Questions and answers from the SplashDamage Q&A in #etqwbeta on Monday, July 2nd.

Categories: General / Gameplay / Beta Related / Competition Related / Mapping Related


Sim-- asked: which forums is the best place to post some feedback, offical forums or beta forums?

badman answers: is the best place for feedback

Brotdose asked: How many Maps will be there at the beginning?

Wils|work answers: ETQW will ship with 12 maps

gunnie-nl asked: will the maps on the finale release be bigger then the beta sewer map?

Wils|work answers: Sewer is about average - the rest of the maps are both bigger and smaller

Brotdose asked: Will there be a XPSave Campagne Mode?

Wils|work answers: XP is saved between sessions (e.g. if you quit and reconnect to the same server while the same campaign is running), but not between campaigns

[LoX] asked: are the graphics in beta a good representation of the final product. I'm also referring to framerate

Locki-SD answers: Not at all. There are improvements to come in optimisation, settings that improve the visuals, and maps that have more detail (depending on the gameplay goal). You'll see some big differences in the coming weeks.

soee asked: do er get more commands to tweak graphic ?

Locki-SD answers: Yes... For example, there were texture/MegaTexture command(s) missing in the Ui that have since been added.

y3tti asked: Will there be a better server browser?

badman answers: The server browser has been getting a host of additions and improvements, including new filters and options for quickly seeing which servers your friends and clanmates are playing on.

greywhind asked: Do any of you know how long after the initial release it will be before we get a Mac client, approximately?

badman answers: Aspyr is handling the Mac version of the game, so this would be a question for them.

queltos asked: requesting for radar via quick chat is not possible in the beta. will that change in the final version?

badman answers: there is a "need radar" option in the voice chat menu

fusen asked: will the clan and ingame IM features be improved on for the game launch?

Locki-SD answers: In reponse to bugs yes, but we probably won't add more features to the IM until an update after launch.

LoX asked: I've been a longtime RTCW and ET player, so I've had plenty of time to perfect my aim. Hitting targets in the beta seems a lot harder in the beta. Is this an issue of netcode, or just the way the game is?

FeaRog__ answers: Compared to RTCW & ET, our netcode is rather different so we were unable to port across the antilag code used for Wolf:ET. As mentioned in badman's recent blog we are currently working on antilag code, that should hopefully improve the experience :)

drakonen asked: Will there be a linux client?

RR2DO2 answers: TTimo over at id is working on a Linux client

pentiak asked: How much will the QW approximately cost to play?

badman answers: There is no monthly fee for playing ETQW.

ToTOm asked: When the game will be shipped ?

badman answers: When it's done. And yes, I picked this question just so I could say it.

henks asked: is the smashing pumpkins a featured band on the ETQW soundtrack?

badman answers: Bill Brown is responsible for all of ETQW's music. No Smashing Pumpkins I'm afraid. :)

Smilieuk asked: how long does it take to compile a megatexture ?

Wils|work answers: It depends on the complexity of the megatexture, but it can take anything from 90 minutes upwards

ViperGR asked: Will in-game ads affect the ingame performace(ping mostly) since they track how long you watch it?

RR2DO2 answers: no this will hardly take any CPU time at all. Firing a single bullet is way more expensive CPU wise

mordred_ asked: will ranks be reset after the beta? Will we be able to use the same accounts?

Wils|work answers: All data will be wiped at the end of the beta, including player accounts and the stats associated with them

QWPC Sash asked: Will there be a demo? If so will it contain Valley or another map?

Wils|work answers: Yes, there'll be a demo. No details of what it will contain for the moment

zivs asked: You're saying that you have consultations to some mystical clans - from what games do they come from? And do you take any advices from top ET clans or anything?

badman answers: We've been in touch with many high profile clans from a variety of games, including ET, Battlefield, and Q3

jew|fRusty asked: will it be able to take vehicules from the "enemy" in the final

bongoboy answers: We originally did let players steal enemy vehicles and it really wasn't as much fun as we'd hoped. We cut it and absolutely no one missed it - it was just annoying and confusing. So, no : )

xQuakewars asked: About the player stats (post-release), are they stored via central database? If so, will they be accessable through a specific site?

badman answers: There is going to be a statistics website so you can look at your stats and compare yourself with other players. We are also going to make the stats feed available, so you can build your own sites and applications with it.

mordred_ asked: will you lock some more variables of the engine? I have seen screenshots with custom cfgs that looked like cheating :)

RR2DO2 answers: There are certain cvars that are overly tweakable, and we'll be restricting these more. We've also added some other bits of code to keep people's graphics settings within reasonable limits.

umuq asked: Does the game already support core2duo CPUs? Or is it only using 1 core?

