image: i3dbanner

Another interview! This one is the 2nd out of 5 dutch interviews (hopefully Netherlands h2k , Netherlands srs and Netherlands ephix will follow) These interviews wil have a lot more new question then this one since there is much more to discuss with them :) !

This 2nd interview is with Netherlands EDiT`mofje, member of Europe Team-EDiT. The team that has been suprising everyone since the start !

Former interviews were with:
Belgium L3`sticky:
Belgium Dfiance`qure:
Netherlands Wave`Jim:

<ephix`ILoveYou> What do you think of all trouble around the i3d cup at the moment, with picking the term Eurocup, the complete random selection of the teams and also complete random partition of the teams into groups and the fact that there are 2 different cups ?

<EDiT`mofje> I'm not really into the i3d news, but picking the term Eurocup wasn't really smart. And also it would be better to have 1 cup with all known good clans, and the other cup for the clans around the top.

<ephix`ILoveYou> The ruleset for this cup is still the old MCE ruleset, wouldn`t it be better to change this to the CB perks off ruleset or the crossfire ruleset or perhaps the PAMD mod ?

<EDiT`mofje> Change it to crossife mod, since cb fails to make a good one.

<ephix`ILoveYou> And what ruleset is your personal favourite so far ?

<EDiT`mofje> For me so far the crossfire mod is the best mod, but imo they should remove weapons like ak74u and mini-uzi/skorpion

<ephix`ILoveYou> Since I was mis informed during my first interviews (crossfire and vacant are both in the maplist, pretty sure they weren`t when it started) What do you think of the maplist (Strike, Backlot,District,Crossfire,Crash,Pipeline,Vacant) and especially Pipeline/Backlot ?

<EDiT`mofje> It looks good and backlot is a good map, dont really like pipeline as it's so big.

<ephix`ILoveYou> A rather short question now, what will be the lineup that you will be using during the i3d cup ?

<EDiT`mofje> revoltz, V1oqor, toxjee, frostyle, mofje.

<ephix`ILoveYou> Looking at your group, we see neophyte and srs in your group, shitting your pants ever since ;) ?

<EDiT`mofje> These are 2 great clans and especially srs who are known as the best cod2 team. For cod4 neophyte proved themself already while srs are still searching their 5th player.

<ephix`ILoveYou> Your first match in the scheduel is vs srs on strike and most likely the one of the most important ones, will this influence your preparation ? And is strike on of your favourite maps ?

<EDiT`mofje> We wont play different as we did against others clans, just our usual thing. we dont really have a favourite map, but we do play strike alot.

<ephix`ILoveYou> Personally I also think you`re quite happy with meeting srs in such a early state, since they haven`t announced their full lineup yet and probably need some time to geth in real 5v5 shape, or am I wrong ?

<EDiT`mofje> Don't really mind in what state we have to meet srs, we just have to beat them. And i don't think it will be a problem for a clan as srs to get their 5 players sorted and play as a team.

<ephix`ILoveYou> If I look trough the cod4 #01 cup, I see a lot of divers topteams like Wave,Tek-9,h2k,Neophyte,Srs,Edit(former Noid),h2k,dfiance and ephix. Wich teams are your biggest favourites and is there perhaps a team that could suprise everyone ?

<EDiT`mofje> The real favourites are Neophyte and probably srs if they sort things out. and i hope we can suprise everyone ;).

<ephix`ILoveYou> What are your expectations considering the other Dutch teams like Wave, Ephix, Srs and h2k and who is your biggest rival ?

<EDiT`mofje> They will all geth pretty far to be honest, but I think Srs pretty much is our biggest rival atm.

<ephix`ILoveYou> Recently you have officialy added former team-ephix player Vioqor to your lineup, what do you think of Vioqor so far ?

<EDiT`mofje> He is a really nice player to play with, and beside wars you can also have a laugh with him. I think He really fits in our team.

<ephix`ILoveYou> Since you only have 1 English guy in your team, do you always talk English during the war (even when Revoltz died during a round :D ?)

<EDiT`mofje> Nah :D, When needed and ofc when we talk to him we speak english but for the rest its just dutch :)

<ephix`ILoveYou> Perhaps it`s a bit early, but do like it in Edit so far and have to provided everything they promised ?

<EDiT`mofje> Yea we do think this is an organization that belongs to us. and yes it's a bit early to speak about what they promised, but i have good feelings about it.

<ephix`ILoveYou> What do you think that is needed to take COD4 to the level where css and cs 1.6 and perhaps wc3 are atm ?

<EDiT`mofje> The major improvement to COD4 that everybody has been talking about is CODTV, hopefully with the support that IW have shown so far it will come in a new patch but that has yet to be seen. Major MGCs are already taking an intrest in COD4 that they didn't in COD2, so the future already looks promising especially with the support that Activision has been giving to recent LANs (i33, Milk..).

<ephix`ILoveYou> Not that long a go Wsquared announced their cups (total prizemoney 10.000 euro divided on 5 games) and cod4 was in it, will you be picking up an additional nl/be player to participate since in this cup since its for the benelux only ?

<EDiT`mofje> we haven't spoken about Wsquared yet, so we're not sure whether we'll enter or not

<ephix`ILoveYou> Since wave`Jim wanted me to add a question. Who is the best cod4 team at the moment and why ?

<EDiT`mofje> probably EYE, as they have a great team, and proved themself already.

<ephix`ILoveYou> Any shoutout ?

<EDiT`mofje> Not really :o

A big thank you to all the teams so far !