His name is Florian. He plays Enemy Territory. He is considered to be one of the best rifles around. He has quickly agreed to do this unusual interview. So please take a cup of tea and have a good time reading Switzerland gifty's alphabet.

A like Alcohol:

From time to time I like drinking some alcohol, if I'm at some party or with friends. It can help people relax and get into a good mood, so why not :)

B like Bayern:

I LOVE Bayern. When I started playing football in the age of 5 my mum gave me a football shirt and it was from Bayern Munich, since then I'm following more or less all games and saw one game live few years ago! Friday it will be: Bayern 4 : 1 Hoffenheim

image: flopassmo9
C like CC5:
I'm looking forward to this tournament. The vibes in our team are good so I suppose we can also spend some time besides the computers. Of course I think that there are some weird people walking around, or persons I don't really like, but oh well, I guess the human isn't made to like everyone =p Gotta deal with that! After this LAN I'll most likely switch back to CoD4/5 so I'll just enjoy every minute of it and make the best out of it :)

D like Desktop:
My desktop? A picture of Brienz, a place in the middle of switzerland. (Spent my last holidays there with my girlfriend).People consider it as the most beautiful place in our little country, I might agree ;)

image: brienz08039hc1

E like EuroCup:
Ahhh, EuroCup, gotta love it! But I can't deny the fact that I've been more fancy about it in the past. Something just doesn't feel right anymore. Probably I also miss my old team zP. Although I tasted EC-air already 5 or 6 times, I've never reached the top :(

F like Fragmovies:
This is something I really enjoy. I think even when I'm 50 or older I'll still enjoy watching old fragmovies like the KiH one and others =). Also for myself I made two, two years ago. It's cool to have your own frags sorted in 10 minutes movie-memory.

G like Gifty:
Often people ask me how I came on Gifty.. Well, it's actually kinda embarrassing but on the other side my personality! When I was 11 I went to holidays with my grandparents and we were going to the forests for getting some mushrooms. Because my grandmother feared eating poisoned mushrooms she took a book with her so we could directly see what we were taking "off" the ground. The book was called "Giftpilze", on english "poisoned mushrooms". So I landed on Giftpilz, simple. Because this name was too long for the most gamers I just got called gifty and kept that.

H like Habits:
Hmm, my mum keeps on telling me that I'm a very emotional persons. I suppose she's kind of right because I often see myself as the motivator of the team I'm playing in. I try to keep the team going and in the good moments I'm the one screaming the loudest, same in the bad moments :D I think this is what it's about, winning. Of course you might say now that it's just ET, and just a computer game but it affects me also in reaching my goals in reallife. A bad habit is surely my smoking and biting off my finger nails, signs of nervosity!

I like Iuro:
When CoD4 got released iuro was my first team where I got my first experiences with the game, cool guys :)

J like Jungle Brothers:
What can I say, we're straight outta jungle.

K like Kreaturen:
Echt niet meer normaal. Really funny guys, and I felt honoured playing for a name such as Kreaturen back then, which had a great reputation in the community.

L like LAN:
It should be the dream of every real gamer to compete offline. Same for me. I could attend already LANs in Denmark, England, America and Holland (missed the PGA, my parents didn't trust Poland! ;(). My first LAN was CPC 1 in Rotterdam and damn, I was nervous! But I guess that's totally normal, you start dealing with it when you're focused on your game :) And meeting persons you've only heard of from the internet was just unbelievable. Every LAN has it's own impressions and great moments.

M like Music:
Music is besides friends, family, my girlfriend and school the most important thing in my life. Atleast it competes on the same level as gaming and football as a hobby! I listen to it whenever I can, wherever I can. At the moment I'm a bit restricted because my Ipod broke, hope to get a new one soon!

N like Netherlands:
Nice country. Enjoyed every stay there. One thing is missing though, some mountains :(

O like Overload scandal:
I must admit, I kinda missed the whole thing what happened. I know they got banned for using some bots and the fact that I didn't really like them personally doesn't make it too hard to live with ;P

P like Pressure:

Q like Quote:
Quotes can be cool during the game when the text itself fits to some situations or when they are just funny. Always good for a laugh during the game, even when it's stuff I said ;)

R like Rifle:
I don't really know why I started playing rifle but I enjoy it and my smg aim is way too weak for high level anyway :P

S like Switzerland:
Switzerland, my home. I guess like everyone else I feel proud to be from the country I come from. I'm a proud swiss eventhough I didn't control where I'll be born of course, but still. When I'm abroad and I meet another swiss person it makes me feel connected to my country and I'm really proud to live such a good life with everything I need and even more. I might make some jokes about it, yea, but I really do appreciate that I was born in a rich country and not as example in Africa. I think 'we' (our family) also took a good step by adopting a child from Brazil, (hi to my beautiful sister :)). But still, of course you can't just feel satisfied with what you did, there are still millions dying because they don't have any food or clean water which is just crazy.

T like Teamplay: Something that is still missing a bit in Epsilon :D But who knows, maybe we fix our biggest errors till the event!

U like USA:
The place of eternal freedom, right? I've been to the States 2 times. The first time I was there in 2000 with my family, mainly visiting places like NY, Boston, Florida etc and it was awesome. BUT: the second time I was there, 2006, was even more important. quakecon ! :) I've always been dreaming about quakecon before when the estonians like night etc went there in 2005 and I just HAD to go there, whatever it takes. But my parents had something against it and didn't want to let me go. After hours of talking to them I could arrange something and I had 2 weeks left to organize a team. I was basically finding all the people, in the beginning mAx, FeTTe, smutzig and kris, booking the hotel, talking with the event managers and arranging everything needed. One week before the tournament we were playing like I never played before. MINIMUM 6 hours a day it was. We mostly started at 4, playing till midnight :D But oh well, we needed it, definitely. And what I experienced there was amazing, surely my best experience I ever made with gaming.

V like Vital Jacks:
I felt like a mercenary for the EC!

W like Wolfenstein:
I basically started in the end of 2003/beginning of 2004 when I got my first PC. Took me some time till I could play on highlevel, in the beginning of 2006 with vicious and evil.

X like XP:
20 XP = first level, right?

Y like Yawn.be:
THIS was the newest shit in... 2005? :D

Z like ZeroPoint!:
The best as last, as always? :P I guess I'm the one who's the most nostalgic about these times. I said it often and will say it many times again: it was the best time I've ever had in gaming. We were a good mix of oldschoolers, rambos, teamplayers etc, everything fit. I never had so much pleasure playing ET :( I kinda miss these times, eventhough we were always 2nd after idle. Atleast fair and square and by that time it actually meant smth being the 2nd best :P

Thanks for this abc! Enjoyed spending time on this :)

Hatred, Love, Anger

image: brienz08009vq3

Peace out


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