RR2DO2 answers: The game uses several worker threads, all the MegaTexture de/recompression is threaded for example. The game is definitely happier on a multi-core CPU.

Disto asked: How much bandwidth does this game usae roughly per hour?

FeaRog__ answers: I can't give you a concrete value for that, but due to Area Of Relevance it does compare very favourably to other games out there :)

frals asked: Is there a preview of the stats feed available so we can start working on parsers etc? :)

badman answers: We hope to make more information on the feed available in the coming weeks.

imp`jolt asked: i was lead to believe screenshotjpeg is unavailible, if it is will you be adding it into the game so we dont have to spend money cough cough on programs which open tga files.

RR2DO2 answers: No, screenshotjpeg has been removed. You will just have to use a free image browser or so to change the tga to jpg if you desire.

TheShniz asked: Will server files be included @ release?

(20:50:39) RR2DO2 answers: Yes, we'll be shipping dedicated server files when the game will be released.

steven` asked: are you going to make headshots do more damage like they did in Wolf:ET

Wils|work answers: Headshots already do more damage, just like in Wolf ET

neb^ asked: Will there be a fix for the bug that doesnt allow you to change your ingame name from your account name soon?

jRAD answers: Your account name is your in-game name when playing on internet servers. We'll be making this more clear from the game options. Of course, you can change your name to whatever you like when playing on LAN games.

billiob asked: about jpeg, is it because of patents ? Or is it planned to support png ?

RR2DO2 answers: Nope, it is just that screenshotjPEG was the only reason we had to link to libJpeg. Same goes for libPNG. There are enough good image browsers around (free ones!) to not have to bloat the game executable with this extra code

heeen asked: Irfanview is free and converts tga to jpg fyi

Wils|work answers: what he said

Malle- asked: "jRAD said: Your account name is your in-game name when playing on internet servers" doesn't that mean clans will have problems if players leave etc or/and join new clan ?

jRAD answers: You can set your clan tag separately; it will be added to your name either before or after your name.

Tom|Nbk asked: what plans do you have for E3

badman answers: We hope to have more on this in the next few weeks

florian asked: Why I cannot use a colored "^" for my clantag? :o

badman answers: colors in clan tags are definitely supported

breadedfish asked: Will the ability to change campaign length be unranked server only, like changing the playercap to 32 instead of 24 is, or will you be able to play 6,8 and/or 12 map campaigns on ranked servers?

Wils|work answers: ranked servers will use the standard 3-map campaign

TheShniz asked: Are objects coming into view via dither final... no fading, etc?

jRAD answers: If you enable multisampling objects will fade smoothly out of view.

addshore asked: will more resolutions be supported like 1680x1050?

Wils|work answers: set your aspect ratio first to make different resolutions available - 1680 x 1050 is a 16:10 ratio resolution, for example

mordred_ asked: what did you like implementing more: strogg or gdf?

FeaRog__ answers: From a programming perspective, Strogg - their tools are funky :)

drloser asked: Do you plean to release downloadable content on the Xbox Live? Do you know if it will be free?

badman answers: That's a question for id and Nerve. We're focusing on the PC version of ETQW.

browncoat asked: Are soft particles going to get supported on ATi cards or are there hardware limitations that prevent it?

RR2DO2 answers: We are working on this with ATI.

Whoops|TWL|Lap asked: can anyone tell me why i would get a message "somone has logged in using your license code"

RR2DO2 answers: We have seen this a few times, still need to track it down.

jew|fRusty asked: will we be able to play vs xbox owners :D

Wils|work answers: sure, if you have an xbox :)

jew|fRusty asked: i mean pc vs xbox

badman answers: that's not currently planned

Traxer|on asked: whom do i have to email to get informations about the master and gameserver query protocols?

RR2DO2 answers: Me

Rappie asked: When will there be an open beta without required beta keys?

Locki-SD answers: That will be the demo.

fusen asked: how many SD employees will be going to quakecon along with the locki man?

