image: i3dbanner

With the i3d cod4 cup getting started I decided to do some interviews, since im going to this per county we start with: belgium, and the first one in line is Belgium dfiance`qure !

More info about the i3d cup can be found in:

<ephix`ILoveYou> What do you think of all trouble around the i3d cup at the moment, with picking the term eurocup , the complete random selection of the teams and also complete random partition of the teams into groups and the fact that there are 2 different cups ?

<dfiance`qure> A Eurocup does not automatically means it has to a clanbase cup. As long as countries from all around Europe participate it can be called an Europcup.
A lot of people forgett that fact. The selection of teams … , it remains a new game. Offcourse skilled cod2 teams will also pickup this game quite fast but i3d decided to give a lot more teams (coming from games like cs/css/et/bf2) a chance to particapte. This gives these teams the chance to really geth to know the cod gamestyle.

Refering to the partition of the teams in groups, this is probably because i3d has no real experience with the cod scene. Making a 2nd cup was most likely the best decision they so far did, making sure more clans could participate.

<ephix`ILoveYou> The ruleset for this cup is still the old MCE ruleset, wouldn`t it be better to change this to the CB perks off ruleset or the crossfire ruleset ?

<dfiance`qure> Yes offcourse, the game went trough an evolution, together we should try to make this game as much esports as it can be. The MCE ruleset date back to the first cod4 days, its probably the best if this geths updated to the new PAMD.

<ephix`ILoveYou> A short question, what will be the lineup that dfiance will be using during the i3d cup ?

Tinus qure Van de Velde
Cedric vlm Cools
Wannes shooz Vermeulen
Thomas Restyle Billen
Nick qUM Hoes

<ephix`ILoveYou> You guys are in a relatively easy group with a lot of teams that you most likely don`t know (except for Infused). Is this a relieve or are you perhaps scared for a so called suprise party ?

<dfiance`qure> Offcourse we are relieved, looking at other groups it could have been much more difficult. We shall prepare for each game and take each opponent serious. It`s not that if you dont them that they dont bake cookie !

<ephix`ILoveYou> Dfiance and Infused are probably the 2 most know names in this group, have you played Infused before and what are you`re expectations for the war against Infused ?

<dfiance`qure> We haven`t played Infused in cod4 yet, but in cod2 they were probably less skilled then we were, so i dont expect any real big problems.

<ephix`ILoveYou> If I look trough the cod4 #01 cup, I see a lot of divers topteams like Wave,Tek-9,Neophute,Srs,Edit(former Noid),h2k,l3 and ephix. Wich teams are your biggest favourites and is there perhaps a team that could suprise everyone ? ( A top 5 pls, with explaination )

<dfiance`qure> I can`t really predict a top 5, it`s hard to predict how this teams who preform if they take on eachoter. Wave is at the moment very strong and Tek-9 is and remains Tek-9. Edit is also a team with a lot of taltented players that we never heared from before. H2k, L3 and Ephix will also most likely geth into this top 5. I haven`t played Neophyte or Srs yet so I`m not sure where the stand at this moment.

<ephix`ILoveYou> If I look trough the list a a bit more I only see L3 as other belgium topteam. Is there big rivalty between L3 and dfiance or is it all love ? And what are your expectations from L3 in this cup ?

<dfiance`qure> There has been rivalty between L3 and Dfiance since Cod2. I even know some of the L3 guys since vCOD, so were getting on pretty good aswell, but deep inside there is always the spirit to do better then L3. We also notice this feeling in the belgium community. L3 and dfiance will always be rivals even when we love eachother (atleast for the most part)

<ephix`ILoveYou> Are there besides L3 any other Belgium teams that could hit the board in the i3d cup and if so who and why ?

<dfiance`qure> If I take a look at the Belgium cod4 teams in the i3d cup then I see Sypher,eMinded,hMG and a few others and that`s it. In belgium there is a big difference between us (l3 and dfiance) and the rest. Perhaps one of them could suprise 1 or 2 times but I dont think they will geth any far in this cup (n/o)

<ephix`ILoveYou> Any comment or shoutout ?

<dfiance`qure> Shoutout to my team,other teams in dfiance and our sponsors. Also to our friends of ephix and wave. Roman: People belgium do wash themselve and owrr: I dont have niggerhair!

I will most likely add the interview with L3 tonight aswell, so we have covered the belgium part ;) Besides that I had to translate everything from NL to ENG so yes there are mistakes.
