It was just a one night stand with Denmark Kenneth "FRIJEC" Jensen - okay, to admit it, it was just during a day with random and bright sunlight outside, but hell - he was able to state a few answers many wanted to get from a lan active player participating in one of the european top teams since they heard that there is a major game out there people actually do enjoy playing next to Counter Strike. The 23 old Roskilde-eSport team leader is living in Copenhagen and participated at many internaitonal and national lans already with teams such as Europe Tek9, Denmark Copenhagen-eSports and a few other, small teams, such as the unDUTCHables.
Now with Denmark Roskilde Ravens in Call of Duty 4, he attended the i33 a few weeks ago and the Crossfire Challenge at the end of February. Now the only mather is the time to see if he will lead his team to more achivements and even better rankings on the upcoming LAN events for CoD4.

What do you think about your team and your recent performance and how has it been on side at CDC5 and i33? Did you expect more at these events?
It was really nice to finally perform as a top team in Europe, we didnt expect it to happend this quick since we changed our line up in January. Our performance at CDC4 was more than approved, since we clearly overcame the groupstage and narrowly lost to Germany SK in the play offs. I did hope for a 4-6th spot at i33, but it just wasn't possible for us at that event.

In EuroCup you will face United Kingdom Dignitas in your first match. Do you expect a close fight or will it be very hard to compete against the current no.1 according to the cadred ranking?
Eurocup is pretty much a training cup for us, we're more of a LAN team than online. We're of course gonna give it our best shot, but I think it will be hard to compete against them, we've never ever played them at lan nor online yet.

what's your opinion on the boycot by Sweden fnatic against the ClanBase and their reasons behind it, do you agree eventhough you still play this probalby biggest and most major online competition?
I have to agree on fnatic's view on the matter. EuroCup is not what it used to be, back in the day it was so prestigous to play it. Now its just another cup with gamevoucher as prizes.

What do u think about other online competitions? Do u participate in the CoDQCup or the ESL major series seriously or do u take it as practise aswell?
We're in ESL Major Series, but we had to pass on this edition of CoDQCup. We have far to many cups going on at the time, so we cant really fit them all in the schedule. My opinion have always been that online is just practice for Lan and it will continue as that.

Do you think CoD4 is too active for the high level teams? How many matches do u have each week at the moment? And how important is the money for you to play CoD4?
I dont think there is too much for the top teams, it's all about pick and choose what to play. We have 3-4 matches a week and it's not too hard for us to maintain activity for that. As for the prize money it doesnt really matter for us online.

About CoD5 - Is it an end or the only way to find new tactics, improves and new teams? Do you expect major clans to stick with the new title or do you expect CoD4 to stay sky high as it is now?
I really expect people to stay in cod4, except if cod5 is so good and simular. In the cod series people tend to move on, the whole scene normally. If people put enough time in to cod4, I think it could be the place to stay for us. It doesnt seem like that to the developers, the huge sales is just another excuse to produce another edition in the series. I think there was about 2-3 years in between the series before and they should keep it that way. Normally you get bored after so long with the same maps and same teams and tactics.

So there is no improve and nothing special regarding the tactics you will be able to do in cod4?
You can always improve and perfection the tactics you got in cod4, but in time you reach a certain point where there isnt really much new to it. I do hope they will continue to patch cod4 and some day add the codtv, if they do that I think this is the game to keep. Things like wallbanging don't really extend your tactics, people are already pretty much aware of the limitations of the game.

Thanks for your time, now take on your last words if you have any shoutouts to make.
Thanks for this short interview, shoutout to all the lan heads, you know who you are ;)

If you want to find out more about Denmark Roskilde and their esport teams visit the Danish website no German will ever understand or if you don't need information, check Roskilde Ravens teaser page without any content.