On a lonely Saturday night, i sat down in my couch at home, and i was thinking ... ( Yes, it actually hurt )

That there is actually someone out there with a great story to tell, especially after his decision to leave QuadV !

So i took some time to sit down with the one and only United Kingdom Splodge to talk about past, present and possible future (?) !

Hi Splodge, most people know you from your casts ( such as at CDC 4 for instance ) and most likely also from your Supervisor tasks some months ago at ClanBase.
But for those who dont know you, please tell us a little bit more about yourself

- Hey, im James "Splodge" Lodge from the South East of England. Im 18 next month and have been online gaming for around 3 years. I am also addicted to online poker and listening to Dutch dance radio stations.

Omg omg omg, your bday is in may ??? that makes u a twin, like meeeh ( excluded from the iview, lol ) Well, i guess i lied ;-)
- lol :>

As said earlier, you have casted CDC4 at Enschede if i remember this correctly.
Could you tell us what an experience this was for you as both an ET player and a shoutcaster, visiting such a LAN ?

- Well, I was only able to cast one game at CDC4 unfortunately and that game wasnt in front of an audience so as a shoutcaster it was a good opportunity but wasnt really that different from casting at home.
But despite that I still had fun meeting people that I had previously only talked to online and I also had the chance to see some really exciting games so I am still glad I visited.

Ok i understand, but this ofcourse still does not answer the question that i had which acts as origin of this whole interview.

I remember you asked me for a new bnc as you were planning to leave QuadV, and it has come to my attention that you indeed have decided to leave them. Could you explain our readers the whole reason / story behind it ?
- When working at QuadV I had a great time and worked with a wide range of people.
But when I arrived back from CDC4 I started to think about where I wanted and would be in the future and when I did that, I didnt see a future for myself in shoutcasting.

QuadV is a great place to be if you are an experienced caster, but for someone like me who's first LAN event was CDC4 and had only been casting for a very short time in comparison to the other members on the crew, I found it hard.

It's not that I wasnt supported, as I was, but when the games you cover are limited in terms of event coverage or their futures are held in the balance as well as the number of people in QuadV that can cover the newer games, I didnt see how I could progress unless I started learning to cast console games.
That meant I couldnt prove myself online and would have to do it at LAN where there were already lots of people in QuadV that could do the same job, often better than me.

This, in my opinion, acted a cycle where more credible and experienced people would get more opportunities and leaving very little for me apart from online coverage.
But I dont hold it against QuadV, they are a growing company and naturally want to the best job possible as it means more coverage and success for them - it just meant that I didnt fit into where they were going.

Well, then a guy like me would guess this is the last thing we see from you in a casting context, would that be correct ?
- At the moment I think you are right.
I cant see into the future, as if I could I would win the lottery every week, so who knows what the future holds.
But I wanted to progress in shoutcasting as well as covering exciting matches in the games I enjoy and, lets face it, if I wasnt able to do it in QuadV I doubt there is any other place I would be able to do it either.

Thats a shame to hear, i am sure the community will miss your casts :(.
Are there any other projects you are currently working on regarding "GAMING" ?

- Yeah, although it is sad for me too when I say I dont plan to cast anymore, I do still plan to be involved in gaming as it is something I enjoy.

The main project for me is to progress with my new company being run by me and someone I know from offline.
I dont want to say too much, as things change quickly, as well as there being spies on Crossfire such as United Kingdom bidy. But I will say that it involves a new range of MousePads and you can expect to see us officially launch in the next few months.

Unfortunately I cant put an exact date on launch due to the fact that any company in the UK wants at least 12 cups of tea or coffee before they decide to do some work for us - so naturally it takes time and we want everything to be ready before we launch.

Very nice to hear, especially from someone i know for such a long time ! Could i get the first one for free autographed, sponsored for my porn tasks ? :p
- Sure, ill even include some cleaning fluid for when things get messy!

Niiiiiice :) Well, i think i have covered everything, so i wanna wish you all the best in the future and i hope for you that your company turns out as you planned.

Thanks again for your time and for this interview! Before we completely leave iview land, any people u'd like to shoutout to ?
- Shoutout to: Anaconda, Wesbo, Toxic, Isen, Bulld0g, Kesnel, Munchies, Herbal, FaKy, tyyrd, sqzz, All of Signum (Adacore, JizZ, AziMiZ, Pansy, Bidy), Everyone at QuadV, Everyone I met at CDC4 and anyone I forgot!