First of let me apologies for the interview tittle sadly i like the flair and imagination to come up with any remotely memorable. however today DenmarkArachon taken time out of his busy schedule to answer a few question

Hello Arachon, how are you today ?

I am feeling very nice, beautiful weather outside and spring is coming. So yeah, very nice :)

Let's start with the boring stuff, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself and your gaming history

My name is Anders Fredslund and I am a 25 year old guy, currently I am studying something called medialogy at a university in Copenhagen Denmark. My online gaming experience started out in 2000 when I got online, still living with my parents. I started out by playing a mod for Quake 2 called Action Quake, not so long after that I joined a clan called ALIS. In 2002 I got a bit bored with the game and I tried out Counter Strike, which got boring in the spring of 2003. We all remember what happened in the spring 2003 :) I started out playing mostly public in ET, and then around the fall of 2003 we started practising and stuff in ALIS. During 2004 we had the best time in the clan, the same line up through and entire year. At some point I do believe we were in top 10 in European Enemy Territory with ALIS. In the end of 2004 we got tired of playing at a high level and we broke up. After that I had a short time in a unsuccessful revive of uNtried. In the spring and summer we created a clan called Rubber Duckies (best tag ever -o_/), with the only goal to have fun. In the end of 2005 Rubber Duckies died and I joined up with The Killer Bunnies for a short period, which was followed by a revive of my old clan and heart ALIS. ALIS died again and I was put into a storm of different two week clans :( In the fall of 2006 I joined up with WSF which turned into coitio, this clan lasted longer than any of the two week clans, but unfortunately it died in the end of the year. I now play in another version of ALIS, where we are having loads of fun and also will be having loads of fun at CPC2 :)

Now your were a well respect WL admin for a while (at least I respected you.) what were your highs and lows, peaks and dips, controversy calamity and comedic moments?

Yes I was admin at and later became league supervisor for WarLeagues (the transformed One great moment that I really do remember is admining saevus vs. DSky on Radar, where potters infamous 8-man killing spree was ending the map :) Back then there was a very good cooperation between the different organisations in ET. The powerful three (CB, WL, and ESL) was always working together before each new season, agreeing on a common config and map Pool. This is one of the things I miss in today's ET. I would say the most annoying thing was never getting any credit or the likes; the same is still going on today. People in the community never come up with the cheers and praises for the people doing stuff for the community; people only say something when it is bad. I remember getting endless PM's from people that didn't think they where placed correctly in WarLeagues and it wasn't just IRC and the website, it was on other websites too.

You're currently playing for and or leading ALIS, who recently won or "lottoed" the last slot at CPC2. Some in the community see this as another instance of what some may call favouritism towards Ronner and Friends from tosspot. What do you think happened?

Hehe tough question, because I know exactly what happened. :) I am currently admin at Crossfire, which means I know what is going on behind the curtain. I know it definitely is not favouritism from Toss, since Ronner left the admin job a week or so before it was announced. What really happened was that Ronner was extremely lucky, I was babysitting my nephew that night and he called me on the phone saying we got the spot. When I got home, he told me how he was sitting at the computer just randomly "spamming" the sentence for the spot, and boom suddenly he got lucky :)
I know that a lot of people think it is an unfair way to fill out the spot (me too for the record), but ALIS was really the next team in line, in terms of qualifier teams > signed up teams > random teams. So I do not think that it is that unfair in the end :)

Why do you think so many people view the placement of ALIS with so much Sinicism?

I don't know if people really feel that way, but it could be because Ronner has gotten lucky two times now, with the "win-the-spot-at-CPC lottery". It could also be because the team at the first CPC was called TosspoT & Friends, which I found so funny. :) Otherwise I really do not know why people would feel like that.

Going back to ET how do you rate ALIS chances at CPC2?

