image: tiigeri_kuvake
Its time for a new interview, and with that, i bring fresh blood, recently returning from LAN, i bring you Finland Tiigeri - member of the United Kingdom Impact Gaming team who claimed Second place at the latest installment of the Crossfire Prizefight Challenge! On with the interview...

Tiigeri on CPC2

Welcome back from CPC2, many will know you from being a star in the impact gaming team which claimed second place at the LAN; but for those who dont, tell us about who you are, and how you have reached this point in your et career.

Thank you. Well I'm Tony "Tiigeri" Keisala, from Finland, Tampere, 22 years old university "student". I like going out during the week (student parties rock!:) and weekends. I started playing ET around august of 2004, with hours of playing and praccing I slowly got better and found myself in better and better clans as time went by.

The xfire community are yet to be filled in with your so called "CPC diary", briefly tell us a little about the event through the eyes of tiigeri!

Oh well, so much to say, no idea where to start nor end (I'll try to keep it as brief as possible). I guess the event started for me at tuesday when xpaz and raveneye came to my home town, and we went out to get Tumu in a local night club called Emma. Wednesday - gaso and mystic joined the group, we flew to Bremen and got Tumu again in some pub and finally ending up to a night club called Stubu. Stubu was fun, we drank and danced and tried to pick up some girls with no luck whatsoever, but was fun anyway :)

Thursday - eVo picked us up from Bremen and we drove to Enschede. After driving around we finally found the way to the lan place. We were early tho
and got driven away by cash. After checking into our bungalow we went out to get Tumu again, we visited some very crowned and loud place and a night club calledlunatic. After some attempts, no luck with the girls this time either. But about the event itself, the place was awesome and the event itself was nicely organized, despite some delays. All the credits to people behind the scenes who made it possible. Would have been nice to see the finale in the cinema, but had to play myself!

Friday - was the first gaming days, atleast me and mystic felt awful, luckily we had to play only 1 game. Saturday was a bit mess, the delays were quite long. After the last game against dignitas which ended around 1 am the team felt so freaking pissed off, mad and sad. Not because of the time but because of the loss and about the fact that we were quite bad in the whole day (and personal note, I wanted to go out
but due to delays and early sunday games we couldn't).

On sunday we basicly played all the time from 9 am to 3 pm. That was nice, that's what we came there to do anyway, along all other fun stuff. :)

What was it like to claim second place at the lan? Did you fulfill your expectations, or perhaps go further then you had predicted..

Well our expectations was to get in top 3. So the goal got fulfilled I guess. Of course it would have been awesome to win the tournament, but we are quite satisfied to the second place as well.

What was the mood like within the impact camp going into the semi final vs Dignitas, having just lost to them earlier on in the tournament?

The mood was just great. We didn't really think about the earlier game, we played quite bad the whole day. After some good cames on sunday we felt confident, knowing that we can beat dinigtas.

Did it come as a shock to the team when you overcame them in emphatic fashion in a thrilling 4-2 semi final encounter?

As I said in previous question, it really didn't come as a shock, we knew we can do it. But the way we did it was a bit shocking. After dignitas set the time of a bit over 3mins at frostbite, we really thought that's it here comes the third place. But hell, that was the point we really started to play :)

We are intrigued by the boxer shorts scenario, is it true? If so, what is really that hot inside the venue, or was it just an excuse to take your trousers off in public?

Hehe, yes it's true. I'v always had this thing in me to show off at public places! Just kidding. It wasn't that hot tbh. But the back of my jeans were so tight seams that it felt uncomfortable to sit on those wooden chairs. Luckily we had to play only one game on those so I could keep my jeans on. :)

For those who need proof, Here it is

Tiigeri on Mystic

Ok now a hot topic! Mystic - fanboyed by many, known well by few, how was it to meet him and be around him? Was he getting all the attention at LAN just as he tends to do online?

Mystic is a nice guy, it was nice to meet him and to hang around with like with the whole team. And one another thing I need to mention is that he was going to get Tumu's all the time. :) At lan he didn't get ALL the attention, but quite a lot I suppose. People got a bit mad at me, when we swapped some positions so the people couldn't spec him so well behind his back :)

So, what was the situation with his config, did he genuinely try to "protect" it?

Well he deleted his config from the pc's right after the games, so yes I guess he tried to protect the cfg. But after many attempts somehow potter managed to get at least a piece of his config.

Tiigeri on Himself

How have you found the transition going from a pro riflenader to a smg medic?

It has been a bit difficult. Not that much like aim-wise, since I dont have that anyway, but all other stuff like positioning and such. And ffs, you cant shoot from mid-air with smg like you can with rifle and I still sometimes tend to try it out. But I feel I'v improved day by day and still improving.

You have recently been criticised as being the so called "weak" link in the impact lineup? How has this made you feel, has it had any effect on your game to know people are watching out for your performance in particular?

Yes so some people seems to say. I dont mind really and it doesn't affect my game. I try to do my stuff as best as I can in our team, which in attacks are planting and building things. I think I showed at the lan that I can play smg as well.

Tiigeri on Impact Gaming

eVo has publicy said the lineup will remain the same for the EC and perhaps even CPC3! Do you all have the motivation and enthusiasm to carry on this adventure?

Hopefully we can stick with the same lineup for EC and CPC3. But you never know, anything could happen. For now, we start to play EC with the cpc 2 lineup and time will tell how things goes. The motivation is good I suppose and we would really like to do well in the upcoming EC. Our first game is at sunday and it hasn't been possible for us to prac at all after the cpc 2 so we'll see how it goes.

The team chemistry has been improving day by day, would it be a unrealistic to suggest you could reach the heights of the parodia team? Their level of teamplay for example...

Well yea, team chemistry has been improving, especially durintg the time the lan, it was actually the first time we actually spoke about tactics in a more detailed way. The lan really gets your team more close, hell seeing teKoa dancing in a night club, what would you execpt. What comes to parodia it's somewhat silly to compare these two teams. The days in Et was way different back at those days. And since I was not ever in parodia, it's hard for me to evaluate and compare us to parodia.

So, what does the future hold for impact gaming?

The future, hmm. Well cpc 2 taught as so many things we can really improve in. So hopefully we can keep the lineup, improve as a team and grab the first place in the upcoming EC, Et-masters and CPC 3!

Ok, thanks for the interview, it was nice to speak to ya, gl for the future! Finally, any shoutsouts?

Shoutouts to impact.gaming of course. Thanks for eVo for organizing such an awesome trip (even when we almost missed our flight back:). Shoutout to all people who attended cpc 2. Hopefully we see again at cpc 3. Oh and dutch/german ladies, loosen up a bit, give a chance for drunk finnish guys next time!