I caught up with the Dignitas side on briefly Ventrilo before their final night of practicing for Quakecon. Tommorow they head for Dallas, Slovenia Jak will be lucky enough to be mobbed by the press (me) at London Gatwick Airport tommorow! This is a collective interview with, Denmark SonDac, Netherlands Frop, Denmark Huggo, Denmark utr, Belgium bjorn

Why did you lose twice to one2?

One2 is very good at spamming, they have very good spam teamplay. They know exactly what to do with the nades and their teamplay works well. They played longer than us also which creates a bit of an advantage. Hugo wasn’t there, which is a big loss. However nade spamming is fixed now, now you cant get nades from the stroyants plus there are less nades spawning and you need to respawn to get more.

What difference does Hugo make to the lineup?

He only makes a difference when hes in the tank! He’s a noob in everything else!!! Hes our main tanker, we need him on sewer in particular. Against one2 you could see that we needed our tanker to take the EMP. In the second game we took the EMP fast, because Hugo was playing...then we got spammed inside! The new build is much more about aim, because of the limited nades, you cant transfer your ammo to health whilst shooting anymore either.

You face some big Battlefield teams, what is the difference between ET and BF teams in QW?

We played some ET only teams, and its like they don’t understand the vehicle spam, basically. They seem to think that they can just analyse the maps and win, thinking that playing ET will get them through, at least that’s the American point of view.

What are the biggest qualities that Jak and Reload bring to the team?

They mainly bring, skill and pure aim. They are smart players too, they learn really fast and we were impressed with how quick they picked up the game. They were the only ET players that showed interest in the game from Dignitas, we made the team in the closed beta which not all the ET squad had access too.

How have you been preparing for the event?

We’ve tried to stay up as much as possible and play the American teams, like 5/6 AM because there aren’t so many European teams playing the Quakecon build at the moment. But we’ve only been doing this for four or five days since the Quakecon build has been out.

What have you learnt from playing the Americans, that differs to playing the Europeans?

Good Question...but I actually don’t know. Team HOT is really good at spamming, they use every vehicle on the map. We saw quickly how important the flyers are in this game, we didn’t realise the important the flyers were until we saw how good the Americans were at it. We will put Bruce (bjorn) as our main pilot because of what we learnt. I (sondac) was the pilot in BF2, but I don’t really like flying in Quakewars too much, maybe we’ll look at the other Dignitas squads, BF or infact its quite possible it’ll be an ET player. Bruce is trying to convince Sondac to play chopper though.

About the vehicles

We don’t really want to make big plans for the Vehicles though because we think there will be some big changes to the vehicles after the release of the new vehicles. Its just that when everything is added together, chopper, tanks its too much, on their own they are ok however together there are too many.

Where are you going to finish and why?

Top 3 is our goal, but I’m confident we’ll go to the final. You never know how the Americans will perform on LAN, but for that matter you don’t know how we’ll perform on LAN. Although Jak will kill himself if we don’t get top 3, and we need him...although saying that he should have killed himself already alot of times, I think he was close to doing that yesterday!