[img|left]http://wolfenstein-central.info/images/mistaken4.png[/img] Over the past year the North American Wolfenstein Enemy Territory competitive scene had seemingly been read it's last rights, loaded into the back of the hearse & sent on it's final ride to a hole in the ground. Long gone are most of the great NA teams of the past, replaced by random patched together teams composed of somewhat or completely unknown players. Purchased skill seems to replace acquired skill & those that earn their skill are often accused of purchasing it.

A little over a year ago TWL dropped it's Wolfenstein Leagues leaving STA as the sole NA league. Less than a year later, the NA community hub for Wolfenstein ET comp players closed it's doors for good & disappeared off the net leaving us only the comedic knock off site "Flames-Center" which while humorous, was not intended to be a replacement. It truly seem the end was eminent.

However in that time several steps have been taken by a small group of people to salvage what is left of this community. ETL was born out of the closing of TWL's ET leagues & while it's original intent was never meant as a replacement or an attempt to live up to what TWL was, it has helped to fill some of the void that was left. STA has recently entered a mind boggling 13th season & has placed itself at the forefront of the NA competitive scene. More recently STA & ETL have come together to fill the void left by ET-Center by creating Wolfenstien-Central & with the help of several players in the community, hope to reinvigorate & revive what is left of that community & carry it into the much anticipated upcoming Wolfenstein release.

The latest installment of this movement & most popular amongst Americans & Europeans alike has been FPS-Radio which has skyrocketed a person I like to consider a protege of mine, the subject of this interview, Mistaken into E-Stardom.

Mistaken first of thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to answer some questions & allow the community a chance to get to know the man behind the voice.

Anonymous Q- As much as I hate these formalities that seem to start every interview, they seem to be a necessary evil so give us the Mistaken stats & a little about yourself & what your like or into outside of gaming.

Anonymous A- I'm currently still a high school student, living in a small town on Cape Cod, MA. I used to play football at school,but now I only play rugby due to easier scheduling, and nonstop action.

Anonymous Q- In all the various projects I am associated with, I have several people who are a part of & help with those projects. You're involved in just about everyone of them. Like you most of the people who work with us on these projects are either in High School or College & as you know I always preach real life & schoolwork come first. How does all of this play into your school schedule & does it interfere at all?

Anonymous A- It doesn't really effect it much, the main thing it affects is my social life, because when your shoutcasting at 9:30 or 3:30 pm Sunday afternoon, your whole day is gone basically. I've adjusted to casting, and being involved in those various activities with WIMG(Wolf Interactive Media Group), and it really doesn't bother me that much because the people that I work with, such as yourself and Rocky are good guys, and fun to work with.

Anonymous Q- What classes do you take or major & what sort of career is in Mistaken's future?

Anonymous A- Well, when I graduate from high school I plan on taking a year or two off before I attend college, which will probably be at uMass. I plan on going for journalism and media classes, but hey, who knows after I graduate I might have a different opinion on what I want to do.

Anonymous Q- When I first met you, you & friend of yours came to me seeking help for a project you were working on at that time, Wolf-Radio. Talk a little about that experience & what you learned there & maybe walked away with.

Anonymous A- Well, that experience didn't fare too well, as it failed before the regular season had even started, but it did give me the recorded casts to send to rocky, and to ultimately land me where I am at FPS-Radio. I also learned what lines to cross, and what lines not to cross, as internal arguing was the downfall of Wolf-Radio.

Anonymous Q- I know you have a great admiration for TosspoT & what he's been able to achieve in what really started out as hobby. You used to constantly send me videos of his shoutcasts especially the one from Quakecon were he gets extremely emotional & excited. I hear an eerie similarity in your casts. Talk a little bit about that & is he, I guess you would say your shoutcasting idol?

Anonymous A- Well, obviously I have the greatest respect and admiration for TosspoT, seeing how far he has gone, from radio itg, all the way to quadv, and the success he has had with crossfire has certainly inspired me to be where I am. I would not be casting if it weren't for TosspoT and for that I am thankful to him for.

Anonymous Q- On the subject of TosspoT's success in casting, where do you see yourself going with this. In today's gaming world there's really only a couple paths you can take to success. The first being a player which let's face it there's a marginal chance any of us can achieve any kind of glory as player. The second being an organizer or admin of events & competitions & lastly would be in media coverage. Now I know you still play several hours a day, you're an ETL Admin, you're a News admin for Wolfenstein Central & you have this little thing going on with FPS-Radio. You've got your hand in all 3 pots. Thats got to be overwhelming, at what point to give up the others to focus on just one & if & when you do which path will you focus on?

Anonymous A- I would obviously love to see myself where he is in 5 years, or even after that, but I'm not quite sure where this will take me, it obviously has gotten me involved with various communities, including ETL, and Wolf Central.To answer the last question, my list of priorities right now goes in the order of shoutcasting, league admin and site admin, and I am completely stopping my gaming in ET. I just lost the interest I once had in playing ET, although it is still fun to cast and I will continue to do so. I think that if I were to continue going on in a career in the gaming world, shoutcasting would take me farther than being an admin or community poster, but those are the three things that make me feel like I'm contributing to the gaming world.

