As one4one recruited their new Enemey Territory Team, I´m proud to have an interview with the new one4one Enemy Territory Captain Poland virtu.

Hi virtu, can you introduce yourself to the people that don’t know you?

Hi folks! My name is 'Thomas' and I'm 19 years old. I was born in p(r)oland and I'm living in germany (hamburg) for around 15 years already.
I'm playing Enemy Territory since 3 years, it's my first game at all and I'm still not bored of it.

What is your gaming history and how did you end up playing Enemy Territory?

My 'career' started 3 years ago (2005) as I already mentioned, after playing on public-servers for numerous months I joined the first serious team named 'unknown reality' (uR). After being on top of the ESL for some months the team split up and I began to integrate myself into the european-scene by joining the website and leaving the biggest german community-site for ET. After organizing cups and being an admin of the well known #ET-Cup and #WorldCup I decided to return to the competitive side of Enemy Territory by joining uE (ultimate eSports). The time went by and I joined a few teams, all in all I played for teams like aToOn, uE, inTro, Team-Hamburg (federal team) and some more.

What have been the highlights of your ET career?

The highlight of my ET-career is to play with the drifterz-team. They are all cool and experienced guys. I know them allready quite a long time, we even played together in a few teams. We're all very ambitious and we expect a bright future regarding the last months of the Enemy Territory, because we still enjoy the gameplay. Besides that it was a nice time at 'unknown reality', it was a successful chapter in my ET-Career and it pushed me to go on with the game!

You recently joined one4one Gaming or should I say driterz! Why 141?

Drifterz is a new formed team by me and some other guys in the roster, it was about time to create a german speaking team again, because those are not exisiting anymore. First of all drifterz was a fun-team, but the time went by and we decided to be a bit more serious and aim for the next CB-season. Due to the fact that the prac-results were enjoyable and the cohesion was really
intense, we decided to search for a multigaming-clan that is able to work with us and deliver the support we needed at that time. With 141 contacting us we were ambivalent at first, because the name itself was tortured by numerous teams and the image was not as good as it was back in the early days. In the end we decided to accept the challenge and ignore the negative points that disturbed us at first, because we think that 141 is still a multigaming-clan with a hell lot of potential. In addition we want to thank the management for the confidence placed in us, you won't regret that decision. :')

Who is currently your favourite ET player & why?

I'm not into the scene anymore, that's why I can't really say who's my fav. ET-Player. Due to the fact that I'm forced to answer this question I'll pick Germany SPU9 & United Kingdom TosspoT for their effort and their talent to bring the game to a whole new level. SPU9 was the head of the #ET-Cup, he's one the the reasons the game is still alive!

Time for some short questions

Soft or hardcore?


Vodka or coke?

Vodka... Come on, that was an easy one, I'm p(r)olish :XD

McDonalds or Burger King?

Burger King!

Single or in love?

Since very recently single.. Call me girls! :')

Thanks for the interview virtu and good luck in all your future with one4one, finally any shout outs?

Thanks for the great interview mate, it was a pleasure to answer your questions! Shoutouts to everyone who knows or ever played with me and to the Poland polish-community that is still foreign to me
(I'm ashamed because of this, but somehow I never had the chance to play with many of you guys! :XD). And of course to the interviewer Belgium varit! ;)

Regards, Poland virtu!