Interview with CanadaNemesis of Vicious and Evil, one of or possibly the most successful junior managers within the whole ET-scene.

Introduce yourself with some information of who you are and what you do.

My name is Kevin “Nemesis” Fang and I’m from Canada. I was born in Taiwan and I moved west in 1998. I’m currently studying Electrical Engineering as a first year student at the University of Waterloo. I spend way too much time on the computer for my own good, but contrary to popular belief, I DO have a life :D I usually go hang out with my friends on the weekends, play some sports, party, etc. :P
On the weekdays I’m usually cramming homework or studying for exams, I guess life is tough but whatever. Also, I used to play basketball a lot but I stopped because I’d played it for so long, but never really got good at it and I wanted to try something new, so I’m currently playing volleyball at school. I’ve always loved playing games, but even though I played hard and put effort in I never really got noticed. However, I started really looking into my personality and looked at what sort of guy I am. I discovered that I’m really organized, I love uniformity and if you notice with my posts, if I ever have a series of journals or news posts, I copy the format and save it in my computer and I always make sure everything of that series conforms to that shell.
If I have a concrete goal or dream in mind, I’ll aim for it. As they say, shoot for the moon; even if you miss, you’ll land amongst the stars.
So that’s my story on how I got into managing :P

Could you tell me a little bit about your "job" as a manager in Vicious And Evil; what you do, why you have chosen to do it and how it feels to be one of the one of the men behind this team?

Well, I was asked by twidi to possibly consider joining Vicious and Evil as they were short on managers. I knew the team quite well; they've been in several top level competitions including CDC and EC. It seemed like a good way to advance my career as a manager, so I hopped right in and gave it a try. Pretty much I've started out by doing coverage for Enemy Territory and Call of Duty and I'm in charge of making news posts about their matches, but also I’m looking into other areas of this team such as how to get sponsorships. I haven’t quite started on that project yet, but it seems like it’ll be fun! I guess I chose Vicious and Evil because they were in need of a manager, and I was in need of a team. As to why I actually selected managing as my role in the eSports scene, I’ll be honest with you. I have always, always been horrendous at games, but nevertheless I loved them. The worse I was, the more I enjoyed it! Eventually, I decided to give managing a try, because I’ve always been an ambitious guy and I’m pretty organized. VAE could be considered an early project, since I’ve only been managing for just over a year and a half.
To be honest, it feels a little bit strange to be in such a well-known team; I mean, previously I managed pstarZ but VAE is known in several games. It’s exciting nevertheless and I’m quite eager to see what the future holds in store.

There’s always been rivalry of being most awesome between America and Europe, how do you as a Canadian with a better view of how America actually is feel about the country and its inhabitants? And tell us shortly how you feel about living in Canada.

Well, I don’t really like meddling in political issues so I’ll try to be as neutral as possible. My view on Americans is quite positive; I personally know lots of cool people from the States and as much as citizens of other nations enjoying insulting Americans and saying that they are ignorant, I have actually met some incredibly intelligent kids there. The country itself is quite fascinating; the history might not be as deep as Europe’s but it’s still worth a read. In terms of Electronic Sports, I think that Europe’s eSports scene is definitely stronger than America’s and undeniably more of the top teams in the world are European than American. I’m not quite sure what the reason for this is; I think Euros just have too much time on their hands :D
As for life in Canada, it’s freezing! We’re 2 days into October and just yesterday I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts but today I needed a jacket to prevent myself from freezing…
I always get this feeling that the States are overshadowing us; of course, earlier this year when I made the Canada All-Stars cup the community had a good laugh about this because they didn’t even think I could pull together 48 competitive ET players in Canada. But you know, having lived in both the States and Canada, I think it’s a lot quieter up here and there’s less drama surrounding the Eskimos.

What coming game are you most eager to play or see being played? Counting all games you heard being in production.

I haven’t really been following upcoming games closely But definitely Starcraft 2. There’s been a lot of commotion about Blizzard’s new game, and all its release delays… Also, I’ve heard rumors about the extremely high quality graphics so I’m kind of excited to see what the game will look like. At the same time, since Blizzard took so long to release the game, I’ll be kinda disappointed if the game turns out to be not that different from Brood Wars.
Call of Duty 5 is another game that sounds like it’ll be pretty cool. I’m not too sure about this one though; I mean, CoD4 is already pretty advanced and I can’t see anything that Cod5 would add…
Of course, I can’t forget RTCW2! I’m an avid RTCW fan so I’m pretty excited for the second edition and I hope it revives the ET community again (even if it means all the oldskool ET players will try RTCW2).

5 Quick questions:

What's your favorite drink whilst sitting at the computer?
Who's your favorite ETplayer?
Squall <3
How do you feel about mudkips?
I think torchic can destroy mudkip any day
What makes you awesome?
The fact that I'm in full control of my life and I'm only 16
What's your cell phones ringtone?
Thank god we're doing this interview today and not yesterday, it's currently "Dancing for Rain" by Rise Against. Yesterday it was... I won't say, because we're living in today.

Any last words?
Yeah, shoutout to the guys at VAE, love u twidi and squall, props to twinzzy for getting me as far as I am now, and hi speci!

Thanks for the interview!

(@ msn
Kevin says:
Thanks a lot
Kevin says:
Kevin says:
yesterday's ringtone
Kevin says:
was "Touch my body" by Mariah Carey)

Interview by dendrofil.

Nemesis profile