When we hear the name eVo, we think of Impact Gaming. When we hear Impact Gaming, we think of the mighty Enemy Territory team which has grabbed 2nd spot on both CPC2 and their very own ET Masters. Let’s get this started and get to know eVo.

England Paul “eVo” Sexton is known from multigaming organizations such as sFx.Gaming, WoN and of course his own Impact Gaming (together with Ireland mthd).

- Hello Paul, lets start with you introducing yourself to the people who don’t know you:
Hello my name is Paul "eVo" Sexton, i'm the current manager of Impact Gaming and UK NationsCup team Captain, i'm 24 (25 in 10 days) years old living in Chester, England and i work as an IT Systems Manager. I have a girlfriend and 2 gorgeous children.

image: Paul%20&%20Terri%20Mallorca%20phone2

- Talking about your children, once in a while we get to see some pictures of them, does a good father like you still finds time for eSports besides your job and children?
It's a balancing act to be honest, i'm sure a lot of the readers have had issues with balancing their priorities in life, i.e. getting that separation between online and offline time. Myself when i was younger and doing a lot for sFx i had those issues and occasionally i still do however now my life is more balanced. A typical day for me can be crawl out of bed and get to work for 9am till 5.30 pm, get home at 6.30, spend an hour or so feeding, bathing and putting the kids to bed, have dinner with the girlfriend and then either go online for a couple of hours or sit down in front of the tv with some wine and the company of my girlfriend

image: laurenicecream2

- Taking eSports into subject, how and when did you start with gaming? And was that as a player, manager, .. ?
I started off gaming in Star Trek Bridge commander with sFx and then moved onto Enemy Territory with them. I took a few breaks to play with some other teams but before long i was part of the management team in sFx, i then decided i wanted to go further with them and began the transformation into a hosting company (which they still do). As part of that i began advertising by sponsoring things like warleagues, ET-Cup, Kreaturen, Skit-Evil, Murso and sFx LAN, eventually i decided i wanted to branch off and create a more competitive brand in Impact Gaming. I still play ET myself and also Americas Army (sometimes stepping in for Impact when they need a bit more firepower than mystic can provide xD )

- Mentioning Impact Gaming, it started as an ET only clan, but according to the topic at IRC, #Impact.Gaming will also participate in other games. Can we know in which games and what the plans are for them?
We already have a q4 1o1 player who is attending various LANS however we are in the process of building a UK Counter Strike Source team, its had a few hiccups recently with an issue with one of the players which has cause the likes of Jafro (old UQ Gaming) to move to Zboard however we hope to have those problems sorted shortly so that we can present our CSS team. We're also in the process of looking for the right COD2 squad, its difficult to find a team that shares the same level of dedication and skill level with goals and objectives that match my vision for Impact. When i find such a team i will endeavor to sign them.

- You did support Impact.ET to CPC2, with the upcoming squads, won’t it be hard to pay their (travel) costs as well, or am I revealing news about possible sponsors?
Your not revealing any news because i'm not revealing any news ;] There are some specific negotiations which are underway however until anything is concrete and set in stone i cant really talk about that. Suffice to say i don't plan on spending my own money in the future, or at least not as much ;] Nonetheless after prize money i wasn't massively out of pocket with the Impact trip to Enschede

- Talking about Enschede, many people received speed tickets, were you also one of them? :D
Funny you mention that :p but yes i just received a ticket through the post with my face as a mug shot, the dumb arses have sent it to the UK but its all in German like i'm supposed to be able to read that -,- i get the idea though, me in the Impact Fun Bus speeding and pay up €25 :( i got totally owned, and there was me thinking you could drive as fast as you liked on the Autobahn ... pft

image: speeding%20in%20germany%20002_

- Hmm, I can see you driving, but the person next to you got removed, don't tell me its mystic, oh wait... it's in the middle of the night, who's that girl Paul? :p
Unfortunately its mthd and sheep, seems they didn't want to upset anyone so removed their pictures from view, i cant blame them, seems the yermans can be considerate when they want to be.. j/k <3

- Back to gaming, evolve won the EC XV last night, what do you have to say about this and the EC in general?
This Eurocup has been interesting, but for me has been a bit of a shambles too which is a shame. The scandals with cheaters has been nothing if not disappointing. I for one don't believe the likes of keran, perfo etc cheated in officials however as soon as they were caught neither team morally should have wanted to play with them yet they continued until the bans were in place and were not punished for that. When we (Impact) went out to p5 i was rather annoyed because i had told Adacore that we could not play on the Tuesday on comms a few days earlier so he went and forced the game to Tuesday, later saying he would change the date which he never did so our usual roster was upset with the loss of teKoa whilst p5 were playing with players who should have been banned. This is a bit of a whine but i felt hard done by. I also think that activity within most of the top teams was an issue, i know Impact, Dignitas etc were not really praccin much and i believe a lot of other teams were the same and i think that showed with all of us, unfortunately i dont think anyone was massively motivated to play EC and i dont think that’s going to improve in the future. As for the final well played evolve and i'm glad they won <3 sqzz razz toxic

- Impact.ET are also participating in the etQcup, being in the semi-finals without losing so far. How do you think your chances are against the winner of TLR or Cadre?
So far we have been really strong and to be honest we are playing at our best form at the moment which is surprising given we haven't really practiced much, we are waiting for mztik to finish his exams since he is replacing xpaz who is taking a break for a while. As for TLR or Cadre, i think it'll be close whoever we play at the moment but i feel confident we could take the win.

- What about the ET Masters, will there be a second edition anytime? I sure think many people liked it, and not only for the prizes but as a gift to the ET Community as well.
ET masters was a huge success and i do play to run a second season however time is as ever a deciding factor. At the moment my sparing online time is spent with impact and the UK team. i am also interested in running the new ezbash project that Tosspot is planning but i'm not sure the timeframe or even if he wants me involved. ET Masters will probably return in time prior to CPC3 with hopefully another LAN final, to simply answer your question, yes there will be, however i'd like to time it with the teams activity levels and that fluctuates a lot during the summer as people tend to rl a lot more.

- I guess the next LAN for Impact Gaming will be CPC3?
Yes, Impact Gaming will be there. ;) The lineup for now will remain the same.

image: team2

Thank you Paul for this interview, I had fun and I hope you had too :D
Meanwhile good luck with Impact Gaming and have a good holiday, see you at CPC3!

- Any shoutouts/comments/… you want to add?
shoutouts to all of impact, razbo, pot, brzy and team UK thx