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In between matches I managed to catch up with Germany urtier and Switzerland Melkor for a incredibly quick chat about Germany Speelink's first match and their next match which will be against the formidable United Kingdom Dignitas.

How did your first game go?

Well, we only played against five players, since tcm were one player short due to some issues with that team.

How do you feel about the next game?

It will be a very hard game, as we are of course the underdogs as Dignitas are the tournament favorites. Hopefully we can give them a good game but it will be very hard.

Have you had any major issues so far this morning?

Well just the usual things. You know, bluescreens, ventrilo wouldn't work, you know, the usual stuff. It happens every LAN and it's just something we have to accept. It's all good fun.

What do you feel about all the attention CoD4 is attracting?

Fuck CoD4, I don't understand why it's getting so much attention. I mean, any skilled tanker is more entertaining to watch than that game. People say it is the new Counter Strike but I don't feel this is the case.

What are you hoping for the tournament?

We're hoping for a Top 5 place but it's really early to tell at this stage. United Kingdom Dignitas have a lot of LAN experience, so even getting out of the group stages will be a good achievement.