Sources : eC4 site --- #ec4[/b]

We, from the management of eC4, decided to make one interview per week with known players from the gaming scene.
For our first intereview, we caught up Netherlands teKoa, who plays with Europe Impact.Gaming (Xpaz, mystic, Raveneye, Tiigeri, teKoa, m1lk).

The interview.

Belgium fast : First of all, I wanted to ask if you could introduce you?

Netherlands Impact.teKoa : Well im teKoa, 19 years old since yesterday and my real name is Jeroen. Probably mostly known from Kreaturen and idle.


Belgium fast : Happy birthday then, a bit late but no problem, but, what about your ET career?

Netherlands Impact.teKoa : Thank's :), Well I started in ox and joined sharpshooters after that, when they died I joined w@co for a few weeks and left them to join KoD/malfunction/Kreaturen. When Kreaturen died I started playing some CSS with pr0ph3cy and I got asked by Night to play for idle after almost a year I got bored and wanted to spend a bit more time offline so I went inactive,Xpaz asked me few months later to play for impact and going to CPC2 and here we are now.


Belgium fast : How, and why did you start ET?

Netherlands Impact.teKoa : Well a friend of mine said he had a nice game and installed it on my comp, at first it was just for fun on publics trying to get highest xp, ammopacks in spawn and stuff :D. Later I wanted to get better and joined ox.


Belgium fast : You mentioned as your last ET team, then you went inactive? Why did you decide to leave a team like idle to go inactive?

Netherlands Impact.teKoa : Like I said before as well I got bored and there wasnt really anything left to do so I wanted to spend more time away from the computer.


Belgium fast : Well, what can you say about your new team? Impact.gaming? You feel good there? How are the people with you?

Netherlands Impact.teKoa : Well only Netherlands m1lk is nice,others are finnish bastards! if I didnt get m1lk in the team I dont know how long I would have lasted with those finnish guys! :D Well actually the finnish guys are nice and its nice to play with them. :)


Belgium fast : You are going to CPC2 with Impact, what you think you can do there?

Netherlands Impact.teKoa : We will mostly be there for fun but ofcourse we will try to end up in the prizes.


Belgium fast : You won last Nation Cup season with the Netherlands Team-NL, but this time, they didn't realy make a "good" season, what can you say about it?

Netherlands Impact.teKoa : Well I didn't play NC so I dont have anything to say about it, maybe wait for next NC we might be able to put a good team again. :P


Belgium fast : In which team you had your best time? Most funniest, etc? And why?

Netherlands Impact.teKoa : I guess the most funniest time was in Kreaturen,always funny to play with farmerboy Netherlands BuLL. :D


Belgium fast : The best team in the ET community, at the moment, for you, is? Why this choice?

Netherlands Impact.teKoa : Well I guess it still is eventhough they are much weaker without me and Night ofcourse. <:o)


Belgium fast : Favourite player? Why?

Netherlands Impact.teKoa : I dont have a favourite player but the best player I have played with is Night.

Belgium fast : Favourite drink? Meal?

Netherlands Impact.teKoa : Coke, Spareribs

Belgium fast : How was your birthday? What did you do?

Netherlands Impact.teKoa : It was great,went out with the family. :]

Belgium fast : Thank's for this interview, any shoutouts?

Netherlands Impact.teKoa : shoutout to old,impact,wesbo,kitty,Lun4t1C,BuLL, azz0r, tracy, sol,... etc