Time for another chat with Tyyrd. I had an interview with him a couple of days ago (read here : http://www.xfire.be/?x=interview&mode=item&id=110) and to my surprise, the lineup changed the next day. Since he and Eirik got removed from 8-Bits’s lineup, I felt like more questions were raised then answered with the last interview. So here he is, one more time.

Greetings once again ! First of all, what happened? Just a couple of days ago we were talking about You and the future of 8-Bits and the next day You and Eirik got sacked ? What caused this flurry of events to happen ?

Hello again. It seemed I spoke too soon about my future with 8bits lol. I got a random query from hayaa informing me that eirik and myself wont be competing in 8bits anymore as they planned to make a belgian lineup, adding zeto and rafiki to the lineup. I was shocked when i read the pm, I thought the team was doing well (besides hardly ever practising), I guess it wasn’t.

Did this come out of the clear blue sky or did You have some doubts already ?

Well I felt as if i didnt have a connection with the team, feeling like a bit of an outcast. but it did come as quite of a surprise as I felt the team was happy with who and what they had.

So what happens now ? Will You be playing this EuroCup with some clan or will You be a spectator like the most of us ?

I will be competing in unKind, not in EuroCup unfortunately but a team I enjoy playing in and where all my mates are. I will definetly be a spectator, this years EC looks quite promising and should have some exciting matches. I will be cheering for 8-bits eventhough they booted me out lol.

What do You think happens to 8-Bits ? Will they be able to get used to the new lineup or is it too late, considering this is EuroCup ?

Im hoping they will play to the potential i feel they have and make it out of groupstages. The lineup change will either make them better or worse, we will just have to see.

What about CDC 5 ? Are you still interested in attending ?

Im more then interested about attending CDC5, I’m already planning on going, whatever the date. Hopefully unKind will attend and be able to compete in the competition. If not I will most probaly just go as a spectator and have a laugh with everyone.

I didnt ask You this the last time we chatted, but what are Your predictions on the top 3 at EuroCup ?

There many teams that can reach top 3 but in my opinion it will be 1st: impact 2nd:questionable 3rd: KKK

What about Premier league ? A group seems to be one of the strongest. Does it feel like it is an easy group to advance and what clans are you especially afraid of ?

I’ve only just looked at the OC groups now. I feel group A (the group were in) is easily the 1st or second strongest group there is. I feel we can place 1st or 2nd in group A relatively easy. I feel the only team that may give us a close match is :P although pstarz could suprise some people

I guess the only scenario for unKind and You is premier leagues 1st place ?

Well we are certainly aiming for that spot, although you never know what can happen. If we get enough practise in and we perform to our potential I feel we will be in the top 3 easily or even place 1st.

So I guess that concludes this weeks edition of Tyyrd's opinions :) We all wish You and unKind good luck, hopefully things will go better there. Any last words or shoutouts ?

Thanks, im sure things will get better in unKind :) shoutouts to signum, maverick, emortal (currently playing 3on3 with) unKind and 8-bits and owzo ofcourse.

Looks like Premier league just got better. Keep an eye out for unKind, because they are prepared to rock the 1st league.