I'm sure they would have steamrolled us. The fact that we're a mixteam also means that we often do better on defence, since teamwork is less necessary, compared to offence.

You are now in the LB semifinal where you will meet either dtekt or defining stars; your team has beaten both teams by now. So, will you move on to the looser bracket final?

You haven't been that active within the last one and a half year, you've said that you would never play ET competitively again, but with LANs coming to ET and such, do you think of coming back for real now?
It depends, I like to be in control of things, so unless I'm satisfied with the lineup of a clan I wouldn't join it, since then I don't have any influence over 'fixing' the lineup. I wouldn't go to CPC2 with this lineup since I don't think it's strong enough, and I believe the competition will be tougher there. I don't intend to sound arrogant, but I just get frustrated if I have to play with someone I'm not satifised with, when I can do nothing about it. I like to lay seriously. The shg thing is different though, since time constraints and the whole BYOC thing made it difficult to put together a stronger lineup. I would like to go to CPC2, but I would only go if it's with a good clan, or if I put something together myself.

And now, some questions from the community:
Netherlands Xzz: What was your first reaction when you saw your clanmates?
I've met a lot of gamers before, so it's nothing new to me. I wasn't nervous or anything like that. My reaction was quite normal. It was cool to see people I had talked to a lot on the internet and gamed with.

Anonymous ChroNoss: Why the hell did u choose this tag ?
kot invented this tag, and I like it.

Anonymous cro0ked: Do u realise that this is the name (black magic) of a repulsing porn producer from belgium?
I do now, but I don't care.

Finally, if you want to greet your mum back in Ireland (or someone else) now is the time :)
Hi mum!