Locki-SD answers: That depends on whether we're done or not, but right now Badman and I will definitely be there.

rt`RaptoR asked: where can i preorder the game in europe to pre-register a nick of my choice? <- will this question be answered if i ask it often enough? ;)

badman answers: Depends on where you are in Europe. We've got several preorder partners there.

myRM`Peti asked: will be there some eatsereggs, or are there already someone?

badman answers: it's a mystery!

fusen asked: will we ever find out who wins the war of GDF vs strogg?

bongoboy answers: Play Quake's II and IV for your answer.

JoinTheHell asked: For how long are you guys programming now? When did you start? With what did you start? Btw. Cup holders for Strogg Vehics would be nice ^^

FeaRog__ answers: Most of us have been programming for a long time - eg I started when I was about 7 years old.

Lekdevil asked: Are there any changes planned to the effectiveness of the Tormentor's Hyperblaster? And give link to Locki's GF pics!

Locki-SD answers: I've been talking to Wils about the Tormentor, so not sure as some other issues might fix it's power separately. GF is at

mordred_ asked: will you provide a linux client?

RR2DO2 answers: Yes

erazor asked: AFAIR there will be a Mac OS X Client. Will you support that mulitithreaded openGL stuff in Leopard?

RR2DO2 answers: This would be more a question for Aspyr, but afaik this is all behind the scenes. If someone wants to send me a Mac PRo with Leopard I'd be willing to look into it though.

Nr|Five asked: Some of SD team I recognise from the Tribes warfields I used to play on: Do you think Tribes fans can or will be able to find their home with ET:QW?

FeaRog__ answers: I'm still hoping to kickstart a Tribes-inspired mod once the SDK is out, so hells yes! :D

Sebultura asked: does the work you're putting into QW will be used for next id game tech (megatexture stuff, tools for instance) ?

Locki-SD answers: The colaborative effort of all the teams working on ETQW has resulted in id Tech 4, which id have overseen and worked on directly. I'm sure you can google it for more information.

Go3the asked: Will some of you help if any Tribes mod gets seriously planned by a modding team?

FeaRog__ answers: I would certainly like to contribute - if only just to get the initial skiing etc modded in

fragy` asked: locki-SD, what was the best q3 match you have seen as player/commentator?

Locki-SD answers: I loved the Q3F matches I took part in for EarthQuakers, but probably my favourite was beating Clan Spice Girls 8-0 in Quake 3 CTF (having joined a tournament just to hunt them down and beat them).

imp`jolt asked: Locki-SD any jobs going at splash dmg at the moment, perhaps a uber tea boy and commedian if so can i send my cv :)

badman answers: check out for the latest job openings

Skuzzel asked: is it possible to enable 3rd person all the time?? like in max payne? :D

Locki-SD answers: it is when cheats are enabled and it looks great. I would imagine a mod team will do that pretty soon after release.

kmforn1x asked: Does SD have their own in-house web development team or is it outsourced?

badman answers: I try to mess up Splash Damage's web presence as much as possible, but on ETQW we also work with a few other companies to provide the presence at and our upcoming stats site.

noedel asked: is ETQW gonna be released on the xbox 360 at the same time as on the PC?

badman answers: either version will be released when it's done - neither one is dependent on the other. I hope that was confusing.


Killgarr asked: are the vehicle movements set? The GDF tank seems to be way to fast and the Cyclopse seems to be way too slow.

Wils|work answers: Vehicles are being tweaked at the moment

coap asked: I myself like the rocket launcher as people killer is it meant to be that way and are u planning on it to make it a bit stronger?

Locki-SD answers: I can't give you specifics on the Rocket Launcher, but we'll be tweaking weapons right through the Beta.

Azuvector asked: Is the current beta gameplay 'pace/speed' representative of the final goal? A lot of early footage showed what appeared to be a slower paced, more tactical game than what's being played currently. There are certainly two camps of preference on the matter, with the occassional person happy in the middleground that currently exists. What are your thoughts on this?

badman answers: We're still making some tweaks in this area, but the game speed is close to final. ETQW is a very intense and fast-paced experience.

evilinc asked: are the experience rewards/system going to be tweaked at all?

badman answers: tweaks and balancing are on-going

QWPC Sash asked: Hey, I noticed and i'm sure a few others have in the beta, the vehicles are rather twitchy if you must. But in this update they're alot smoother but still a little edgey. Just wondering what you guys have in mind for this prroblem.

