Interview with "lettu" from Vicious and Evil
image: oma1

Hi lettu for those who don’t know you, tell us a bit about yourself

Finland lettu: Hi. So I'm a student from Finland, who studies some computer basics and I'm 19 years old. I've been playing ET for quite some time now, from the start actually but first few years i didnt play "seriously" so after i started trying to improve my game i got to some good teams and have been playing on top for some years now.

what teams have you played for

Well to keep it short (I'm a clan hopper) negative-image was my first good team then i
moved to 141, stfu, skit-evil, sFx LAN, murso, cadre and now I'm playing with v&e.

What games other than Enemy Territory have you played over that time? Are there any other types of game you like, or are First Person Shooters your main preference?

With PC i pretty much play FPS-games only i started with RtCW and played it still when ET was out, now i have been playing Q3 CPMA and trying CoD4 but I'm not really into it to be honest.

What have been your greatest personal achievements whilst playing ET?

2nd at CPC1 with sFx.lan while there was almost every top team present and 3rd at cadreQcup with Insignia Cadre (former Negative-image) while not praccing at all and still we managed to beat TLR which we met again later and lost that time but still had a close game. I also have won OC and WL premier.

You have won the legendary teams like parodia and dignitas in EC , you have played well on LANs and playing both Eurocup and Nationscup with top players of this game quite a time already .Are there any other things you would like to accomplish in ET ( like win Eurocup or so) or are you happy with all you have already achieved?

When you have played for long there has to be some single victories from great teams i think, so i wouldnt rank winning parodia or dignitas as an achievement. Eurocup top3 spot would be great, also Finland is defending its NC gold from last season so winning Germany would feel nice. If I'm happy or not I cant really answer I havent really
tought about how well i should have done or anything, afterall im still just playing for fun but lets say I'm happy, maybe there could have been better EC finishes, too many 5-6th placings.

Speaking of Nationscup: You are facing Germany today, how have you prepared for it with finland and what you expect from the match? It will have huge coverage and a lot of people are watching it. Do you feel any extra excitement because of that big match?

We have played some praccs, mostly with v&e but we have only NC-players so its kinda the same :-) although we wont be playing with 100% v&e lineup. I think both nations are in good shape, I was really impressed while watching Germanys last game versus 3rd place finishers Latvia, they have good mix of players and lots of aimpower. So i hope we can perform good and hopefully win them, it should be a close one. As far as my nerves go i will probably have more pressure than normally in other big games but usually i feel like some pressure makes me play better than normally, aim might get a bit worse but brains start to function better and hopefully that will result in good play.

Moving onto this years EC. You are in the group with Croatia cortana,Poland fear factory and Europe ephix. how do you think your clan will perform, and what other clan do you feel have the best chance of winning this year?

We should be able to proseed to playoffs without any bigger problems, even though cortana can be a strong opponent they have been together long and have impressive teamplay and did well at last EC. This time going after top3 finish would be my personal goal, even though theres many good teams and many guys are saying this EC is alot more skilled than last one. Germany mpg andEurope impact are looking extremely strong, so isEurope kkk but they are not that active.

How about after EC has finished, are you planning to continue with v&e maybe for cdc5 and next season or will you fold like many other team will do. And whatever happens with v&e do you still continue playing ET?

What kind of questions is that, its Enemy Territory everyone folds after EC, because ET is dead after every single one! Nah just kidding i guess its too early to say, probably we wont attend cdc5 with our online only lineup, but theres some other big online tournaments to play like ESL masters and that TLR cup. So we will see after those, for players individually i have no clue, including my self.

What you think about ET's current shape in general? And what you think about this punkbuster issue and cheaters general ?

Like i said about EC earlier theres many good teams and crossfire keeps hosting cdc competitions, so i see no reason for this game to die yet. Playerbase is not that big,
but its not small either so we are ok, it has been a slow downhill for long. About punkbuster issues i couldnt believe how they can have this stringbase detection its ridiculous they were asking for someone to abuse it. It didnt take any kind of effort from nC to get those kicks done.

I cant really understand any cheaters wheres the fun playing with bot or something but then again i have seen what kind of persons most of them are "haha i owned u sucker" and then they get some false feeling that they actually succeeded in something, its sad really. Many people have just tested cheats and got busted its stupid but its more about being curious so i dont have a huge problem with those guys.

And the most important question for all your fanboys. What pad and mouse are you using and what is your sensitivity?

Im using Qpad CT large and Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical 1.1a. Sensitivity in ET is 270 degrees / 40cm.

now some quick fire questions

What is your favourite:

Hunters stake with mushroom sauce

Hyvää päivää Sitrus

Changes all the time but currently The shins

Book and Movie
i dont read books unless i have to lets say: Bible movie: Football Factory

Game (not ET)

Sweden Ozzy

Map & weapon
supply and mp40

ok thanks for interview, its time for shoutouts
thank you. Shoutouts to swine and sponsors of v&e and to clouver, /!\chmpp and for my teammates.

ps. in the aftertalk Finland lettu revealed his secret cheater list, it contained only one player: Hungary seNti