No it's not toxic, nor butchji or mAus. He is quite unknown for the big part of ET scene but some ones who have started to play CPM he might be well known.

Hi Finland LuGia. Could you please describe yourself to the audience and tell us from what are you known for?

Yea sure. I'm Lari Laitinen, almost 19 years old student from Finland Helsinki and in my opinion I'm known as a The Specialist or Promode player. I haven't ever played any mainstream games competitively so I might be unknown for some. I'm playing QuakeWorld for 10 years now, randomly though, The Specialist about 4 years and Quake 3 CPMA for 3-4 years.

Some people might say that you are known the best from your outstanding aim. What do you think about that some praises you as the world's best aimer?

I think the praising has grown to over hyping. As I said I haven't even been playing any mainstream games so I really haven't got a change to challenge the bests.

Nevertheless you are one of the best aimers around. Have you ever achieved anything with your aim?

Well there have been quite a big bunch small cups and tournaments where I've played in. I've never won any big competition but gained many first places in smaller cups which have not had any prizes. Or actually I won spectator tickets to ESWC France in some wSw FastCup but never got the tickets (Thanks who ever organized that, I wouldn't even use them).
But yea I've won Produels CPM cup and other small cups like q3amphi tourney etc. I haven't attended any LANs but the meet. Which was unofficial though and never got played to the end.

Do you practice your aim daily or is it just a natural talent? From what have you even got it?

I've always been saying people that my aim comes from funk. I'm a funkaholic as some might say. Few of my self-made songs are available in Also the time I spent playing TS has something to do with it as well as my 55 cm width mousemat.

Tell us about the time when you played The Specialist.

Hahaha it was great time. We had a clan with Finland demu and everyone accused us from cheating and everyone hated us and we got banned to everywhere. The weapons also got nerfed down because of us. Every weapon which we used got suddenly overpowered for the game even though anyone else didn't know how to use them.

Accusing, cheating and banning. Reminds like ET nowadays. What do you think about Enemy Territory as a game and the ET players which have started to play CPMA recently?

I've played few 3on3s in ET and I think it's absolutely the best team game around. ET has a great netcode and input so I like to play it. I think that if someone would ask to play it more than just random mixes I'd start playing it. Although I don't like the spread at all, I think everyone should have stens.

About the ET players, there are few nice chaps and they blend in the community much better than Counter Strike players for example. Also it's very nice that CPMA scene grows and gets more players.

What do you think the future will bring to you and what do you want to do in future? Stick to CPM or start completely a new game?

I've been planning that I'll win lottery and organize CPM LANs where the winner gets 1 ME and the second 0,5 ME etc...
But if I will not win the lottery I want still stick to CPM. I've heard some rumors that there is another CPM MastersCup coming and I want to be in if there will be one. Also Unreal Tournament 3 sounds interesting and I'll absolutely check it out when it comes. I just hope that the Epic Games will not fuck up the input and netcode same as id fucked the Quake 4 so the game would be playable.

One more question related to gaming, which is the best moment in your gaming career?

Hmm, that's tough one. Though I've won some smaller competitions but I raise the victories over Netherlands Vo0 and United States of America Vamp1re (this was in last CMC) as the best moments. Those were two really great games.

LuGia, thanks for your time and the interview. Any shout outs you want to add to the end?

No problem. Special shout outs goes to: arQon (Thanks for the greatest game around!), mew, Pushpabon, koddy, ouzo, hala, NJeesus, CheZDa, Varma, 8bitlobster, ix, ahxnax, ovo, demu, juma, danskie, svr, fluf, sopp4, reddbull and Medar. Also greets to everyone in, #promode, #digitalbrutality and #b2bn.

Demos from LuGia

Bad Juju, includes some frags from LuGia.


Later on LuGia won Clanbase CPM 1v1 Opencup by defeating ffsligh in the final.