After my first interview with a low- player, I decided to search a better one. Here he is: stormG.

Hello stormG, most of us know you as "the-I-play-only-on-my-server-and-kick-you-if-we-lose-or-if-you-dont-rup-in-10-secs" , but can you introduce yourself to the others?

Sure, my name is Floris De Ruyck and I'm 18 years old. I'm from Belgium and currently studying law at the university.

How and when did you start playing?

Well I think it all started about two years ago when I accidently found this free game and thought I'd give it a try. Back then I was playing with a Pentium III, so my average fps on radar was about 2.6 but nevertheless I enjoyed playing it on publics like skynet. Of course I was eager to improve and I knew that a few of my mates already played RTCW so I asked them to give it a try and so they did. I got a lot of help from bort and kous two old rtcw players so that's kind of the start for me. Later on my mentors became dnzl and snot xD.

What are your previous clans and where did you gain the most exp?

Well back in the beginning I was kind of a clanwhore to be honest. If I have to be honest there's been only one clan for me and the rest isn't really worth mentioning and that is mmf. There I gained a lot of experience, thanks to bort dnzl and snot. But the period I most improved was actually recently, this summer to be precise. I played a lot of 3on3's with dnzl and snot, frostbite only and then I really felt I was improving. We won from a lot of big teams. Although I mostly kicked them after our map, I really felt my aim had drastically improved.

We also know you from CPC I, where you've played with cZar. Are you attending CPC II?

No, although it was great fun, especially seeing a loser like rhand having no friends and then having the biggest mouth around here on xfire . I met some nice guys and of course I had some fun with the cZar guys. And seeing blaze fall asleep on the stairs was kind of fun too. The fact I’m not going back is first I'm not good enough to play there plus it's quite expensive travelling over there. I have come to a point I don't want to invest my money in these kind of things.

I know you """""quitted""""" ET for a while, but now you came back. How come?

Came back is a big word. I haven't played for a while but some people kept whining and they convinced me to reinstall it. But I absolutely don't have the time to play in a clan. Mostly because of my studies. But playing now and then is very enjoyable.

I'm not sure if you have followed the scene, but what do you think of the remove of supply in OC and EC?

Well I think it's a map that is overplayed but I do believe this map really shows the potential of a team. It might sound stupid but it's a very fair map. I'm convinced the best team will always win supply and that's a reason to keep it in the mapcycle. But who am I to decide what map should be played.

What is your greatest moment in your on line gaming career?

Well that has to be to war cZar vs sFx.LAN at the cpc prizefight. sFx had stolen the gold on sw_goldrush, so we had to go to the truck and I went aggressive to secure the objective. I did a 6 man kill, went behind their spawn and back raped mAx who had the objective and I secured it. Although I don't have it on demo it was my "moment de gloire".

Some short questions...

The "most-hated-person-award' according to you :
stormG: Vilango or rhand. But I don’t care

Jupiler, Heineken, Leffe, Stella?
I'll take Duvel if that is ok.
Any shoutouts left ?

shoutouts to everyone from mmf and rD and in particular snot,dnzl,snatch,bort,kous,nekz,oBs,LION(gl @ army ),firecat,fiki,undi,ziff,beer,keun,pony,,chaux,kiss,sharkey. And everyone I forgot.

And remember : de gustibus et coloribus non disputant.