image: hellownkr
[img|left][/img] wnkr
Peter Weistedt
19 Years
Sweden fukyuu
Netherlands serious gaming
Sweden teamoxid
Sweden fukyuu

Hey wnkr, you have won some major tournaments in the end of Call of Duty 2 with your former Sweden Team fukyuu owning the last major CoD2 LAN Wonderbase and the last major CoDQCUP. Please introduce yourself and tell us something about the move with your team to a clan like Sweden EYEBALLERS.
Hey chosen, long time no see :) My name is Peter, i turn 20 in February and I've been playing the CoD-series since the mere end of vcod. Thats's where i met riviera for the first time :)
After winning the CoDQCUP with fukyuu we realized just how great this lineup was. Great teamspirit and teamplay is what took us through that whole tourney and we came to wonderbase with high expectations which i think we stood up to pretty well. After Wonderbase we realized that fukyuu werent really a proper name to get into any organisations or get any decent sponsorship deals so we changed the name into svea royale and finally got the offer to join EYEBALLERS.

Why is it wanker btw?
I swear, it's just a random fun nickname :D started off with me playing as wnkr on vcodpublics, u got good score and ppl got to know u as wnkr, so i kept it ;)

Most famous esports person you've met and what happened when you met them?
Sweden zEm and the whole world stopped! (editor note: or was it Netherlands zem?)

What has been the best moment in ur gaming life?
The fukyuu versus serious game at Wonderbase was brilliant and something very special, my throat still hurts and the crowd went mad :)

Australia Fnatic is a name to reach soon, United Kingdom 4Kings is done and Germany SK Gaming sticks to the majority without the support of an acadamy like fnatic has for not so major games. What do you expect in the future regarding top clan names like Germany ocrana were or now your Sweden EYEBALLERS already is regarding their history. Are there more to come?
The CoD community may have played for a pretty long time now, but from my short experience with EYE I've noticed such a huge difference in how gaming is beeing handled so i think the CoD community is still very imature but also i expect we're finally ready for a change and take the next step into big organisations like EYE or 4k.

And what does it take to convince an organisation such as Sweden SK to a beautiful and awesome game? Do top names make a game?
Top names do make the game. To convince more big esport organisations, leagues and sponsors the game has to be more fun and easy to watch - Things like CoD TV will help, so I can just hope it will finally arive with Call of Duty 4!

Regarding the game itself, there are many complaints about hitboxes and minor bugs - but it seems like the developer is going to stick with the game this time to get it on a serious level in the gaming community with much support in developing. It has been a major problems for the past Call of Duty titles. What is your opinion about Infinity Ward in this case?
Wow tricky question - there's nothing wrong with the hitboxes really, just the damage beein divided faulty. The sniper is very annoying, but they're working that part out in the upcoming patch fortunately. Perhaps IW finally realized they can make money creating a competetive game good enough to compete with counterstrike.

Also the latest title came out of the box to the very top of many charts and already has a big community behind it. One reason is because it has been quite more done than other games - like UT3 or ETQW. Will this game finally take a place on a level with Counter Strike when it's going to be as good supported as it seems now?
As i see it CoD4 is not good enough at the moment with the new rules coming up. I know alot of people won't agree with me and there will alot of comments but the stopping power has to go. We're not trying to make a new CoD2, we got new maps, new weapons, flash, cocking and sprinting, u name it. stopping power will be the end of this game how I see it.

A game is changing every day, CoD4 has a big modding community and a public scene again. Now the time is coming when the competitions try to establish their rulsets, most do this with the CoD2 admin staff and some dont. MCE is a community effort who made a step forward for the clans again proposing a ruleset to leagues while Crossfire just published their rules for the CDC and the Crossfire QCup. Which rule is the major you would defintly add and what do you miss from CoD2? Is CoD4 a complete different game which should completly forget it's roots - like CoD1 and CoD2? Tell me three things what are major changes in CoD4 compared to CoD2.
CoD4 is a faster game, with or without stopping power. There's the main difference: it's more intense with flashes, sprint and wallbanging, which is great and that makes the game funnier and much more interesting to watch but we need more damage to headshots, which is easy to fix ofcourse.

Regarding your major ideas about chaning the rules, do you have further ideas about a ruleset in your mind?
The perfect ruleset as I see it after playing this game very intense since the beginning, trying out alot of different cfgs and mods would be: All perks off besides Bandolier, DI (with HITBLIPS OFF!), deagle for snipers only, more dmg to headshots, no turrets and less fall damage (cod2 fall dmg). That would balance the game very well as i see it, with SP you kill with 2 bullets no matter what weapon you use, I think it's sad cause the classes loose meaning. You might aswell shoot a crossing guy at distance with your MP5 with twice the shootingrate, half the crosshair size and more bullets, without SP you need an AK47 or similiar to shoot down a guy crossing far away but I think more damage to headshots is important, and not hard to fix.

What is your game of choice? CoD4, CoD2 or CoD
cod2 for sure, i miss the amazing feeling in putting ppl down with single mp44 hs, rifle reflexshots and the fast scope snipershots. less feeling to the aim in cod4 i think

Is there any reason in your mind why a CS player should join the CoD4 community?
CS Players? I don't know really, I don't know anything about CS. It's getting kinnda old so I'd say try CoD4 and see if it's worth spending time on, cause there will be plenty of national and international lans in the future for sure.

Teams come and go, many saw this while having different EuroCups, LANs and other online events. What makes a team and how important is the team spirit for a game like cod4? How important are tactic and the knowledge about what your mate does?
This is what separate CoD4 from CoD2 the most as i see it. It's less individual skill, the game is too easy, you can be killed by anyone actually. therefor you need a strong team with tactics and teamplay. 2 on 1 is always better than 1on1, i learned that from flow :) he did have some good things to say, believe it or not chosen!

Is there any fanboy out there who is worth getting a nice and personal greeting from you?
my fanboy ? haha.. FLECK for sure, u know him chosen ;)

Beside gaming, I do...
... partying with freinds, I just quit my job in order to get some exercise before i go to the army in january the 28th.

Ten years ago, me and videogames have been...
pwnage at NES

Ten years from now, me and videogames will...
Ten years from now I'll be looking back to gaming beeing an amazing time in my life, i dont regret wasting alot of hours doing those tactical nades and shit. It was worth it :D

It's bad to see a player leaving esports for the army - Can we expect a comeback right afterwards at a future lan or will you say bye bye to esports overall when leaving in January? Anyway, thanks for your time and I hope to see you at the CDC5 though :)
I really hope not haha, I think it's time to finally quit the serious gaming, but you never know :) hopefully i can play for fun instead.