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I've known Ireland sol for ages and I've never met him before. So getting an interview from him had a a decent motive, as I don't have much time at the moment to walk about the event and talk to ET players. Anyway, here it is!

image: normal_PIC_0001%7E2 Finally, I get a chance to interview Europe Random. Heroes of the internet, you've decided to come and dominate the LAN scene as well. How have you found the event so far?

For me personally, I think this edition has tried to be a bit too ambitious, as there have been way too many CoD games to deal with, which really made the other games suffer. As a result, I had to play six games in a row, which is just far too much. With less teams it would have been more comfortable, especially for the admins.

It's been a busy evening of ET, how do you think the games went?

To be honest, I'm not entirely happy. I knew we wouldn't do that well, as we are basically a mix team with not much practice. I didn't think we would do amazing, don't get me wrong. It would have been nice to be fully prepared for the LAN so we could have truly shown our best performance.

The great thing about ET so far at CDC4, is that we've had some of our better teams having to really grind out wins. It's good for a spectator, as the game becomes miles better to watch. Why do you think the big teams such as Belgium EDiT and Europe np had such shaky moments?

EDiT did beat us but they weren't really convincing about it. I've seen them play better. Their good teamwork won the game for them in the end. But I don't think they'll win the tournament. Europe TLR will win. They are playing well and have become happy with their settings/surroundings. Europe np lost maps and didn't perform as well as they normally do online against EuropeTAG. The top three will be TLR, np and EDiT in that order.

Everyone has had a chance to meet everyone (well except me, I've just been stuck in this storage room with chosen and he smells) and the question always has to be asked. Has anyone surprised you with the way they've acted in real life compared to online?

I've had some flaming from Cupper in recent weeks but in person he seems ok and he's not acting like he did so online. The same goes for Sweden NuggaN, online he's mouthy and spammy when you play practice wars against him. Here he seems the complete opposite of that which was a bit unusual. I've actually had flame from shit loads of people in the past months but nobody has said anything to me at the lan.[/b]

I'd like to thank my agent Ireland herbal.