image: interview_cc5

While United Kingdom Impact Gaming is still on its road in the Winner Bracket Playoffs Germany eiM catched up with well known Finland xpaz for a little Interview about the Lan, ET's history and some future predictions on how our beloved game will develop!

How were your last matches, are you satisfied with your and your teams performence on the cc5 tournament?
Well, it was pretty easy for us up to now. We didnt face very tough opponents yet. Even Benelux 8Bits/FiF were weaker than expected. I am generally satisfied with the team and also my personal performence but I think I can still improve.

Were there any big surprises for you, concerning teams or specific players performence?
Maybe Belgium Worm... but not any big surprise. Most people play as they do online.

Looking back into ET's history, what do you think how ET developed since your time with parodia?
Generally people aim better now and it is very hard to take down more than two guys if you are not backraping them. ET is more and more turning into a team game instead of that individuals make the difference. Not even people like Belgium mAus can own everyone nowadays. They are still making most damage but no more toal domination than maybe 1/2 year ago.

How do you expect ET and its competition scene to develop?
I dont really know. Everyones says ET will die. I think people will keep on playing ET for a long time, maybe years from now on but I am not sure about the competition scene. This will maybe tone down a bit but that is hard to say. I do not plan to play again after this lan. Also I have not followed the teams so much and i dont know about their plans. ET will stay alive for long but I dont know about the competition scene. I cant comment on that.

How do you find the LAN so far, any feedback?
Its being great, atleast for my team the setup times have been a lot shorter than on previous lans. I personally was able set up very fast. The only complaint is that its so cold and the door gets opened all the time and everyone is freezing inside when its opened. But there is nothing particular to do about that.