Before the groups where made, I would say that we might have had a chance taking some rounds from some teams. Now that the groups has been made, and we have ended up in the group 'o death, I don't think we have that many chances of proceeding from the group-play. But then again, you never know what could happen at a LAN; people grow skill and some people loose skill. We are facing off with an online group match against dignitas, which is already lost:D

how do you see CPC2 turning out, who are your favourites, underdogs and your dark horses?

It is going to be the most exciting event in ET history in my opinion, especially if you look at the teams attending. You cannot avoid mentioning dignitas as favorites, but I do however think that they are weakened alot by not having Night as quarterback (or something); if you remember how it went in the PGA qualifier, where they lost to both cdap pi and zeroPoint. Second in rank I would say there is The last resort, zeroPoint, impact gaming and 4I's. I really have huge hopes for the zP and impact guys, cause I know them really well. I don't know if you can call them dark horses, but polar and one soldier is worth mentioning as those teams that are able to do something impressive. I think that's about it

So are you a party Boy ?

Hehe, I would say that I do like to party, some people might remember a certain picture taken by Christa in Rotterdam at CPC1. :) I guess it is also one of the reasons I am going to CPC2, and was going no matter what; to party with the people that I have gotten to know online and also offline. In Rotterdam at Ronners place in September we had a huge party with tons of ET players, and there is just something surreal about partying with people that you've meet and played against online. People who says that computer games makes people anti-social, surely haven't heard about Enemy Territory players :)[/b]

do you play Poker?

I never have played or will play poker online, occasionally I play offline :)

Are you planning to play at cpc2?

I probably will be playing yeah, because we had those famous games at CPC1, at Rons place: D

Well rumour has it pokerlucker will strike again, but worse still some poker noob named Munchies has stated that he's going to take all your money, how do you plan win against these wannabe poker pros?

To be honest I played my first game of poker ever at Ronners place, where I left the table in third place. Everyone said that I have the best poker face, a really stone face, not revealing anything, so I guess I will just have to use that face again in order to prove Mr. Munchies wrong :)

Back to a serious question now, where do you see yourself going after cpc2, I read recently that you would like to play rtcw if there was a larger community, does this mean that your long and illustrious relationship with ET is coming to an end? With the impending release of ETQW is that a game that could possibly interest you?

Countless of times I've been so sad that I was a part of the AQ2 community when RTCW was at it highest, but I will not be switching to RTCW unless all ET-players are. :) Now having played ET more or less from the beginning it has become a bit boring, the only thing that keeps me running is playing matches and having fun with my clan mates on ventrilo. I am probably going to start playing ET:QW when it will be released, I think and hope that it has a huge potential to be a very entertaining game. It will also be interesting to see two communities coming together, in the forms of ET and BF. I think that many people are to prejudging about ET:QW, I mean if you look at how shitty ET was as a competition game in the beginning, and then you think of how it is now.

recently there as been much "discussion" about the lack of lan finals and prize money from clanbase, as a previous admin for WL/ what's your opinion?

I think it is complete bullsh*t. The reason for people to be playing EC, is purely the reputation; lets face it, ET has never been a huge game like CS. However, if the CB admins were to give the same amount of money as prize as CS, for ET, I think that people would actually start playing just for the money and don't give shit about the reputation; that is at least my impression of the CS community and EuroCup.

Right thanks Arachon for taking time out of your busy day, shout outs

No problem, about the shout outs, there is alot :D (going for the "biggest-shoutout" award) Blaaa, sia, Pelle/Vaflor, Phreaker, Gr3y, Innos, Lagger, fersken, Blazer, AKP, McB, suA, Christa, Borcster, Cold, SideEffect, nocturn, doc, Dodge, Nik, stix, SheWank, Quakeille, Asp, Flits, Kezza, Jauhis, Gaso, Kekka, Rankeri, Powah, weedy, Moor, Xpaz, Raveneye, Drc, Cheasy, Maverick, Ronner, turnrosa, hellgoat, Generalz, Herbal, undead, Heineken, Nizou, decem, galahad, Tosspot, crow, foonr, nellie, fusen... ok I am going to stop now :D