image: i3dbanner

We are getting more and more interviews, we are now starting with the first out of 4 dutch intervieuws. This first interview is with Netherlands Wave`jim, member of Wave-Esports. The team that took down Esuba during the randomcup while Quadv was casting ! Other interviews with Netherlands Srs, Europe Edit and Netherlands Ephix will follow soon !

More info about the i3d cup can is avaiable at:

Former interviews were:
with Belgium L3:
with Belgium Dfiance:

<ephix`ILoveYou> What do you think of all trouble around the i3d cup at the moment, with picking the term Eurocup, the complete random selection of the teams and also complete random partition of the teams into groups and the fact that there are 2 different cups ?

<wave`Jim> We've only played one match and I don't really feel any pressure from the admins because we gave the screenshots very late. If you look at the ESL cups, they just handle things like this more professional. If you don't give a screenshot after a day it's a forfeit loss. I think that the admins could've better made this cup more competitive considering the selection of teams and partition the groups. Playing against |BEWARE| (no offense) isn't really funny.

<ephix`ILoveYou> From my last interviews i heared that picking the term eurocup wasn`t really an issue since teams from over all of europe participate, do you agree on this ?

<wave`Jim> I think that the term EuroCup is more copyrighted to Clanbase, which means that if people hear the term EuroCup, they find it weird that everyone (as in no invitations) can join. So I don't really agree with dfiance and l3, there are alot of people who think about the topteams of europe if they hear the term EuroCup.

<ephix`ILoveYou> The ruleset for this cup is still the old MCE ruleset, wouldn`t it be better to change this to the CB perks off ruleset or the crossfire ruleset or perhaps the PAMD mod ?

<wave`Jim> Changing rules time after time doesn't really make sence to me. In CoD2 there just was EUMR12 and a CB pam mode which were used for cups and Clanbase matches. Ofcourse it's the begin of CoD4 and I think that if the admins just finish one cup without changing the ruleset it will be enough. In my opinion they should use two rulesets in the future (EUMR12 and CB) for cups and ladders. Considering i3d I would say just finish this cup with the MCE.

<ephix`ILoveYou> And what ruleset is your personal favourite so far ?

<wave`Jim> Crossfire, definitely. We've played a full bootcamp with this ruleset and it really worked out well.

<ephix`ILoveYou> Another rather short question, what will be the lineup that you will be using during the i3d cup ?

Our lineup will be:

<ephix`ILoveYou> Looking at your group, we only see team-ephix as real threat in your group. Are you satisfied with your group and why ?

<wave`Jim> We are satisfied because there is a bigger chance to geth through this cup and continue succesfully.

<ephix`ILoveYou> Your match vs ephix is in week 4 on the map Crash, and most likely both teams probably already qualified after week 3, will this influence your preparation ?

<wave`Jim> To make it short, if we are through anyway, I think we won't prepare at all.

<ephix`ILoveYou> You already played 1 match in during the i3d groupfase vs Finest5 on strike and won this one quite easily, was this result what you expected and did you do any special preparation for this match considering the map/ruleset ?

<wave`Jim> A week before that match we won versus eSuba in the randomcup with 13-3 using the same ruleset, so we weren't really afraid that this ruleset wouldn't work out.

<ephix`ILoveYou> Indeed looking at the past few weeks, you guys had some very nice results in randomcup (vs Esuba for example) and on clanbase, but i heared several people saying wave is no longer on that level. How do you feel your team has been evolving since the last few weeks ?

<wave`Jim> These last few weeks we've been inactive as hell. This has been because of some personal reasons (school), but also because of people going on Vacation. But I think that we can prepare well and return at the same level like we were when we beated eSuba.

<ephix`ILoveYou> You recently went bootcamping with your teammates in Wzzrd @ enschede, in what way did this improve your teamplay/skills and was this also a prepartion for the cdc4 event ?

<wave`Jim> The bootcamp gave us more self confidence and also more teamplay. We just had fun and also played on the PC which will be used at the CDC tourney. A few days before CDC we will also bootcamp there to check out the Computers.

<ephix`ILoveYou> This was also offcourse one of the things wave could offer, are you happy with being in Wave-esports so far ?

<wave`Jim> We are really happy with wave. Not only the manager are really friendly but also the other squads leave an active and friendly impression. Also with some more big sponsors comming up such as Qpad pads and a site and probably some financial sponsors. But I can't really tell more about this.

<ephix`ILoveYou> If I look trough the cod4 #01 cup, I see a lot of divers topteams like Wave,Tek-9,h2k,Neophyte,Srs,Edit(former Noid),h2k,dfiance and ephix. Wich teams are your biggest favourites and is there perhaps a team that could suprise everyone ?

<wave`Jim> I think that our main favorites are TeK-9, Neophyte, srs and H2k. These teams were really good in CoD2 and I think they will be better in CoD4. There are not really teams who I think that can surprise the crowd, but I think that Knights can become good in the future of CoD4. They have some players who were good in vCoD, and they have a really skilled and smart player who played for TeK-9.

<ephix`ILoveYou> Srs and H2k havent won anything that says sth (CoDgamer lan first days cod4 also says nothing) and they still are your favourites just based on cod2, why ?

<wave`Jim> I think that srs and H2k have the most potention to become good, if you look at the individual skills of their players. If you look at the teams, how they play together I could also say EDiT because they have a big MoH:AA history.

<ephix`ILoveYou> What are your expectations considering the other Dutch teams like Edit, Ephix and Srs and who is your biggest rival ?

<wave`Jim> I don't really think that we've got many rivals but I think that we will enjoy the time playing against Ephix and Srs. It's nice to play against our former clanmates.

<ephix`ILoveYou> Any comments on the interview or ideas for questions ?

<wave`Jim> Who's the best team ATM :P

<ephix`ILoveYou> Ok tell me, who`s the best team ATM ?

<wave`Jim> I'd say, atm with the additions, Speedlink

<ephix`ILoveYou> Suprising answer tbh, so cod4 atm isn`t about getting your teamplay up but only about individual skill ?

<wave`Jim> Yes, I think the game is to fast to Communicate, to do Tactnades and to do typical CoD2 moves.

<ephix`ILoveYou> Any shoutout ?

<wave`Jim> My shoutouts go to; supremE bennY Blameh uBr` x2tz Cyrix, ofcourse the whole Wave squad, Cem Stevy toxiqje Vioqor uteLise and LAQUNALLE!!!!!!