image: palmzEveryone knows the name of 4kings. Anyone who doesn't has either clearly been hiding in a cupboard for the last 10 years or simply too busy chasing buses during the 4kings golden years. However, after losing to EYEballers in the recent QCUP, 4kings has been on a downward spiral ever since.

With big name players crow, junior and wiz leaving the squad in recent weeks, 4kings look to be in dire straights. The reasons for turmoil in the squad have been somewhat shrouded in mystery however. Reaching a semi-final in a major tournament usually isn't a reason to lose more than 50% of your lineup.

I thought I would catch up with England palmz to try and get some answers and to see if these guys could pull things back from the brink, in the lead-up to CDC4.

Hi there palmz. As always, a small introduction at the beginning of interviews is a really nice way of letting readers get a little history about yourself. Could you tell everyone a little about yourself in relation to your gaming past and where the online world of eSports has taken you?

Hey, well I'm Phill Palmer from just outside Birmingham in the UK. Started gaming with a few local friends playing halo few years back then we moved onto Call of Duty 1. Ended up playing in eximius where i got picked up for Team UK and worked my way up to Dignitas in COD2 after Mick begged me for a few weeks after seeing me snipe! Since then I've quit a few times and come back again and now I'm in 4Kings.

The main question on everyone's lips at the moment relating to 4kings, is toward the much talked about recent departures of some big names in the world of CoD. Most CoD fans are baffled over recent events and have no idea what has been happening behind closed doors. Could you clear up things a little for all CoD4/4kings fans out there?

Well the team wasn't working out and changes had to be made as with a lot of teams. For some reason there seemed to be a post made on Crossfire who had been given false information and it got spread around a bit. The new lineup will be announced in the new year ready for the upcoming events.

So the lineup that was posted on crossfire was incorrect? (palmz, crow, wiz, junior and corp?) To be honest, that line-up on paper seems immense. Was it just an old fashion case of too many top players in the one team or where there other major contributing factors for that lineup changing?

That was the old lineup that had to be changed, there were rumors posted that there was another team being made as well. Some players couldn't play to their potential and others we not active enough we had to make the changes but the guys were all cool and we got on so well.

This must surely set back your CDC4 plans massively in terms of practicing and finding players that fit in with your play style? You say that you have a new lineup planned and will be announced soon. How do you go about replacing such big named players like crow and wiz?

Err hardly we have found a bunch of players and proved it versus the people in your cup. Unluckily we had to change it around against EYE and the result showed as we were missing the crucial element in the team due to internet problems. I have played with everyone brought into the lineup before so i know they are all capable players. .

This sounds cheeky but could you give us a hint over your new line-up? As in; old school players, new talents, controversial players etc?

Hah highly controversial, old players for the most of it just look back through some of the teams I have played with, some of them will be obvious!

Ok moving on, we've not finished the QCUP and we have our winners. Without this sounding like a completely silly question, how do you feel that cup went for you guys? Where there any performances throughout the tournament that genially surprised/shocked you?

Yeah it was a good cup, we played most of it like a mix due to using it as an opportunity to try out new players. Not really we didn't have all that many problems, TLR was close but we were unprepared and did some stupid things. It reminds me a lot of COD2 where anyone can beat anyone at the moment so maybe we will see some shocks come up at LAN.

Looking forward to CDC, there are some already clear favorites for that title. Having said that, with the likes of Dignitas not competing, a lot has to be left to the imagination. You even said yourself, the QCUP wasn't a great indication for yourselves, as you used it to try out new players. How do you think 4kings will do when it comes around to CDC4? Do you have any predictions over how the tournament may unfold?

Not really, i would like to see some teams up there in the end, EYE dig us SL, the bigger names to help promote the game but really it is any ones game and who preps the best. Oh and the new pgs squad, to see what they are like.

And lastly, I like to ask top players if they feel some players may step it up a gear and surprise everyone with a great performance at CDC4. Do you think there are any individuals that could really impress on the big stage? Give us a "palmz' pick!" for the tournament!

Lol i can only really comment on people i have played so its kinda limited. Tidde was carrying EYE when we played them and raz is always a star for dignitas. I cant talk about any of our players yet but I'm sure we will raise some eyebrows.

Ok, it's been great. Thanks very much for answering all my questions. Would you like to give anyone/anything a shout out?

Much love to Az n Ste my best friends, Loopy, 4K Ben, Gav and Paul and of course Intel. Thank to you for the interview and Crossfire.