I caught up with Rafal "Wrobel" Mackowiak, captain of the Enemy Territory team Poland Fear Factory X-Fi, for an interview. Fear Factory received a direct invite to the ClanBase EuroCup XVIII and has had a long history of maintaining a stable lineup containing numerous top Polish players.

vae-Nemesis: Almost everyone in the ET community knows who you are, but others not familiar with ET might not. Could you give an introduction of yourself?

FF|Wrobel: My name is Rafal Mackowiak and at the moment i`m on economy studies. I have got two beautiful cats : Guti and Megi <3 . I love heavy metal music : Judas Priest, AC / DC and of course drinking a lot of vodka and polish beers:) I trained swiming for 10 years and also basketball for 2 years. Now my life isn`t interesting. School,friends,job and ET with my friends :)

How long have you been playing ET, and what are some of your most notable achievements?

I started my et (adventure :> ) on 2004. I won with Fear Factory X-Fi polish Lan PGA 2006, where we beat zeroPoint, Cdap pi and also Netr. With Warriors and Wolfenstein i won oc premier league on 2006. Also with FF i was two times on 5th and one on 4th place in EuroCups. With my mates we won a lot of polish lans ( smth about 10 ), but for all people we are online only so np :)

Fear Factory received a direct invite to EC XVIII, the upcoming Clanbase Eurocup. What are your opinions on this cup? The last EC was quite a mess, what do you think this one will be like? Also, with top team megaprogaming e.V. out of the picture, who do you feel has the best shot at the gold?

In my opinion this EuroCup will be awesome. We have got two top teams: Mamut and TLR with Butchji and mAus. The match between them will be exciting for everybody. Also we have got Vae, OVR and Polar, so better teams than in last season. Ye in last season our two games vs Impact and overload were cancelled because gnajda used aimbot. That was my mistake when i took him for this team. But now we are behind this and when wiesiek is with us, we can still play awesome games and who knows, maybe we can win one or maybe two games :) Of course grand final or 3rd place is our objective for this season.

Fear Factory has always been one of the best teams in ET with a very strong Polish lineup, but recently you changed the line a bit by adding some players such as Frag'Stealer and wiadro. Can you explain the reasoning behind this move, and what you expect these two players will bring to the team and ultimately, how they will contribute to your journey for the EC gold?

ye Fear Factory was always one of the most stable ET teams. I added these two players, because after few pracs i saw, we must change something. We were owning other good teams, but for TLR, Mamut, OVR we needed something better. In EC XVII wiadro showed his awesome skill and tricky rifle shots; also Frag`stealer, an oldschooler who can always play on top level. I want to have ten players in team, because I don`t want to have problem with 6 players, last time when fragstealer,some and wiesiek were off, i used Gnajda and Naga. Now we must avoid that,.. and you know why :)

Where do you expect Fear Factory will go with this lineup? Do you plan on keeping it past EC, and carrying on to other events like the Crossfire LAN?

With this lineup we want to be in top 3-5 in this season. I don`t know what we gona do in future, but i want play with this lineup after EC too. About Crossfire Lan.. We were on CPC2, where 1st and 4th teams in this tournament won vs us. Now we don`t have money for this event, ye this is POLAND and our sponsors sux. On CPC2 someone stole our banners,etc and Fear Factory will not sponsor us .If you know any good sponsors, pm me! Then we will be there for sure :)

Several members of Fear Factory played in the Crossfire Nationscup and even though you guys lost in a tight Final vs. Belgium, Poland had an amazing run. How do you think the Polish performance at CF NC will affect you guys in the EuroCup? Is there a feeling that you need to live up to and play at the same great level that the national team played at?

You are right, polish team played awesome. I was a captain and then in 3 days, CF banned me and 9 other top polish players. As you can see, without them Poland can play very, very good. About Fear Factory I can’t tell you, how many games we can win, because I don’t know. I know if we will have "normal" group and playoff tree, we should be in top 5. For last 3 seasons we were there so why can’t we do it now? National level was good, but its not same like EuroCup games. In NC we have got mixed teams , in EC Top ET players, it is really different level of matches.

Ok, time to wrap up the interview. Would you like to make any shoutouts?

Big thx for you m8, also sweet kiss for FF squad, nice and normal people from EU. Polska dla Polaków! Na berzie z nimi!!!!!

Thank you very much for the interview, and best of luck to you and your team in the 18th EuroCup!

Thanks :)

Interviewed by Canada Nemesis
Source: http://www.viciousandevil.com/hard/articles/view/id/86