Anonymous Q- You've also had a project in the works for awhile now, a community for gamers from the Northeast US I think it was, tell us a little about that & where you stand with that now with everything that has transpired over the past month or so?

Anonymous A- Well, the project your thinking of is called the Boston Massacre. Boston Massacre is really just a local lanning team of CSS players from my area, although we wish to expand and become multigaming, I do not think that will be happening anytime soon due to my involvement in FPS Radio, ETL, and Wolf-Central. We will continue to play CSS, and LAN, but I highly doubt a site, or a community site will be going up during the 2008 year.

Anonymous Q- As far as shoutcasting goes, you noticeably stumble on your words from time to time & I'm not criticizing by any means, god knows I'd be a nervous wreck & never get a word out but, ET is an extremely fast paced game. How difficult is it to keep up with the action?

Anonymous A- ET isn't that hard to cast, if you focus on the objective. I think it is easier to cast than probably CSS,CS 1.6, or COD 4. Those games have so much camping and waiting in them that I think I would go crazy casting them.

Anonymous Q- FPS-Radio has stated that it intends to not only shoutcast ET matches but venture into other games as well. What other games are you guys looking into casting & have you done any yet?

Anonymous A- Well, I know that I am planning on shoutcasting CSS, and Cs 1.6 matches, and I would like to continue casting into RTCW 2, but that is a ways down the road. We also plan on expanding to cod4, and possibly cod5 if it goes big in comp. Rocky plans on covering Americas Army matches, which is his mother game.

Anonymous Q- Thus far you've really been the face of FPS-Radio, but there's another person behind the scenes who is a vital part of the organization , a good friend of both of ours, Rocky. Tell us a little about Rocky & your relationship with him & how he's helped bring FPS-Radio to what it is from what it was, a lonely 32 slot ETL Radio server.

Anonymous A- If it weren't for rocky, I would still be casting matches in vent to my friends. He has been a mentor to me so far in my shoutcasting career, with plenty of tips and advice, along with teaching me a lot about management and sponsorship deals. He was the one who got us the sponsorship with Primary Target, and got us upgraded from a 32 slot stream to a stream which is capable of going up to 500 slots. Last, but not least, rocky has been a good friend to me over these past few months, which have been tough on me, with all the social adjustments that have been going on.

Anonymous Q- Since you've bursted onto the scene you've had several offers from some very reputable organizations & even done some moonlighting. What's it like to be sought after by these organizations & what are your plans?

Anonymous A- Well, I have to say that it made me feel somewhat different at first, getting offers from NerdVibes radio, and Fatgames radio, who I moonlighted for. It obviously feels good to be sought after by such known organizations, but I decided to stick to my roots. I realized that if I had gone to any of these stations I would just be another caster in a grou of many, while at FPS Radio, I have a creative means of casting. Also, I believe that I need to have a manager type person, who is also my friend, which is Rocky, and also you Zombie. I mean, if you did not introduce me to rocky, then I wouldn't be casting. Also, you guys have taught me a lot about websites, and computers, along with admining Ethics, and experience that I would be nowhere near where I am today.

Anonymous Q- OK on to actual playing, you play for a few different teams at the moment & have played for some of the more notable NA teams, give us a list of current & prior teams along with any achievements.

Anonymous A- My most recent team had been fAith gaming which was a team with a lot of potential, but we had so many roster changes over the teams month long life that things just weren't happening. I wouldn't call Cross Breed a notable team(at least not for skill amüsiert), but I spent a year in the organization, playing under the ETQW, ET, and Cod4 Division. I also managed to come third in ETL Season 2 3v3, with my 3v3 team TeamCP, and I came fourth in 3v3B with Alchemy during ETL Season1.

OK onto the final trivial questions...

Anonymous Q- Favorite Map?
Anonymous A- Goldrush

Anonymous Q- Favorite team to watch/shoutcast?
Anonymous A- Excel,Button Bashers, VAE, and mamut, and BD(Pubes).

Anonymous Q- Favorite player?
Anonymous A- I'll pick a safe answer and say that my favorite player is probably a toss up between Chronic and Toxcimityyy. I've been playing with both for a few years, and we've shared so many experiences, ET Related, and just hanging out on vent that they are my 2 favorite ET Players. Out of the "pros" I would have to say that I enjoy watching winghaven,perfo, anim, alea, axcess, nozz,m@x,punkk,shaun,and raveneye.

Anonymous Shoutouts?
AnonymousA-Everyone at the Cross Breed organization, everyone who is working at ETL, and everyone who is signed up or working on Wolf-Central. Also to cody and chronic, you guys know why. To everyone I've played et with, and to all the friends I've made over the years.

AnonymousThanks Mistaken for taking the time to answer some questions & I truly wish you all the best in all your endeavors weather they be a project we are working on together or elsewhere. You have a great talent & tremendous potential.