image: 2mngmea

EC is knocking on the door, as all the qualifier-rounds have been played. There were teams that had been waiting for that moment every day, only to be crushed straight away. But that wasnt the scenario for 8-bits. They have passed through the qualifiers to face Incomplete, OVERLOAd and megaPro gaming.
Today You have the chance to read Tyyrds opinions on the upcoming EuroCup for team 8-bits.

Hello, Tyyrd. First congratulations at making it past the dramatic qualifier-rounds. Your win was considered a bit surprising, but the score is clear. You beat the "estonian-meatmachine" 4-0, what are Your views on the game ? Did everything work out like planned or is there still room for improvement ?

Thanks. Well we went into the game quite confident that we was gonna come out with a result, after the win on supply we got a bit carried away and started to think we were through already. xZone showed us that we were far from qualified as they set a 6minute time on gr (not exact time). After that round we knew that we had to pull something out of the bag to actually beat the set time. Luckily the team played the best they have on goldrush attack.

Hopefully it gave Your team a boost for the upcoming matches, because EC is all about the best.
Are there any teams that You wouldnt want to see in 8-bits's group and why ?

It has definetly given us more confidence qualifying for EC as it is a cup that everyteam wants to compete in and like you said a cup full of the games best teams. I think the group were in is not as tough as the other groups but still hard. We hope to show people we can play and work as a team stronger then we have before. If we get enough practise and get a bit of luck in the matches we can hopefully progress out of groupstage.

What are 8-bits's goals on the EuroCup? Do You see 8-bits as a potential winner or is this EuroCup more for experience then achievement?

Qualifying for EuroCup was our main goal, which we achieved, but our goal now is to try and make it out of groupstages . I know we are on a good side but i dont feel we can win EuroCup as there are more exprienced and skilled teams in the cup. The main thing for us is the experience of playing the best cup going in the game.

But what if it all goes wrong? Previous Eurocups have shown that everything can happen. Will 8-bits stay together through the good and the bad ?

If we dont make it out of groupstages it will drop our confidence abit but i dont feel it will it will do anything to the team as we plan on attending cdc5. But we will try our best to receive our goal.

With that being said, I think that everyone wishes You and 8-bits good luck in the upcoming EuroCup, and as you said hopefully on CDC5. Hopefully we will see some exciting matches and amazing moments. Thank You for this great interview and best of luck in the future. Any last words or shoutouts for the end ?

Thanks for asking me to do the interview eventhough my english is quite poor :) Shoutouts to o6 and unkind who i hoped would qualify. oh and signum :)
<3 to sqzz and hype :)

It is best for the participating teams not to underestimate this truly skilled clan. They might have come from the qualifing rounds, but they have a clear chance to finish this EuroCup in the playoffs.