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Looking at the QW’s game, I noticed something of interest. Until now, Germany SL have not really found any sort of rhythm or form and have had some strange results with sporadic performances. Then they played United Kingdom 4kings and something was different. I don’t know how but they upped their game one hundred percent and really made 4kings look incredibly average with an excellent team ethic.

I managed to grab them, just before they headed to watch the Dignitas game.

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When I spoke to Germany urtier and Switzerland Melkor yesterday, they seemed to have no real confidence.After beating 4kings, you guys must be ecstatic. Your form is so much better compared to yesterday, why is this?

Against 4kings there was no real pressure to play a certain way. The incentive was there to really show the spectators here at CDC what we’re made of. We got really into the game and we started screaming and shouting due to the massive amount of excitement in the air. The last 5 minutes of Sewer was just pure creaming from us, I’m surprised no one complained.

Do you think your new found form is enough to challenge 4kings for the title?

They are far too good for us (Dignitas). They haven’t lost a game since December and their LAN experience simply shits all over the competition. Our LAN experience compared to theirs is really bad and our most recent LAN we actually lost to a team we should never have lost to. We didn’t have our normal line up, so that was a major issue for us. It’s really nice to get a good warm up with no pressure, that’s put us in a far better position than yesterday morning.

Who from your team has been performing very well so far? Who do you think has really improved his form for the game?

Sporty had an insane eight man kill streak, which was just crazy. chaoz also did something really cool and funny, were he ran into the enemy spawn, trying to capture it. He then had the entire six man team trying to come after him through a tiny doorway, so we tried to put up a nice crossfire with one minute to go. All you could hear from us was constant screaming as we ran about the spawn. It was awesome.