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No rest for the wicked they say, so god knows what I've done. Anyway, enough of that. After a late night followed by some crappy Dutch weather, I needed a pick-me-up. So when I arrived this morning, I got just that. I was witness to an exciting game between Europe np and Netherlands ephix, which eventually went to a deciding game. np came out the eventual winners, so once again, I sent out Germany chosen to try and grab someone from np for an interview.

He came back with Belgium mAus and Belgium dAv1d and here's what they had to say.

image: normal_SSL20126How was your game against ephix today? They took a map from you which surprised most people. A bit hung over today?

I think we underestimated them quite a lot, as we didn’t play particularly well. Maybe because it’s early in the morning or maybe it’s because we are tired, who knows. All I know is that we played pretty bad.

The ET competition finally gets going today, after CoD4 dominating yesterdays schedule. Have any of the teams really surprised you with their LAN form?

Muse have played well in the early stages and I think most of the other surprising results are more down to the fact that some teams were nervous and didn’t have good starting games. Those nerves should be gone by now, allowing all the teams to try and play their best.

TLR get going this afternoon, with a few back to back matches. Sometimes, when a team gets to sit down for a while and really play for a long interval, their form shoots up as well. It happened in the CoD4 tournament yesterday, do you think it could give TLR an advantage?

Not really. We have had a busy first day as well, so I don’t think that will give them much of advantage over us. If they haven’t been out partying late last night then they should be ok with their games and even if they have, they are starting pretty late in the afternoon so there shouldn’t be any problems for them.

You’ve had a chance to meet a lot of people at the LAN so far and with CoD4 being here, the place is filled with a multitude of gamers. Who have you enjoyed meeting the most so far?

We have met most of the people at this LAN before, with the exception of the CoD4 players of course. It was nice to see players like Sweden savage at the LAN though and they ended up playing pretty well considering how much abuse they have taken. So really, since this is the forth CDC not a massive amount of new people are here. The ones that are here though seem nice enough. Not really seen any strange people yet.