A small startup tutorial for the esl - with its how to's and informations about challenging and stuff (with images!!!)

[img|left]http://gfx.esl-europe.de/gfx/news/teaser/19000/19141.jpg[/img] As you already read here http://www.xfire.be/?x=news&mode=item&id=1640 , esl is going to bring you just another cup, to get another ec (atleast, we hope we can support it this way). Manny of u had problems with noshows of opponents and with the system himself.
We try to get more wars with allowing Late Signups, for the rest, i will try to support you with a little information, how things work, in esl.

image: cc_answerchallenge_nav At first, watch out your navigation, there are all important informations about your matches.

Try to work a lil bit with the ESL system, its easy and most times a little bit faster than CB ;)