image: i3dbanner

With the i3d cod4 cup getting started and I was busy with the Belgium teams, I did an interview with Belgium L3`sticky to find out about his sight on the i3d cup and the belgium teams !

More info about the i3d cup can be found in:

<ephix`ILoveYou> What do you think of all trouble around the i3d cup at the moment, with picking the term Eurocup, the complete random selection of the teams and also complete random partition of the teams into groups and the fact that there are 2 different cups ?

<L3`sticky> First of all I find the name Eurocup a reasonable name. Most people probably criticise this name because of the link with the know Clanbase eurocup.The random selection of teams and partition into groups is quite logic if you consider the fact that the signups were completely open for every team that wanted to.

<ephix`ILoveYou> The ruleset for this cup is still the old MCE ruleset, wouldn`t it be better to change this to the CB perks off ruleset or the crossfire ruleset ?

<L3`sticky> At this moment its a complete mixup of rulesets. Each ruleset has its own positive and negative sides. But with the game being out for 2 months atm a default ruleset would probably be the best. With the current new PAMD as my personal favourit altough random headshots could occure.

<ephix`ILoveYou> So you guys do think reddot and deep impact should be disabled ?

<L3`sticky> Yes, to start with the reddot sight: It brings not a single disavantage and it has no recoil, the reddot sight takes the skill in this game down. And considering the DI, it`s no fun to geth killed by someone who is 2 walls behinds you and on some bomspots this really was a problem ( crossfire b bom for example )

<ephix`ILoveYou> Since L3 has not presented their lineup yet, what will be the lineup that L3 will be using during the i3d cup ?

<L3`sticky> We will announce this soon.

<ephix`ILoveYou> Exciting, will it be a big difference comparred to the cod2 lineup ?

<L3`sticky> Yes, In cod2 (tempkids) we had a 8 men lineup. This wel become a 5 men lineup without any backups.

<ephix`ILoveYou> You guys are in a relatively easy group with a lot of teams that you most likely don`t know. Is this a relieve or are you perhaps scared for a so called suprise party ?

<L3`sticky> We cant underestimate any of these teams, but with our current preparation we should have no problems getting no.1 in this group.

<ephix`ILoveYou> If I look trough the cod4 #01 cup, I see a lot of divers topteams like Wave,Tek-9,Neophute,Srs,Edit(former Noid),h2k,dfiance and ephix. Wich teams are your biggest favourites and is there perhaps a team that could suprise everyone ?

<L3`sticky> The bigges favourties are probably Tek-9,team-ephix and L3, I don`t see any real suprises comming up in this i3d cup.

<ephix`ILoveYou> If I look trough the list a a bit more I only see Dfiance as other belgium topteam. Is there big rivalty between L3 and dfiance or is it all love ? And what are your expectations from L3 in this cup ?

<L3`sticky> I wouldn`t call it a real rival, some are our friends and some aren`t (just because our characters don`t match that well) But offcourse we are always a bit more motivated if comes down to beating a Belgium team.

<ephix`ILoveYou> And what are your expectations about dfiance in this cup ?

<L3`sticky> I don`t know that much about dfiance, but i`m pretty sure they will do well in this cup.

<ephix`ILoveYou> Are there besides L3 any other Belgium teams that could hit the board in the i3d cup and if so who and why ?

<L3`sticky> Mercury-eSports is a Belgium team with a lot of oldskool cod1 and cod2 players, but they don`t participate in this i3d cup. In the i3d cup we have SR| , eMinded and ri-lax, each of these clans could make it into playoffs if they really do there best, but I don`t see them getting any further.

<ephix`ILoveYou> Any comment or shoutout ?

<L3`sticky> To forgett noone, shoutout to everyone who thinks they deserve it !

I know it had pretty much te same setup as the last interview with dfiance, but i guarantee that the interviews with the dutch teams will have different questions and anwsers.

I will most likely add other interviews with the dutch teams during the next week and yes also then there will be grammatical mistakes ;)