FeaRog__ answers: That was a known bug in public beta - it has been fixed here, but it hasn't made its way out to you guys yet. :)

Disto asked: 2) The other is in regards to gameplay, the "GPMG" appears to be a heavier weapon then the assault rifle but it appears to not do any more damage then it

Wils|work answers: The GPMG actually does quite a bit more damage than the AR - especially to vehicles. It fires round which do more damage at a faster rate of fire, and is more accurate over distance while prone

S9|stat asked: I noticed that being the strogg class Oppressor, is that after gained the XP in that class up you have the availablity to a new gun called the Accurized Lacerator, i remember seeing an interview and was told that "it would not be a battle field type of game where you get better guns by more experience". Or am i just not thinking the correct way to how the gun is unlucked

bongoboy answers: That must have been an old build. The Accurized Lacerator is available right from the start, but only to the Infiltrator class. Generally you don't get rewarded with entirely new stuff, just improvements in what you already have. I guess the exceptions would be the GDF Engineer's Grenade Launcher attachment and Strogg Constructor's Plasma Launcher attachment, but the point still stands that you start off with all th

Eltia asked: Grenades of GDF's Covert Ops doesn't seem as useful as Strogg Infiltrator's teleporter. The same argument seems to apply to Third Eye vs Drone Plane. Would you consider making the two jobs more balanced?

Wils|work answers: The Covert Ops' Third Eye Camera is able to disable a deployable in one hit, which is often more useful than the flyer drone

Shrap asked: How does accuracy/spread of smgs compare with ET/RTCW? It seems as though they are less accurate in general. Is this still being tweaked?

Wils|work answers: prediction has been somewhat improved in the update that went out today

Rahabib asked: any chance we will be able to shoot flyer drones?

bongoboy answers: You can do so right now. The Shotgun is recommended. For the later, indoor objectives, it may be worth changing your weapon loadout in the Limbo menu.

Go3the asked: how about slightly increasing the damage and/or blast radius of the gdf nade launcher ?

Wils|work answers: how about getting some skillz, noob? (serious answer: we're currently happy with its strength and radius)

antrozous asked: Are the teams designed into attack/defense roles as per the assymetry? For example, will Strogg be defending on most/all maps because of the way they are designed? Or will we see Strogg being attackers on a few maps?

Wils|work answers: The Strogg attack on just under half the maps in the full game

Assiar asked: are the plasma/grenade launcher reload time set? the plasma one seems to be way too slow compared with the grenade one

bongoboy answers: No, the current Plasma Launcher reload animation is a broken buggy thing and is being fixed.

linsenAThome asked: Are things such as auto-overheat/reload on the RNADE set in stone? Are these timings still being tweaked?

Wils|work answers: not set in stone, but we're mostly looking for feedback at this point - we don't have any fixed plans to change stuff at this point

figvam asked: is there a reason the plasma launcher is a separate weapon which must be chosen after getting the upgrade? why not add the upgrade to the existing lacerator?

Wils|work answers: some people prefer the ironsight, and the plasma launcher variant fires slightly slower because of the extra hardware

Beta Related

Thanxal asked: How long public beta continues?

badman answers: The open beta will run for several weeks. We don't have a specific end date to announce yet

ar asked: Can somebody set up some private servers for clan people to play, so that us pubby players dont keep getting kicked off?

badman answers: We're currently looking at this issue. We're realize that scrims are important to clans and we'll try and find a way to make this happen.

TheShniz asked: Will we be able to, err test the beta until the game is released?

Locki-SD answers: We'll run the beta till the game is done! :)

LoX asked: Do the developers check the BETA forum very often for player feedback?

badman answers: The forums are being checked every day by developers and production staff.

Sako asked: Do SD-Developers play ET:QW Pubilc Beta on Servers or are they too busy to enjoy their own game!

badman answers: We play regularly! Look out for the [SD] tag :)

nophin asked: Will you fix the punkbuster problem that has occured since the patch was released ? i get kicked off servers becuase of "loosing key packets", and so do others.

RR2DO2 answers: yes we are rolling an update out right now, keep an eye on for further updates

imp`jolt asked: Locki-SD will people who have keys and logins for beta 1 be able to still have access or is it a lottery again for keys?

Wils|work answers: Logins will carry over - it's just a new build of the game - to clarify, keys will still work, but the database will be wiped

xQuakewars asked: Will we still be able to play the first map in addition to the 2nd?

