image: header_et
image: normal_PIC_0005%7E2 Once again, I quickly legged to grab another person for a quick fire interview. This time, it was the unfortunate (?) turn of our sexy Finland twidi, to answer some easy questions.

I spoke to you before the LAN and you seemed unconfident about the way your team would perform. How are you feeling now after your first game?

Well, we had no tactics for Bremen but even so, we still won pretty easily with no troubles. We weren't worried about losing, so it was pretty easy going in the end.

How do you think you will progress through the rest of the tournament?

Well, looking our early performance we are playing ok and I feel that we are in good shape for a top three finish. Obviously it all depends on the outcome of other teams games but as of right now, that's how I feel.

In a short while we have Europe np against Europe TAG. It's a hard game for them, how do you think they will do?

I think it will be really easy for NP, I don't think anything spectacular will happen, so it should be a walk in the park for them.

What do you make of this edition of CDC then? People have commented on the feel and ambience of the place being better than previous events. What are your feelings on the event?

This event has a better atmosphere and like you say, the ambience is much better than any of the other events. With all the CoD4 players here the event has gotten so much bigger and there are quite a few spectators around the games as well.