image: ali-muhammad-22
Mostly known for his day in-day out spamming of xfire, most would say his opinion is useless. However one thing is certain, he is and always will be one of crossfires most irratating members! No its not loekino, its Ali better known as Belgium al7

So al7! Firstly introduce yourself to those who dont know you...

What the hell? Who doesnt know who al7 is, are you mad, but for the phony's who dont :
Im a boy,15 years old, I live in Europe Europe between Germany Germany, Poland Poland & assholes France France...Belgium Belgium to be more precise! I like sex, sex is naiz, you are nice, i like you!

Ok well, whatever floats your boat! Given your reputation as an Crossfire spammer, would it be fair to say that you know the community inside out?

Yes, probably. I know every individual in this community. What they eat, what they wear, how they play, what skill they are, how old they are, etc etc..

Can you elaborate on this etc etc..?

I know for example that mischaverheul is a retard, I pity him and I wish him luck with his retardness. Ahm3d is a nice guy, hated by many but loved by many many =).

So tell me, why do you insist on spamming on crossfire? You have stamped your authority over most journals posted on here!

Well, generally i think its in my genes to piss people off, i have to hav a say in almost every journal that is posted, also, im kinda sick how everyone wants to "ask perfo" , its about time they started "asking al7" imho..

So you know a lot about ET and computers?

No, did i say that? I know absolutely nothing about PC's and ET, i think my grandma knows more.

Many will think that this interview is just your "claim for fame", however i see it more as a chance to get the opinion of someone who is a "neutral" so to speak, and get his unbiased view on the current state of ET. What direction do you think ET is heading in at the moment, how long before the game becomes dead?

Well right now, id have to say ET is going pretty good, better now then it was around a year ago id say. Many have seen the dominance of dignitas, and because of this i think many clans have been created to try and overcome their period of constantly walking away with every cup / Lan. More teams have also become more dedicated to becoming better as a team, the release of new maps has helped this, as it will always be a fight for whoever has developed the best tactics will come out on top. It was getting boring to see dignitas fullhold everyteam and perfect their defence on maps like supply. However no matter what, their seems to always be disrepute within this game, and i think as soon as rtcw2 comes out, this game will be completely dead, i also expect the release of ET:QW to effect the population of the ET community.

CPC2 is just around the corner, it has been well documented the abscence of Estonia Night from the dignitas team, many belive dignitas are a much weaker team without him, many believe they can still dominate the scene, whats your view on all this?

I own Estonia Night imho, everyone knows that. The only reason why they picked him instead of me was because I didn't have a mic, I DO NOW, pick me pick me! No seriously, I don't expect much problems for dignitas. I mean, it's not like the whole team rested on Night's shoulders. I bet they will dominate at cpc2 like they did in cpc1!

So..will you be going to CPC2 to show the ET players how to own irl? I hear your a bit of a pimp back at home :)

You have excellent ears, that's for sure. I will try to come, but don't get your hopes up.

Who is currently your favorite ET player & why?

Definetly Austria Potter..Why do you ask? Well his 8 man kill vs Dsky was quite impressive!

..and your ET dream team would be?

Ahm3d, al7, Bruzl4H, Confo, Nevari, Limbonic
Best team ever, specially because we never play 1 war

No really, it would be:
Dignitas -1 +me
Who could be the topteam, apart from the topteam at the moment :)
Its like, i dont care who leaves, just 1 MUST leave..

Riiiiite ^^ :P So...apart from spamming Crossfire & playing ET, what do you like to do in your sparetime?

Well, spamming Xfire with my other accounts is pretty fun

Other accounts? :o Which other accounts do you own on crossfire?

Guess what, I am infact Bermuda JackSparrow, all this time people wondered: who is liek this jacksparrow dude HES KEWL YEAH!!, I enjoyed every day of spamming xfire with that account!

Well ofc, i knew that, but im sure this will come as a shock to many within the community, who knows, you may even lose some precious members of the Bermuda The Black Pearl

I don't care if someone wants to leave, I will kick them with pleasure.

Ok time for some quick fire questions, tell me the first thing that pops into your head


No you fool, i dont think you understood, i ask you a question, then you tell me whats the first thing to pop into your head..k?

k now i understand

Biggest Retard in ET


True...Most useful person in ET scene?

TosspoT, no wait let me re think,nah TosspoT fo sho

Biggest ET whiner?


Mcdonalds or Burger King?


Blonde or Brunette?


Prison Break or Heroes

Fuck thats hard, Prison Break

Oldskool or New


Mystic or Mztik


Bush or Blair


Biggest Retard in ET?

mi oh wait..=)

Belgians are noobs or al7 is a noob?

Belgians are noobs

Tard <3 Ok last but not least, any shoutouts?

limbonic, JackSparrow, Ahm3d, Bruzl4H, and to all my other buddies, <3<3

K thanks, id just like to give a shoutout too heroin, vi3ch, Xeon and ofc you al7 <3