Not all the stars at Crossfire events are players. Doing the thankless tasks behind the scenes and not on the screens are the hard-working admins who ensure the smooth running of the tournemant.

One such person is United Kingdom unblind. Now attending and assisting at his 4th event, I caught up with him to get his opinions on the tournemant so far.

Hello unblind, how are you finding CC5 so far?

Well the LAN has been quite a lot of work so far but it's been somewhat better than CDC2 & CDC3. Unfortunately I've not has as much time to get to sit down and talk people as previous events. But everyone's always thankful for any help so that is it's own reward.

What is it you do at these events?

A little bit of everything; as long as it's technical. Maintainence of the system, helping players set-up their computers and get ready to play, troubleshooting errors and also a bit of coverage but haven't had much time.

So you've been kept busy?

Yes, very much so. With the amount of people changing between systems there are always a lot of issues that someone needs to take care of. Particularly for the first-time Crossfire Challenge players.

Is there anyone who always needs a helping hand?

Belgians. Except BB guys. Infact, I've never seen mAus in the 4 LANs I've attended.

We're reaching the later stages of the ET tournemant, who do you expect to be in the final and to win the Gold?

Buttonbashers just qualified for the Winner bracket final. I've not been following the tournemant as much as I'd have liked but from what I hear mamut have got a good chance of getting past Epsilon. If mamut do win the semi then I fancy them to win the Gold but if Epsilon beat mamut then I think BB will be too strong for Epsilon in the final.

I'm sure you've plenty of Belgians begging for assistance so I'll let you get on with it, thanks for your time!