After an amazing performance at CPC 2, I (Wakizashi) wanted to know more of mesq so i decided to catch up with him and find out his thoughts and feelings on ET:

For those people who don't know mesq already please describe to them who you are

Hey everyone, I'm Steven 'mesq' Van Acker from Belgium. I just turned 16 a week ago. I'm playing ET for 4 years now. Besides ET, I like going out with friends, playing football, etc.

Sounds sexy, Explain to us a little about your gaming history and where the journey of mesq started

It all started when my classmate told me about RTCW. I played it a couple of times at his place, and I really liked it, therefore I decided to buy RTCW. But I was only 12 at that time, so I didn't really play that much, I only played publics. Once my mate and me saw that there was an mod version of RTCW, we decided to download it. After playing some weeks ET we decided to make an own Clan. horCane aka lio was also playing in my first ET clan. At one point my mate decided to quit ET and play CS, from that time I kept on playing with lio, made some other clans together like revoLution, with players such as Kris, asd, Rapt6rr and many more.
The team died because lio didn't have a pc anymore. Therefore me Kris asd and Rapt6rr tried to rebuild a team, after some days a new team was born, Rewind it was. Later on we joined Team - Helix, the best moment in Team - Helix was when we won Supply Depot vs team-uQ (parodia) in Euro Cup.
After Team - Helix, I played in team-uQ with blaze, sexyhot, eddie, lio and kMt. That team didn't work out, so we decided to call it a day after one month. At the 16th March, me, lio, Kevin and guest decided to make a fully .be team, xtraZone. From xtraZone we moved onto czar-Gaming, After playing one year in cZar we decided to leave cZar.
Because we were homeless after the departure at cZar, we decided to pick up the 'dead' zero barrier. And now one week after CPC 2, we joined up onesoldier.

That's quality mate and a lot of experience :P, So for what reasons did you feel one soldier was the right choice for you and your clan?

Well, They wanted a LAN-team and we were looking for an mgc, which could provide us LAN support. so that speaks for itself.

Well I wish you the best of luck with one soldier and your lineup. How do you rate your chances against the other top teams like dignitas, zeropoint, impact gaming, TLR etc.

Thanks m8. Well, Everyone is beatable imo. But i'm very optimistic though. It just depends on the maps imo. This sunday we will face Dignitas in EuroCup, I hope that we can put up a good fight and maybe take a map home. I honestly think that we are on the same level as zeroPoint. But well, lets see how we will do in EuroCup.

Id like to say now congratulations on beating zeroPoint at cpc2 as you were the underdogs in that matchup and in an amazing turn of events you manage to take the win :P What was that like for you and the morale of your team?

Thanks! That feeling was just so fucking great, just undescribable. It was like we won WC (Like toss said) or something. Once the game was finished 'everyone' came to us and said well played guys etc, thats just fucking nice... I've never felt that feeling before within ET. That was like our big goal, just to win vs zeroPoint and win the groupstage. I'm glad that we succeeded in that goal.

It seems today like everybody is "skilled" at ET, how do you remain at the top of your game and keep one step ahead of the competition.

Indeed, there are plenty of good players at the moment in ET. Well, I don't do anything special afaik. I only play when I have to play and that is only in the evening, excluded Friday and Saturday.

What have been the highlights of your ET career?

Playing in the NationsCup final, Playing twice at a LAN with the best ET teams.

How did you get the name "mesq" and why?

First of all, mesq wasn't my first ET name, that was hmm, I don't remember anymore, but I played a long time with 'loCo', Untill some random cheater played with my name on some publics, such as BiO, efterlyst and telenet. Therefore I decided to change name into mesq. I came up with mesq, when I was reading in my english school book, I saw 'mosquito' and I made mesq of it!

Heh heh, I would never have guessed that. Time for some quick fire questions now

Favourite food?

I'm from belgium what do you think? French fries duh!

Favorite drink?


Favourite game?

Enemy Territory

Favourite ET moment?

Without any doubt, Winning 4-0 vs zeroPoint at CPC 2!



Favourite book?

I dont read books LOL

Mouse and mousepad?

Logitech Mx518 and Qpad

Ok thank you for your time, any shoutouts you wish to make?

You're welcome, thx for the interview aswell. I would like to thank all the players I played with, and all the guys who I spoke with at CPC 2. And ofcourse you and the best guy in the world, Rhand ! I love you man !
