We have reached Kevin "svo" de Groot TL of Komacrew.cod4, after 2nd place at Antwerp eSports Festival'08.

The Antwerp eSports Festival is the most exclusive tournament of the Benelux featuring both Call of Duty 4 and FIFA in an exciting 50,000 € tournament. Taking place from 25 to 27 of July 2008, the venue is located in the heart of Antwerp, Belgium and is no more than the Hilton hotel.

Hello Kevin, how are you after these 3 days of exhausting matches?
Hello Carlo! Well as you said, pretty exhausted. But with much joy as well. It has been a great 3 days and I wouldn't want to miss it :D

Can you talk about this experience and how your team felt after the 2nd place?
I must say this was one of the greatest events I've ever been too. The hotel, the venue, the location, it was all perfect! We had much fun together, by these events our teamspirit and feeling always grows a lot. We all are really happy with our second place in this event!

In your opinion, could your team reach the 1st place and what was the major reason that you didn’t beat Pandemic?
Well, if you can get 2nd you obviously can come 1st. I think the main reason we lost the finals is that we already lost to Pandemic in the semi-finals very close and this is why they went in to the finals through upperbracket and only needed 1 map to win. We however needed 2 to win and we unfortunately couldn’t make this happen.

The-eXperience LAN is Live, why doesn’t KomaCrew play this tournament and who do you think will win this competition?
We could not attend this event because 2 members are going on a holiday. This is way we cannot attend tex or i34, we will however can be seen again at Easybash in Holland in September.
I think Based on the matches I played at AEF I think EG will take 1st place. Then 2nd. Pandemic, and 3rd tek9.

KomaCrew reached LB 4round Live2Win league, do you think your team could achieve more and can we expect to see you in the upcoming 3rd season?
We definitely could’ve gone further in the tournament, but because of the holidays etc. we could not play in it anyway so we just saw the matches as a practice in the second season and we hope we can fully attend to season 3 again:)

The summer coming to an end, what do you expect from the next season for COD4, such as LAN etc.?
I hope more and more LANs will come follow these big events. I also hope the price money will go up a bit. In these summer LANs the 1st price is 10.000 and second price 6000. This sounds pretty much of course, but if you divide this money to 5 and some for the organisation, these aren’t much money for each player in the end. If you compare it to the amount time there has to put in to win such event.

Final, is there any message you want to share or any shotout to someone?
Shoutout to my players, the KC managers and supporters! Cya at the next event. ciao!

This was a really nice talk so I thank you again Kevin!

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