Posted on behalf of Malta KiL|3rBoY

Today i had the pleasure to interview United Kingdom Stuart "Tyyrd" Gatelan. Most people know him for being a kid flamer (tyyrds words) and playing in clans such as oceans6, sYnod5, tacky and ofc Team-UK. I caught up with him to see how his ET Career was going.

image: dadadadadaey1

Hi Stuart, in a few words, describe yourself

I am an Ordinary 16 year old really.I like to play games on my PC and go out to partys on weekends and getting pissed!

Ok then, can you tell us something about when and how did you hear about W:ET, who did you start playing with and how long have you been playing it for?

I come across W:ET about a year and half ago. My real life mate United Kingdom symtex showed me the game at his house and I liked the look of it and been playing it since.

My first proper clan was anarchy, it was 3 or 4 of my real life mates and a few we met online. Playing in anarchy made the game more exciting for me as it showed me
the game was more then just going round and shooting anything you see, you have to actually play as a team to suceed.

I've recently heard that you have joined #Artline, how did/do you feel about this?

Joining artline was an easy decision for me. I'm really good mates with United Kingdom Wakizashi the shelf stacker at Tesco's :D and all the guys in artline. We all have laughs with each other which makes them fun to play with.

I've also competed with some of the members in clans before artline which also made it an easy decision for me as i know what it feels like playing with them and what their personality is like. An added bonus is that if United Kingdom Wakizashi does piss me off, i can get a 10 minute bus ride to his house and brick his windows!! :D

Do you think you have gathered a stable and powerful line-up now enough to take 1st spot in your stage group?

Having only just joined artline im not to sure on how we will do, but playing with them in some practice wars i have seen that we have the potential to compete with the teams in the division. The thing that lets us down is United Kingdom Wakizashi's job stacking shelves takes up a lot of his day because its such a s**t job he has to do loads of hours :DD

Some people say that you are best known for your outstanding teamwork. What do you think about these praises?

Getting praised for my teamwork is what urges me to become better and better at it to show people I'm not just a kid who flames all the time. I wouldn't get half of the praises i got if it werent for my good mate Wales sqzz. He spent a lot of time playing with me and helping me improve my teamplay instead of running round like a headless chicken trying to get multikills every game.

What are your best ET-Awards you really enjoyed achieving?

It's not really an award but playing in tacky with players like Sweden Nils/Kiitos/ferus, Norway lakaii/kris/Gjerry, United Kingdom matz/mixer/adzz/hype because they were all nice people, fun to have a laugh with and players in the game who I felt are/were a few of the best players in the game.

What do you think about the future of ET? Will it resist QW, COD4 and cheaters? Or will it die in a few weeks?

I think ET will stay alive for the moment, but we all know it will eventually die. I think CoD4 and RTCW2 when it actually gets released will be a hit for people as they are both talked about alot in forums and journals.

I've heard you'll be coming to Malta Malta soon (to stay with kiitos/nils), is that true or just a rumour :P ?

It's true. I have always wanted to go to Malta Malta because of the hot weather and beaches, and with my Grandad dying (RIP) and leaving me £12,000 in his will i can actually go on holiday to Malta Malta and stay with Sweden kiitos and Sweden Nils who kindly offered me a bed to sleep in (not with them) and a tour around the beaches and clubs :)

How long will you play ET :P

Well, I've enjoyed playing ET ever since i started playing it. So i think i will keep playing till it dies.

Any other games you wouldn't mind playing in competitions?

Well i only like ET atm but when RTCW2 is released i will surely be trying that.

What don't you like about ET? :D

Obviously the cheaters because they are ruining the game and make it less enjoyable, Plus as a result of the amount of people getting busted it makes people accuse people of cheating daily.

Quickfire Round

Your ET-idol?: Finland Kmble (Untill i asked for his config and he told me to fuck off and die lol)
Legendary ET-Player?: Sweden kiitos
Funniest guy on Crossfire?: United Kingdom Wakizashi (His ego is bigger then mine lol. But he is a really nice guy who makes me laugh constantly)
Best spammor! KiL|3rBoY or Loekino?: Both
Coolest/Best Admin?: United Kingdom bulld0g
Favourtie TV Programs?: Brothers & Sisters and Dog The Bounty Hunter
Favourite food?: Pie and mash!
Fav Colour?: Red
Best ET Moment?: I'ts gotta be playing with tacky. They were all fun to play with and the best mates I've met online. <3

Finally, what do you do apart from gaming?: I like to make dance and drum n base tunes with my sisters boyfriend on his dj decks, motocross in the summer and getting pissed at the weekends with my mates.

Thanks for the interview United Kingdom tyyrd. Any shoutouts?

This would be a page on it's own so shoutout to all my mates, you know who you are <3 <3 <3

Also thanks to Malta KiL|3rBoY for making this interview.

Thank you very much for your time, and I wish a big GL to you and your crew!