Wils|work answers: No, the new map will replace the old

TheShniz asked: Any plans to make XP level-ups lower so we can level up easier?

Wils|work answers: We're tweaking XP rates through the beta

coap asked: can i play the beta on 2 diffrent computers with diffrent ip's?

badman answers: Each key can only be used once at any given time.

olllli asked: Re: Wils|work answers: No, the new map will replace the old.... does this mean it's a new map that replaces sewer for retail.. or has sewer been changed so much you want to keep it secret?

Wils|work answers: It means we've gotten enough feedback on Sewer and don't want to make you all sick of it before release :)

myRM`Peti asked: Why there is no crash report created, wehen the game crash?

RR2DO2 answers: this depends on the crash, sometimes the app/OS isn't able to do so. Most times it work fine. By the way, if you ever get a Windows dialog asking you if you want to send crash info, do so. We are able to use these dumps.

MM asked: Question: Did you implement "antilag" thingy and is it just the PB that causes all the problems?

FeaRog__ answers: There is no antilag code included in the recent update, only some minor prediction fixes. It is still a work in progress.

billiob asked: warmup can sometimes be pretty annoying when a few players don't press F3. Will there be something to improve it (when someone moves and fires bullets, he is ready) ?

Wils|work answers: You can adjust how many players have to ready up - it's set a little high at the moment

LoX asked: How finalized are the physics of the vehicles? Theirs been a lot of talk about a "lightness" to them in the forums.

FeaRog__ answers: The vehicle handling is not final, we are still tweaking and refining and will likely do so right up until release. We do take feedback seriously!

KanevalaETQW asked: Opressors airsupport/beam is a bit too random in their directions, is anything being done to address this issue?

RR2DO2 answers: It is entirely predictable. It always enters along a vector perpendicular to your view angle.

mylo asked: Why are the fireteams restricted to 5 players? that makes no sense in a 6vs6.

Locki-SD answers: That's on our fix list right now.

addshore asked: will our beta keys work on the real game?? **hopes for the best**

jRAD answers: The beta keys will not work with the full game.

yhcir asked: Are there any plans to increase the charge time on the countermeasures from the strogg plane thingy? You can spam them like crazy :\

Locki-SD answers: We look at all the balance feedback we get on the beta forums, and try out tweaks internally, so that each new beta update will have balance improvements.

breadedfish asked: Is it intentional that you can stick a strogg tank to virtually any flat surface using the siegemode? I've succesfully planted it against straight walls (ie 90°) with enough buildup, making it a fly on the wall.

FeaRog__ answers: That was a bug, it has been changed since.

JIM_BOB7813 asked: the Icarus seems to have a lot of fuel (more than shown on the HUD), is this a bug or intentional?

FeaRog__ answers: That was a bug, it has since been fixed.

eXoz-off asked: will you need to have a new key for beta2?

badman answers: your existing beta is all you'll need

breadedfish asked: Is there an eta on fixing the covops issue? Right now you can see a covops by means of minimap, as a disguised one will be the only icon that rotates (other icons from friendly medics/engineers/etc do not rotate, a disguised infiltrator's POSING as a medic will)

jRAD answers: We've found the cause and fixed it. ETA would be for Beta 2

mordred_ asked: will you give us a command to speak only to our fire teams companions? or at least that looks different to them?

badman answers: try u for fireteam-only chat

breadedfish asked: Is it intentional that firing decoys in the Desecrator while moving actually damages yourself?

Wils|work answers: No :)

JoinTheHell asked: What about prone. When I prone and want to turn it shutters a lot. Is that a bug? ^^ Sry if it was already answered just got back from dinner

FeaRog__ answers: Thats a bug

Raverlaver asked: Not sure if this has been asked, but how does the size of Valley compare to the size of Sewer? Can we expect more room to move about in Beta2?

Wils|work answers: Valley is a little more spread out than Sewer, and has one more objective

mordred_ asked: can you disclose some more information on the next map? will you post some info on the site? i'm really curious

badman answers: there was a pair of training videos released for Valley - head to the file site of your choice to check them out

rap`etqw asked: Do you know about the "bug" that when you bring down the console and start typing, the chars are colored? Everytime I open the console I have to press backspace several times before I can enter a command. That was in Q3, in Doom 3 and in ETQW also. Is it a problem with european keyb. layout or something?

