Yes Ladys and Gentlemen, it's about one of the few Call of Duty 4 players with a proper crossfire profile met up to state his answers before his first EuroCup match. It is noone else but the one and only ET boy you can find: Switzerland Florian gifty Joel Gunzenhauser. The 16-years-old person who never won a major ET competition except the best rifle award by crossfire one year ago.
Playing with Europe Team Coolermaster right now, he will attend different LAN events for his newest love to add a few more achivements in his chapter. On his way to the very top of duty he told me his secret to success with his world domination plans and about the trains, bootcamps as well as future LANs for him and his mates.

You left the one and only game for most of the community to play the latest title in the CoD series, how is the game compared to ET, is it as much entertaining to play?
It's just awesome. I got a great team behind me and I haven't felt that fun in gaming for a long time. The game itself is a bit random yet as elements like spraying give the luck-factor a big importance, but I think the change for myself was good. I really do like the new type of game, including more camping, more teamplay, less spam and clutch-gaming.

You are in one group with Italy impact, known for their great achivements in cod2, and Germany SK Gaming. What does your team expect in the group?
I expect us to come further in our group. With the additions of Belgium Stevy and his brother Belgium yazzY we made a big step to a higher level. We've been praccing really hard the last few weeks and will bootcamp in Germany next weekend. There we will get through all tactics again, and of course playing like hell. Our first game will be against Germany SK who have proven themselves to be one of the top-teams around, but I think with the increase to less SMG, atleast a bit weaker.
Furthermore I really do believe in our team, especially because of my faith into Stevy's awesome sniping, haha. And about Italy impact: We've played them often in praccies and I can say that they should not be underestimated. They got great individual players and good teamplay, but as I already mentioned, I think we can beat all of our group if we play our game, I hope we can show that right in our game against SK.

Where will you bootcamp and will you meet other teams there as well?
We will be bootcamping in Remscheid. Most likely we will go there alone, maybe we can also get teams there such as Germany SPEEDLINK which would be awesome, since I rate them pretty much the same skill as us. And if we don't bootcamp this weekend , then in a week. I think Belgium roken has to look after his parents dogs these days so I hope we can fix that though.

At i33 you lost against the Candian team Canada EG. I guess it was your first loss to a team from the other side of the atlantic. What do you think about their attendence and did you get in touch with them for a few words on the amarican CoD4 scene?
They are a great team who have played with eachother for ages. They showed what their made of in the games they played, but unfortunately I haven't get in contact with any of them, no.

What are the next lan events you and your mates will attend? And after hardcore praccing in the past weeks, are you realy confident to finish on the very top?
We will attend the AEF, Antwerp Esports Festival in summer. You will also be seeing us at the events i34 in London just as the CDC5. I can't tell you now if we will become one of the best teams, lets say top3, but we're aiming for it and I can tell you that I'm really confident. Already the hardcore training the last few days showed off with great pracc-results. Furthermore we are 5 guys who will stick together for a long time, we have familiar atmosphere and that's a great base for a team.

ESWC, WCG and CGS, those are the very big esport events out there, with Packard Bell's iPower bringing atleast the attention of the ESWC a little bit closer, what do you expect in the upcoming years for CoD and its future releases?
I think CoD will grow more and more, and it's already huge how it is right now. Many more people will follow to make the things even better. I guess the big tournaments can't ignore the fact of CoD being THAT big, it will show off soon hopefully.

Thanks for your time and good luck with your team. Got any shouts to make as your last words for now?
TosspoT knows it best, fuck the rest.

Can you make your last words more sensible?
TosspoT knows it best, f**k the rest.

So you don't even have any greets or shoutouts for your brother?
Switzerland Melkor <3

Find out more about Gifty in his profile or in my profile. There is also a page for his team with lots of information about their latest ET team and the CoD4 stars(?) including our favorite caseous one: Here.