This morning we have the first interview of the LAN so far, crossfire's beloved Malta toxic! PR manager for Impact, he gives us his views on just about everything that'll be happening this weekend!

How're you finding the lan so far?
Getting here was difficult, since i had to travel to London on Wednesday and i saw snow for the first time since 1994! It's been more organised than in the past which is great - setting up has been much easier and things seem to be going much more fluidly. Waking up at 7:30 did suck though! We just finished playing muse and all went to plan; so far so good.

How do you feel you'll be coping with the competition?
After our first match we're looking promising. Poland wiaderko played amazing and United Kingdom syK held his own, which is great for us with it being their first crossfire LAN. There shouldn't be much trouble during the group stages hopefully, but the playoffs... Our first match will be probably FiF or f2k, so we're lucky to be avoiding vae and co. I want to win of course, but top 3 is our reasonable target.

Who're your main opponents in the tournament?
People aren't really playing yet so it's hard to say, but vae, mamut, epsilon and BB are expected to be tough at least.

Which team do you want to beat more than the others and why?
mamut because I've never played them in an official, and they're legendary, so I'd like to have the opportunity to beat them.

What do you think you're chances would be against mamut?
From our practices against them they've been the most consistent of the top competition, and they're probably better than button bashers. reload and night particularly will stand out.

When the pressure's on in your most challenging games who do you think will pull you through?
Everyone will play their part, but I think Poland wiaderko because he's a magical rifle, and he's definitely proved his doubters wrong.

Who in particular do you want to see perform and why?
I'd like to see replay sleeperz perform well, since they've gone through a fair bit of trouble to be here and are having to play with 2 mercs (Netherlands ZaK and Netherlands Kitty).

Is there any particular player or team you think will surprise?
United Kingdom w3st as a player, since he played amazing against vae during the bootcamp. As a team zeroE, who're much stronger than most people think.

Which team do you think may not live up to their expectations?
I guess Epsilon, firstly because Germany butchji doesn't have a good record on crossfire LANs, and secondly dialer is gonna be hammered!

Is there any player that you think may not live up to their expectations?
Netherlands modus, because he's quite incredible online, and if he plays even close to that good on LAN, he'll get picked up by a very strong team soon. I don't think he cheats, but everyone knows it's a different game on LAN.

Who do you think you will learn the most from this LAN?
Finland Xpaz. He's an amazing player and an awesome guy.

Is there any particular player you don't look forward to playing against?
Estonia Reload, I hate playing him. He's got sick aim, gameplay, everything.

Are there any up and coming player's to look out for?
Netherlands hayaa and Netherlands modus, and generally the zeroE team.