RR2DO2 answers: This is a tricky thing to fix and actually describing what is going on would make this channel fall asleep.

vynn asked: Why are the wireframes of the deployables so simplified from what was shown in the training videos?

Locki-SD answers: That's just a texture, not the polygongs. Somebody will have thought it looked better

Competition Related

fusen asked: you've previously mentioned vehicles are map dependant and can't be disabled in the current official maps, will this be changed before the game launch to help leagues offer a more competition based game?

Wils|work answers: We're currently talking to clans and league admins to get feedback for what kind of changes can be made to the maps to make them better for competition play

kmforn1x asked: Is 6v6 the standard format for competitive play? Or is this still being worked out?

badman answers: 6v6 is the format we're shooting for

QWPC Sash asked: Will the game ship with an editor or mod builder? Or would that have to be sperately downloaded?

badman answers: The SDK and level editor will be released separately

Sibuli asked: Will there be ETQW TV when the game is released?

RR2DO2 answers: Zinx is working on this

Penn asked: I see in a lot of interviews that you say high profile leagues and tournaments are interested in the competitive side of the game Locki. The majority of players do not see the heavy vehicles fittng into competitive play. Bearing this in mind, will you be providing cvars to disable certain vehicles in the retail release so the competitive scene can get going without having to rely on mods?

Locki-SD answers: Like any unit in the game (weapon, tool, item, deployable, or vehicle) if they don't provide an advantage in competitive play, then they simply won't get used in competitive play... They shouldn't need to be disabled?

Colosus asked: Has there been any cosideration to offering passworded servers for those people that would like to test the game in a more organized environment without resorting to kicking people randomly?

badman answers: This is something we're looking into

MooMoo asked: please say someting about cheating :|

bongoboy answers: Cheating bad.

gtv`arni asked: can you add a feature to pimp the vihicles like in need for speed? ^^

Locki-SD answers: Some players have asked about disabling vehicles for tournament play, but no leagues have asked me yet.

Blowfish asked: Locki - given your previous experience with Q3 CTF and Now TV - do you hope that QW:ET will be picked up by mainstream broadcasting, and why might you feel it is a more suitable game than others out there for that purpose?

Locki-SD answers: It's very televisual. Most multiplayer games don't make good spectator experiences (esepcially broadcast based) because of this. ETQW looks good as a spectator, and based on my experience as a Commentator on Quake 3 matches, I'd say ETQW is easier to find interesting stuff to talk about tii,

fusen asked: if Locki finds QW:TV so important, surely more than just TTimo should be working on it now that zinx is out of the picture?

Locki-SD answers: We'll look at that after we're done with the main launch. There's really no time right now (any brand new features would add to how long you wait!)

db|bishop asked: how big will demo files be?

RR2DO2 answers: Demos include your network stream and user input, so basically they are as big as the amount of 'gameplay' you are 'downloading' and 'uploading'

FlyingDJ asked: Do you have any idea yet what the age rating in Germany is going to be? To be a competitive success, a 16+ rating is very desirable.

badman answers: we don't have our USK rating yet

Mapping Related

TheShniz asked: Will there be a feature in the map editor similar to EasyGen available for Height Maps?

Wils|work answers: no, you'll need to learn a modelling package such as Blender in order to create new terrains

y3tti asked: Will there be a map editor on release?

Wils|work answers: If not on release, then soon after with the SDK

LaggyNewbie asked: approx how much later after the release will the mapping tools be released? (1,6,12 months?)

Locki-SD answers: It'll be one of the first things we work on. I can't give a definite date, but we want to get them done as fast as possible. We're already talking to some high-profile mod teams about helping us Beta the tools.

imp`jolt asked: what kind of resources will be avail to map makers? would they have to do there own "mega texture" or are you supplying some resources so the community can contrbiute to the project

RR2DO2 answers: You will have access to the same tools as our artists and level designers. We might have to be selective about what source media to release, as there are many many gigs of it

mordred_ asked: will you include maps that show a bit more of the strogg's architecture or environment?

Wils|work answers: Yes, we have some large-scale Strogg stuff on several of the maps

Dist asked: How big (filesize) is a map? Its been previously said on this chan that each map will be ~500mb due to megatextures, is this true?

jRAD answers: We've done a lot of work with image compression to get the size down by quite a bit. We're still tweaking and optimizing this and probably will be until the last minute.