image: profile_frijec

I am happy to present a brand new interview with none other than the danish power house fRiJeC. The 23 old former Roskilde Ravens team leader who is living in Copenhagen and has participated at many international and national lans already with teams such as Tek9 & Copenhagen-eSports. He is said to be one of the biggest legends in danish gaming history.

In the first part we hear a bit about his Roskilde Ravens adventure and why he has stopped competive gaming.

Later on we hear a bit about what he thinks about the eSport scene and about danish eSport king Jens Christian Ringdal.

Hi fRiJeC, let's start with the usual procedure. Could you please Introdruce yourself for those who don’t know you yet?

My name is Kenneth and I am a 23 year old Multimediadesign student from Copenhagen. I've been a part of the COD scene for more than 5 years now, and played in few different teams during those years and the last team I played for was Roskilde Ravens.

As you mentioned your recent team was Roskilde Ravens. What happend? Why aren't you playing with them anymore?

After the-experience, Jens & me had a little meeting about what to do now. He offered me to work on a few projects that I couldnt if I was playing, it took me some time to think it through. I came to realise I shouldnt be playing anymore for various reasons, and I would enjoy working in the scene much more than actually playing.

So now you are working for Roskilde eSport, how do you think your former teammates will do with this new lineup?

I think they'll be fine. I'm trying not to concern myself about the team anymore, cos I'd just be wanting to play again.

You recently went to AEF & TeX with Roskilde Ravens. How did the overall TEX & AEF go, did it go as you expected? Better/worse?

It didnt really go as well as we planned it to. You cant really surprise everytime and we had changed lineup a month before the events, so we couldnt really expect more. We played best as underdogs and we didn't have that status at these events.

What have been the highlights of your gaming career?

I think it was either winning The-experience 2006 vs Logitech or mercing for Tek-9 at Eurocup lan in Århus and ending 3rd. Both of them was great fun. The overall hightlight must be all the awesome people I've met over the years, you all know who you are :)

How do you prefer to play: defensive or offensive?

Offensive, I'm more of a offesive type than a defensive. I've played like this throughtout the cod series. Most teams are this way in cod4, but the defensive ones were more dominant in cod1-2.

Who is currently your favorite CoD4 player & why?

Tidde, he pretty much have all the strong sides that you need to rise above the rest, and he is an idol to most of the community.

What are you goals now with RR now when you aren't playing with them anymore?

I don't have any goals with RR as I don't have anything to do with them anymore. The stuff I do for Roskilde-eSport is another branch of the business, that does not have anything to do with the teams.

LLL recently published their own european CoD4 rank list. What do you think about it?

I think it is ok, I dont have anything against it. But considering RR beat tek9 at tex and received more 900 points less than them is a bit wierd.

How do you think the eSport scene is going? Are the improvements big enough?

I think it havent been moving anywhere for a while, but with projects like IeSF it'll definately be moving in the right direction now.

There are a lot of people wanting to become something huge in the eSport scene. Do you got any good advices for them?

Hard work, just like in any other activity. I wouldnt say I've been big, but you still havent seen the last of me. Another thing is to be a polite to everyone, It's something I've forgotten lately and I'm trying to get back to it. You'll go a lot further by being polite and make strong alliance, instead of alienating the players you meet.

Jens Christian "Sarabande" Ringdal is your current boss. But he is also one of biggest persons in danish & worldwide eSport. What do you think about him as a person?

He is a really passionate and devoted person. If he gets his mind around something, you can be sure he'll achieve it. But he also used to want to do everything thing himself, but hes come to realise that it wont be possible. He is getting better at what he does day by day and I hope he'll be awarded for some day. And of course I enjoy working with him, we think alike.

Vodka or Whiskey?
chilis in a vodka for a week and you got the best shots ever.

AEF or TeX?

Favorit food?

Copenhagen or Roskilde?
Copenhagen :D (Because I live there)

Do you got a girlfriend?
Unfortunately not right now

Thanks a lot for the interview fRiJeC. I wish you the best of luck in the future. Do you got anything to say?
Thanks for the interview. Shoutout to all the lads :)

If you wan't a interview too and you think you are worth interviewing then please pm me here or use the contact methods writtin in my profile.

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