Today i had the pleasure to interview the hot Germany Drago.
Most people know him as a Player, who has tons of Achievements.

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Hi Drago, can you introduce yourself to the people that don’t know you?

Sure, I am Sebastian 'drago' O, a left-handed ET player from Germany :P. I just finished school and will turn 20 in about 3 month. Before I joined p5/zP! I played in teams like helix, or

What do you do apart from gaming?

I play football and basketball with my friends, annoy my brother or try to keep my dog entertained :P.

Haha sounds cool, Okay. What is your gaming history and how did you end up playing Enemy Territory?

Well my online gaming history starts 2000 with Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force which is basically Quake3 with a Star Trek theme. The first clan I joined was basically some bunch of people open for every game. When Enemy Territory was released, some guy made a forum post and I gave it a try... and even though my PC couldnt even provide me a stable 40 FPS, I loved it :P.

You recently joined zeroPoint Gaming or should i say Pro5! Why Pro5?

Well, actually I was waiting for Helix.ET to return. Unfortunately, it turned out to be much harder to gather a new lineup than we thought and so the Helix 'relaunch' wouldnt make it for the new EC season. Meanwhile potter decided to go inactive and so zP! was in need of a new player, I played a few games with them and then they asked me to join. I accepted and now I am playing this EuroCup with them :P.

What do you think about Pro5s strengths. Are they good enough to compede in the top3? after the Keran crise.

Playing without keran is hard, he used to be some kind of ingame leader. Potter is probably the most experienced player in this Eurocup, so I think we have the same strength as we had with keran.

Tomorrow Pro5 will face the skilled clan "TLR" how do you think the match will be?

We will just play our game like we did in our previous matches, may the better team win \o/.

What have been the highlights of your ET career?

Hm tough question, I usually dont focus on the achievments I could get, I solely play because of the fun you have playing a teamgame with the right persons :P. If I'd have to pick some, maybe beating rA/sol (:XDDD) with at the Arctic Esports Challenge and more recently our performance on frostbite against Dignitas.

How do you prefer to play: defensive or offensive?

I think I know how to balance these two quite well, but due to my computer being shit I like to have the first hit :D.

Who is currently your favorite ET player & why?

I rarely watch ETTV so its hard to keep track but I think Winghaven has mastered the art of 'throwing an airstrike, selfkilling and still killing 3+ enemys'. If I do that I usually end up with 3 teamkills :D.

Haha!:D What would be your ET dream team?

I'd pass the leadership to urtier and he could pick the people he wants :D.

Time to some short questions

Vodka or Whiskey
Both are good :P. But give neither of them to biqq or he will turn into a monster :D.

Burger or pizza
Pizza, no doubt

Are you single<3?
Yep I am, but I know biqq loves me deep in his heart. :>>

Thanks for the interview Drago and good luck in all your future, finally any shout outs ?
No problem, shoutout to p5, helix, Team-ger, sF, twk, eZ, eintagsfliegen and all our fans, especially adi :P + adacore for being our very patient admin this EC season. bibuy

Good luck to pro5 from here!
