Recently, Sweden Måns "dendrofil" Mårtensson joined the ranks of Vicious and Evil in the Warsow squad. I managed to grab an interview with him and found out a bit about his life, his gaming career, and what he hopes for in the future. Enjoy!

Could you give a short introduction of yourself, what you do outside of gaming, and what kind of guy dendrofil really is?

My name is Måns Mårtensson, I’m 19 years old and live in Sweden. I graduated from "Upper secondary university" in June and since then I've been working part time as a dishwasher in a lunch restaurant. Except for gaming, I like doing what most others do. I play volleyball actively which takes lots of my time, due to lots of traveling around Sweden. Right now, since I only work part time I've got loads of spare time which I simply spend on enjoying life. In the nearest future, I've got plans on moving to Oslo (Norway) with some friends, in hopes of earning some more money and getting away from this place for a while. But no worries, I'll make sure our apartment has Internet when I arrive.

Are you as good at volleyball as you are at Warsow?

That’s a hard question really, I played volleyball actively for almost 10 years now and I have to say that I’m good at it, and since there aren’t as many persons playing Warsow as volleyball there’s loads of players who are a lot better then I am. But I guess I have to say that I’m better in Warsow, even though I spent much more time on volleyball. Volleyball is something I only play for fun, I know that I'm not training often and hard enough to become one of the better players and so I’m pleased with my current level.

How exactly did you get into Warsow, or for that matter, gaming in general?

I wasn’t really the kid who played 8 bits all days long at the age of 5, our family got our first computer when I was like 12 years old. But it grabbed my attention fast and I played all kinds of games. The first game I played was Starcraft, simply because I enjoyed it so much.. After Starcraft I actually had like a 2 year break from gaming, when I spent my time operating DC++ hubs and networks. Then I found Enemy Territory, went from pub to pubclan, from pubclan to megalow mixes and after like 2 years of hardcore practicing I started playing slightly competitive. I found stability and love in the clan ORDER-Gaming, where playing ET was just a part of the fun. Everything was going great, except for the fact that I didn’t develop. So I found Warsow, a game where I could learn a bit faster since I now had some gaming background. It was a game where the community was really warm and the game itself was fun in every way for me. I play a lot, and I’ve tried all kinds of gametypes back and forth and here I am now, still looking forward to at least half a year of active Warsow.

What are your goals right now in regards to your competitive Warsow career and which tournaments would you like to play in?

Unfortunately, the future of Warsow as a game doesn’t look too bright, and ever since the latest version many players have dropped out and the game became inactive when it came to ctf, tdm and even duel (there are some who play it though). I have high hopes on more activity with the release of 0.5, since I’m actually a team player, and TDM and CTF are types I would prefer to 1v1 games. However, I will continue playing the game, and participate in as many tournaments and events as possible, if there’s a European LAN coming up I’m definitely going. My goal right now is to advance to playoffs in ClanBase OpenCup and hopefully get decently placed after that.

Who is your partner for the 2v2 TDM ClanBase OC, and how far do you think you can get in the competition with them?

My partners are KILLME and Falconer, who I play TDM and CTF together with in ORDER-Gaming. Since we didn't really practice that much 2v2 TDM, which takes a whole different way of teamplay than 4v4 TDM does, I can't say we'll be able to fight with the absolute top clans. But we got lucky with a really easy group in the Premier League so our (at least my) goal is to advance to the playoffs and most likely stay pleased with that achievement, depending on who we'll face of course. Both KILLME and Falconer started playing Warsow about the same time as I did, so we’ve got less experience than most of the top teams do.

The Premier League for the 1v1 OC looks pretty tough; what’s your expectation and prediction there?

Indeed, there are some good players, even if I have to say that there is some players who in my opinion, would suit the second league better and for that matter some from Second League who would do fine in Premier. Group B is definitely the toughest and I’m very glad I don’t have to play in it. My group has a bunch of good players as well. Lo is probably one of the best duelists ever, and both loxer, um8 and lokirules are known, good players. Luckily, as many as 3 players will advance from every group, therefore my goal, as probably mentioned like 3 times above, is to make it through the groupstage successfully. Trying to name a winner for Premier League is quite hard; there are some great and well known players such as Lo and Hyrveli, but as far as I know neither of them is practicing that much. MeatBall and s4nd from Group C are two players who could fight for a top 3 place for sure and so is my beloved teammate Reload from group B. I actually have great faith in Reload, we have been, and will be, practicing a lot together to be able to do our best in this cup, and if he manages to keep his nerves cool he has a great chance of a top 3 placement. I don't want to say anything more, just to get proved wrong, so I'll let the matches speak for themselves.

Having recently joined Vicious and Evil, how do you feel about the organization and your teammates, rld and 36?

So far everything's been great, I was very warmly welcomed by the team managers and the players from other squads. Vicious And Evil is on a couple of levels higher than I've played before and I can really see how much work it takes from numerous persons to keep such a clan alive and running. It feels like it's working great though, Vicious and Evil is well organized with daily newsposts on their webpage, coverage from all their squads’ progresses and additional gaming news. I knew both 36 and reload quite well from before, we've been having some chitchats about this and that, now and then. I think I can say that I’m a good (internet) friend with both of them and I feel really good playing side by side with them. Back some months ago I played loads of games with 36, which was one of the biggest reasons I managed to develop fast since I could learn from him.

This is a completely random question, but what is your opinion on Nemesis’ ego? :)

As far as I know Nemesis’ ego isn’t much bigger then anyone else’s, but then again I have only known him for a couple of days. Already I learned to like him a lot and even if he is Canadian he appears to be quite a clever guy. I just hope he doesn’t take too much work on his shoulders with his managing career; after all, it’s supposed to be fun!

Do you have any final words or are there any people you want to give a shoutout to?

I could shout like 100 names right now, but to keep it short I would like to say hello to all my friends from ORDER, I still love you as much as I always have. One day I'll buy some mjölk for you vArgen. Also hugs and kisses to my piratez0r friends, YAARRR. And last but not least of course a big thank you for Nemesis and all the other awesome guys in VAE for being so nice to me, I'm looking forward to some great times with you!

Thank you for the interview, and good luck on your OpenCups!

Thank you!

Interviewed by Canada Nemesis