At Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 1 in Rotterdam, I did the several voice interviews Thursday night at Ronners place. I converted two of them to video, which contained pictures from the event and subtitles (can be seen here and here) while the rest was just released as sound files.

Now at Crossfire Devotii Challenge 3 in Enschede, I once again flipped out my voice recorder and did some interviews. Once again, they are not that serious (well except the one with Penn), but more a way to have fun with people and pull a few legs. I haven't had time to convert them to video files nor to convert them to Mp3 files, so you will have to play them in either WMP or VLC.

Interview 1: Estonia Holz, Netherlands Maverick, Netherlands HNKN, Germany duKe
Interview 2: Slovenia Jakazc
Interview 3: England Penn (comments by Baggiez, this is the only serious interview)
Interview 4: Finland Jauhis
Interview 5: Netherlands Maverick, Slovenia carniee, Slovenia immoo, United Kingdom Baggiez
Interview 6: Finland decem, Netherlands Leonneke
Interview 7: Germany humM3L
Interview 8: Germany Schwein (aka Swine)

- arni's site (9.6 mb)
- decem's site (9.6 mb)

If someone wants to make a transcript of the interviews, I will post them in here. Also, Feel free to put up more mirrors if you feel like it.